European Mastermind Skype Call

1 replies
Hello there!

We have been running a successful Skype based Mastermind group for over a year now. Although the group started as Germans, we are now opening it out to become a European Call.

We currently meet every Tuesday via Skype at 19.30 UK time. (although we are likely to move to Monday real soon).

We are happy to welcome a few new members to this group - however we do a selection and interview process, as you must understand that mastermind conversations must be private and confidential - so we have to vet new entrants.

We particularly welcome European warriors who already have some success and something of value (knowledge based) that they bring to the group.

For example, we are introducing a new member in today's call who is an experienced Kindle seller (thus bringing valuable Kindle knowledge to the group).

Others in the group include software sellers, authors and off-line consultants, alongside passive income experts.

If you are interested then please let me know and after a quick background check we will invite you to introduce yourself to the group (after an intro - the group discusses privately if you would fit the group).

I apologize if it all sounds regimental, but the trust established within our group is so important that we would rather be extra careful.

#call #european #mastermind #skype

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