Epic Traffic Systems Private Mastermind Forum

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This is an invitation to a free private online mastermind group for users of the Epic Traffic Systems.

If you own the Epic Traffic System and want to join our private mastermind group email me at...tradelinkcorp@gmail.com (or send me a Warrior Forum Private Message)


1) Any email address. The address is for the sole purpose of inviviting you through Ning's social network system. It doesn't have to be your primary email. But, mastermind updates and forum alerts will be sent to this address directly through Ning.

2) So that I know you actually own the Epic Traffic System, please include the dates of the webinars on the right side of the home page (just copy and paste the webinar dates).

Note: I'm not selling anything to you. I'm a user of the Epic Traffic System who also wants to mastermind with other users. We can privately share thoughts on the software and program and find solutions to our technical problems. The Ning private system is closed to people outside our mastermind group and search engines.

#epic #forum #mastermind #private #systems #traffic

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