Traffic Geyser...UPDATE

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I heard about traffic geyser adding article submission to the backoffice. I think there trying to keep up with SE NUKE.

The thing about SE NUKE though is that the video submission feature takes long. You have too wait for each video to upload. With traffic geyser its much faster.

SE Nuke is still better but i think Traffic Geyser will be more comprehensive to the Newbie.

Anyone have an accounts for traffic geyser? Whats the article submission feature like? and what level of account do you need for the article submission feature is it gold membership?

I Want to dominate video marketing again. how many videos are you submitting every week or month and what kinds of results are you seeing with just video marketing alone.

Love to hear you tips and ideas

#geyserupdate #se nuke #traffic #traffic geyser #update #video marketing

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