Question Regarding Personal Use Right

7 replies
Hi guys, this is Abhijit here and I have a question for you.

Now a days I can see lot of marketers are offering Personal use products as bonus to their buyers to skyrocket their sales.

is it okay to offer any personal rights product as bonus to my customers ??

Please reply ....

#personal #question #rights
  • Profile picture of the author Ben Holmes
    Since I'm no lawyer, I won't address the legalities.

    But the ethics are crystal clear.

    And I'm sure you already know the answer...

    Do you want a reputation as someone who's honest?

    Or do you want a reputation as someone willing to cheat to get ahead?
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    If you are referring to products that you did not create, no, you have no right to offer them to other people.

    That's illegal.
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  • Profile picture of the author amitdave
    Personal use products means exactly that, only you personally can use it.

    However, other products give you private label rights (PLR), and these rights give you the option to do just about anything. Put your name on it and claim it as yours, sell it for 100% profit, give it away for free or as part of a bonus for purchasing another product.

    There are many types of products you can give away, but it has to be of great value to your prospects.

    Best of Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author mynameisabhijit
    I have a paid membership account in and can see lot of premium quality products which have personal use rights only and it is clearly mentioned in their license that I can't offer them as bonus to my customers. But I can see some marketers are offering them as bonus to increase their sales. How they are doing this without any fear ? I have asked some of them and they just ignored me. May be they have some special rights.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by mynameisabhijit View Post

      I can see some marketers are offering them as bonus to increase their sales. How they are doing this without any fear ? I have asked some of them and they just ignored me. May be they have some special rights.
      Maybe. Or maybe they're genuinely naive and silly enough to imagine (i) that they can get away with it indefinitely without ever getting into trouble, and (ii) that they're not damaging their reputations? There really are some people who are short-sighted enough to assume both those things, I think.

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  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    If you want to protect your products from being used by other marketers like this then I suggest keeping them off of PLR/MRR sites.

    Not all PLR sites contain clear licenses and instead rely on the parameters provided by the author in the product.

    Many authors dump older products with PLR or MRR rights once they are at the end of their sales life. In these cases the author is dumping them for PLR to squeeze a few more bucks out of them.

    But many of these authors do not update the products. I have products purchased with a clear and independent PLR license that have strong copyright protections written into the preface of the product.

    More than a few sites sell products as "PLR" without a separate license (too much trouble) but the product itself proclaims strong copyright provisions (from 1997).

    For products like these I try to find the same product from a site that does provide a separate license.

    Resell-rights-weekly, for example, provides a clear and separate license for each product in the ZIP file that spells out what PLR, MRR or Personal Use means for that item. But many of their PLR licensed items claim a copyright in the document itself.

    I don't like Personal Use products on PLR sites.

    If I am looking to improve my own self-esteem then I am not going to a PLR member site to find that. I am looking for products I can rebrand for my self-esteem website to help others. For that I need at least MRR with the option to change graphics but preferably PLR.

    Too may sellers are using PLR sites as another market for revenue (and exposure of affiliate links) without providing reselling rights, which is the whole purpose of the PLR/MRR market. If you aren't giving away any re-selling rights then sell it on JV Zoo.

    Due to the disorganized and poorly regulated way PLR/MRR/PU is handled both by the authors and the vendors, it is difficult to know if rights violations occur out of maliciousness or ignorance.

    All you have to do is read questions about PLR in forums to see that they are poorly regulated and not standardized in any way leading to great confusion about what one can do under the license terms.
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    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      One thing I have noticed is that almost all, not all, but almost all bonuses I have seen are PLR products. So, if someone is offering a bonus that is personal use only, just type the name in google and you will probably find it at a plr site. So just buy it for around 5 bucks, then you can edit it and add your own links to it


      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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