Those helpful Clickbank people ....

by Vortex
0 replies
Hi all,

I have been in discussions with Clickbank over the last couple of days, regarding that old chestnut "hoplink theft".

Clickbank were very helpful, and I thought I would pass on their take on the matter here.

Basically, I wanted to nail down once and for all, the facts about how safe an affiliates hoplink ID is when a potential customer is sent through to a vendors clickbank product landing page.

My question to clickbank was very straightforward :-

When an affiliate uses a hoplink to send a customer through to a clickbank product they are promoting, the url of the webpage they arrive at shows like so :-

If someone backspaces out the "?hop=hopID" part of the url and replaces it with their own hoplink ID in an attempt to steal the commsions, does that mean that the original person wouldn't get commisison on that sale ?

Clickbanks reply :-

When a customer clicks through an affiliate HopLink, a cookie will be deposited on the customer's system. No other domain can set a cookie for the ClickBank domain. So, an affiliate attempting to "hijack" commissions by inserting their own affiliate nickname is not able to do so the cookie has already been deposited with the original affiliate being noted as generating the referral.

If you would like to use a forwarding domain, you can do so by adding the following script to your page.

The secret to cloaking a HopLink is to send the customer to a url of your own that quietly redirects them through the correct HopLink. We recommend using the html below. Don't forget to replace each occurrence of "YOURENCRYPTEDTEXT" with the correct values from your HopLink!

HopLink Cloaker HTML:

<html> <head> <title>Loading page...</title> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;URL="> <script> url=''; if(document.images) { top.location.replace(url); } else { top.location.href=url; } </script> </head> <body>Loading <a href=>page</a>... </body> </html>

If your web server runs php you can use this simple script instead.

HopLink Cloaker PHP Script:

<?php header("Location:"); ?>

I hope this information may be useful for people.

Success To All Warriors!
#clickbank #helpful #people

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