Single Vs Double Opt-In???

23 replies
I have been using single opt-in my whole internet marketing ..and had great results
However, I recently have seen some articles about how effective..

Double Opt-in is, and it makes me question

> Will I get better results if I use double opt-in?
> What are your experiences with single/double optin?
#double #email marketing #landing page #list-building #optin #single #squeeze page
  • Profile picture of the author David Keith
    single optin every time.

    users essentially "double-optin" every time they open your emails. why make them do another step that would lower conversion rates?...its absurd.

    whats the difference between a user opening you next real email in the series and having the click a link in an email to make sure they want to get your real emails? not much really is there.

    if they don't want your real email, they will unsubscribe or possible hit the "mark as spam button".

    the only time i would consider going double optin in would be if i was having high spam complaint issues. other than that, there really isn't a solid reason to make a customer jump through an un-necessary hoop.

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  • Single optin is the way to go, you get a better response from you list, and most of the people wont even do the double opt in becuase they forget or just don't bother.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Hunter
    If you just want large list with loads of people who are not motivated and might forget who you are and report you as spam, single optin. For most part single optin is no better than scraping emails.

    If you actually want to build list that is going to be pinpoint focused and make consistent cash whenever you need it, double optin.
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    • Profile picture of the author David Keith
      Originally Posted by Jack Hunter View Post

      If you just want large list with loads of people who are not motivated and might forget who you are and report you as spam, single optin. For most part single optin is no better than scraping emails.

      If you actually want to build list that is going to be pinpoint focused and make consistent cash whenever you need it, double optin.
      lol.... you can't actually be serious;. Do you have ANYTHING at all to base this on?

      This is close to the worst advice i have ever seen on this forum. I have no doubt you mean well, but man is this some terrible advice.

      i have countless lists of single optin subscribers in numerous niches that routinely make what most would consider HUGE money with very few spam complaints.

      i have some single optin lists that show upwards of 60% open rates and we all know the real open rates are actually even higher than that due to the tracking limitations of accurately tracking open rates.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jack Hunter
        Originally Posted by David Keith View Post

        lol.... you can't actually be serious;. Do you have ANYTHING at all to base this on?

        This is close to the worst advice i have ever seen on this forum. I have no doubt you mean well, but man is this some terrible advice.

        i have countless lists of single optin subscribers in numerous niches that routinely make what most would consider HUGE money with very few spam complaints.

        i have some single optin lists that show upwards of 60% open rates and we all know the real open rates are actually even higher than that due to the tracking limitations of accurately tracking open rates.
        Sure I do. My own lists. At one point I had 5 lists totaling 8 million, and my open rates were under 10%, with single optin.

        Now I'm down to just under 900k, but I get 45% open rates. With double optin.

        And i do not believe in your 60% open rates from single optin.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    lol.... you can't actually be serious;. Do you have ANYTHING at all to base this on?
    I'm going to say no.

    If you want to lose half your subs then use double opt.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jack Hunter
      Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

      I'm going to say no.

      If you want to lose half your subs then use double opt.
      So you are more concerned with # of subs you pay to keep on your list, then cost efficiency?

      That sounds like newbie thing to be concerned with.

      I'd rather have 1 person who buys everything I offer than billion who never buy anything. I tried freebie seeker traffic and I found it to be waste of time for gains that are meaningless to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicolasmd2112
    There has been some debate over this for the last couple of years. Double-opt-in used to be the most preferred, only because it provided an extra layer of dependability on the subscriber. By having your subs confirm their subscription, you without a doubt know that they are interested in receiving promotions from them. As of recent this is debated as not as needed because regardless of a confirmed opt-in, you are still receiving a request for information by the subscriber, meaning that they do in fact want to receive offer from you. This also boosts conversion rates. So if you're more interested in building a list faster, id go with a single opt-in system.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    If single opt-in is working for you then you may want to stick to that or test the double opt-in strategy.

    Double opt-in actually reduces the number of people aren't really interested in your offer and give you just a list of people who really want your stuff.

    They both have advantage and disadvantages anyway.
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    • Originally Posted by johnben1444 View Post

      If single opt-in is working for you then you may want to stick to that or test the double opt-in strategy.

      Double opt-in actually reduces the number of people aren't really interested in your offer and give you just a list of people who really want your stuff.

