How to Generate Quality Traffic Without SEO or PPC / PPV / PPM? Read On...

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Posted this as a reply in another thread, and I decided to post this in its own thread since more members and lurkers would be able to see it and COULD POSSIBLY benefit from a traffic generation strategy that isn't frequently discussed here, which is the core of many of our campaigns since 2012...

One out of MANY ways to generate traffic to your site without SEO or PPC / PPM / PPV is called:


This is where your partner companies drive their new customers to you so as for you to provide those customers with additional benefits via your services, and for you to then try and upsell your own premium products that can serve as supplemental products to the products that those customers recently bought from your partner companies; and

Here's one out of many case examples:

Say you have a Web-based CRM product and you're targeting small businesses in the US that are looking for a cost effective Web-based CRM solution that's simple to set up and easy to operate. This means:

You can partner up with companies that offer hosted VoIP PBX solutions to small businesses in the US. This is where:

The partnership deal is for those hosted VoIP PBX providers to send their new customers to you for Web-based hosted PBX activation and setup support services; and

For you to provide their new customers with those services, and for you to try to upsell your premium Web-based CRM product that can be quickly and easily integrated into their hosted VoIP PBX solution, which can provide the same customers with supplemental benefits. With this:

For each successful upsale, your partner companies get a fixed commission. For each lead from your partner companies, you get a good chance to sell your premium products...
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