You Don't have to Invent the 'Wheel' to be Successful in IM....

7 replies
I was making this point in another Thread here at the Main Forum ,and I thought it was worthy enough to start a new Thread about.

Back in early 90s when I was a Business Major AT UT me and my buddies were always trying to think of new groundbreaking ideas/businesses that we would start and make our first million with

One concept we came up with was called 'Beer on Wheels'. It was to be a beer delivering service for 21 and over students on Campus.

We were real excited about it , but after College we really never pursued it.

As I got older and more experienced in business, I realized that you do NOT have to come up with that Million Dollar idea that no one thought of before to find Success.

No sireeee ! There are plenty of proven business models that if done properly and efficiently over time can make you that Million Dollars and more.

Many of those Concepts can be found in the vaults and archives right here in the Warrior Forum.

Of course, ingenuity ( especially here in US) is what makes business so exciting and is what can transform many lives. So I do not want to discourage any of you trail blazers out there whatsoever.

But be safely assured to you other guys , that you do not have to invent the 'wheel' in IM to be HUGELY successful.

People have already set the Path for you. It is just a matter of you taking the step and having the courage to formulate a strategic Plan and putting it to Action

So inventing the 'Wheel' here ? No, maybe just adding your own custom rims

- Robert Andrew
#build #successful #wheel
  • Profile picture of the author 2pat
    That's will make 2015 plenty of new IM !
    Anyway Robert (discrat) you say it right !
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  • Profile picture of the author johannemcleod
    You are absolutely correct. The path is laid out. Many programs have been created and business models to copy and implement. Taking action and where most of us are failing and I am no different. Thank you for your post. I am sure many will find it very true as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author kilgore
    Originally Posted by discrat View Post

    But be safely assured to you other guys , that you do not have to invent the 'wheel' in IM to be HUGELY successful.

    People have already set the Path for you. It is just a matter of you taking the step and having the courage to formulate a strategic Plan and putting it to Action
    I agree with this. Mostly. If you look at some of the most successful businesses in the world, you'll see that they didn't "invent the wheel":
    • Henry Ford didn't invent the car
    • Coca-Cola didn't invent the soft drink
    • Microsoft didn't invent the operating system
    • Google didn't invent the search engine
    • Amazon didn't invent the online store
    • Apple didn't invent the smart phone
    That said, all of these companies -- and indeed all successful companies -- did something to distinguish themselves and their products from the competition:
    • Henry Ford buit industrial processes that were able to cheaply and quickly mass produce automobiles.
    • Coca-Cola branded and marketed themselves in a way that made themselves a household name.
    • Microsoft used creative business partnerships while constantly learning and adapting the work of their competitors to create the network effects that made MS DOS and Windows the most successful operating systems in history.
    • Google added significant innovation to the concept of a search engine making it far better than the competition and also applied their technologies successfully to other realms like email (Gmail) and advertising.
    • Amazon built upon just-in-time delivery and warehousing methods to provide its products cheaper and faster than the competition.
    • Apple took existing smart phones and added significant innovation especially around user-centered design and also managed to brand themselves as the cool, fun and easy alternative to the clunky, business-oriented Blackberry.
    So no, you don't have to invent anything. But given the competition out there, you had better offer something that your competition does not, whether it's being cheaper, faster, better, better branding and marketing, or (as is so often the case with smaller companies in niche markets) knowing your customers needs better than the big guys do.
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  • Profile picture of the author proserve
    Originally Posted by discrat View Post

    There are plenty of proven business models that if done properly and efficiently over time can make you that Million Dollars and more.

    I think the hardest thing for anyone who hasn't jumped into IM and gotten wet is getting past the possibility of failure.

    If you just look at the very business models of some of the definitely profitable IMers on the forum and do anything similar, even at a smaller scale-- you will get success. Just set a monthly expense budget of $100 (or $50 or $20 or ...) and a time budget (x hours a week) that you are willing to use up creating, testing and tweaking your offers. You will sooner or later (likely sooner) hit a small jackpot.

    Scale up.

    Example: Research what you can about how Jason Fladlien started from virtually nothing on this forum. Everything he does is marketing a known concept that is "improved" by him or given the Jason "touch".

    I do know one thing from my own efforts. You don't make money in internet marketing if you don't "market" anything.

    If you start out with a mistaken premise, it is impossible to reach your goal.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    Yes it is true that you do not have to re-invent the wheel to be successful. You DO have to know how to use the wheel - and using it really well will make you more successful as will finding other uses for that wheel.

    I like the beer delivery idea you and your friends had (probably because I like beer!) I used to work in a large office building and thought that a coffee delivery truck pulling into the parking lot everyday would have been GREAT! (much better tha the cafeteria coffee or sending someone out with an order to get.)

    Remember if you are "Marketing" keep in mind what marketing can accomplish. It is easy to think of great products that never sold because they were not marketed well and just as easy to find poor products that sell very well due to the way they are marketed.

    Usless piece of trivia - Henry Ford's maufacturing innovations were mentioned above. It just so happens that today is the anniversary of his introduction of the assembly line - at least according to the public radio show I heard this morning!
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  • Profile picture of the author svetod
    Great Point!

    You don't have to invent something totally new. You have to achieve a competitive advantage compared to the competition though. Either being faster, creating better value or offering lower price than the others. And most importantly, you have to come up with a way to make it last, so it's not just for a day or 2.
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  • Profile picture of the author kj1010
    I agree about not having to reinvent the wheel but there is a lot to be said for creating products that can improve that wheel.
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