      They both have advantage and disadvantages anyway.
      Yeah, single optin is working well, very well!

      However, the reason I asked, is because I am optimising everything right now, and split testing, and wanted to know if there is any point testing this..

      Based on results,

      Thank you for all comments, this has really helped me stick to single optin (With certainty)

      However, I am always open for more suggestions

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  • Profile picture of the author bluejeans
    Oh, single optin is so tempting, but double optin is proper. I know it's disheartening to see a lot of e-mail address go unverified, but in the end your list will be so much cleaner and responsive. Just my 2 cents on the matter!
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  • Profile picture of the author JensSteyaert
    That's a never-ending discussion, one both sides of the argument make valid points.

    So what it comes down to is that you have to make a decision on how you want to run your business, because you can see great success with single or double opt-in.

    What i tend to see a lot though, is the people that used double opt-in have their mails go to my inbox, the one's that use single opt-in (usually) straight to spam. So that extra step will definately get you a much higher open rate and a cleaner list.
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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    Personally since I do a lot of paid traffic, I rather get my moneys worth and keep ALL of the subscribers that come through my website. The argument against double opt in is email providers sometimes put the confirmation email in their spam folder, or the subscriber might forget to open it and confirm their email.

    To save the headaches I prefer single optin.
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  • Profile picture of the author vikash_kumar
    Long Term Relationship Based Email Marketing - Go for Double Optin
    Churn and Burn Email List Marketing Model - Go for Single Optin..

    I hope, this will help you!
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  • Profile picture of the author MuhamadEdisonA
    Actually, double opt in is very good. You can guarantee that your email list is real. But, it is so difficult to get some of your subscriber...
    Remember: Little is no problem, but it is more precious..

    -Muhamad Edison A
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  • Profile picture of the author RealCasher
    For me I see it like this:
    - Double optin => Slower list building: Better quality, more engaged and raving subs.
    - Single optin => Fast List building, lots of emails will be fake, but it's good enough to start with.
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  • Profile picture of the author Javisito
    Single Opt-In every day of the week

    It is true though that you get a higher quality and more responsive list with double Opt-In BUT...

    Here's an example.

    Let's say that you get 1000 subscribers from a campaign using double opt in and you get 2000 using single Opt in.

    The result would be.

    A: Getting 1000 quality and confirmed email subscribers.


    B: Getting those 1000 quality subscribers PLUS getting 1000 medium to lower quality subscribers...

    All in all with Single Opt-In you collect more leads in total!

    Hope this helps! :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author ninosem
    I use single... Today lot of confirmation emails go to spam, so subscriber didn't receive them. With this scenario you leave lot of money on the table.
    Myself I use single opt in and from time to time I clean my list and delete subscribers who don't open emails.
    I also state on landing page that gift will be send to email entered on landing page, so people who want to receive my gift enter true email.
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  • Profile picture of the author CharliePX
    Double opt-in will give you a chance to contact subscribers immediately and that;s probably the only benefit of using this option.
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  • Profile picture of the author AgentG
    Some more data:

    "Typically, up to 20% of initial subscribers will not complete the final confirmation step. Reasons include: people forgetting they subscribed and confirmation emails being deleted accidentally, or getting stuck in spam filters."

    Source: Single versus confirmed opt-in lists | Campaign Monitor

    I mostly use single optin as I'm willing to accept a lower open rate % in exchange for a bigger list size.
    Also, single optin results in a much better user experience for the subscriber which is important to me.

    I could totally see the 60% open rate being true. Your traffic source could have a much bigger impact on your open rates than the difference between single & double optin.
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  • Profile picture of the author Olympio
    When you get subscribers by double opt-in , it means that they are in commitment with you. Then when you start sending email about offer your conversion rate is high, better than single opt-in

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    • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
      It depends..

      I often give away older products as lead magnets I always ask for a double optin on these.

      Single optin for most other things, but I do segment and tag my lists based of the actions people take this means that a single optin can either be engaged or unengaged and they then go through different automations based on these tags

      One thing that hasn't been mentioned is that Double optins are sent emails from different servers and have a higher rate of deliverability

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  • Profile picture of the author alim11
    Bro definitely single optin this will increase your conversion and you will get more subscribers. and you only get those subscribers who are willing to be on your list. double optin put those subscribers in your list who don't want to be their. so leave them just give them report and don't let them to subscribers in your list
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