Want to know why you won't be successful?

3 replies
Now I'm posting this to be a positive message to those who are struggling, I constantly go through the forum seeing new comers asking a lot of questions on how to make a dime online.

I know the feeling

I know that you're frustrated about spending weeks upon months, sometimes 12 hours a day, scrolling through this forum and google looking at promising courses that will make you a million over night, or methods people offer that are out of your price range etc..

I know the struggle is real and the frustration that you feel, but I see a common pattern and that is that everyone gives up way to easy, they come into marketing with this already established belief that it is easy to become a millionaire overnight (Not saying that you can't) but that is a really unrealistic view of the marketing world.

The reason why you won't be successful is because you're inpatient and thing it's going to happen overnight, you're too lazy to learn the market and too lazy to do any hard work to make it happen for yourself because you're already under the context that it's easy and everyone else is making money apart from yourself. Trust me I know.

This was me years ago when I got into this world, scrolling through the internet constantly jumping from method to method and not waiting out any of them if they didnt make me a dime within a few days, instead of changing the way I marketed that specific way I'd just jump to the next promising FREE ebook that promised me THOUSANDS a week and when that failed, go to the next.

I encourage all of you to study, soak up information, really learn how the world of IM works, it's an art form, skill is only acquired by working on your craft. Too many people on here jump into things way to early and get lost on the way, if only they'd spent a few weeks researching what they where really doing, then they wouldn't be in the mess that they're in.

What I'm trying to say is stop being lazy and to stubborn to learn, you can expect everyone to hold your hand along the way and show you how to make a living from IM, I think I can speak to everyone like myself who makes a living online, that is was some SERIOUS hard work, it took me months and months of struggling to finally make my first $10, then what did I do? I thought if someones willing to spend $10 on this product, what will make 10 people want to spend $10 on this product, thus re structuring my landing page and advertising techniques and boom, I was off making money selling amazon products and CB products.

You nee to stop and think, find ways to make things work, study, gather information, research, if one person can make money online we all can. The difference between me & you who isn't making a dime, is I'm willing to do all the hard work necessary for my dream to thrive, are you?

This is just a rant I felt like saying, I really hope all you guys take something positive from this and really start making your online career a good one, thank you for reading.

- Last Donut
  • Profile picture of the author Fingertips
    Nice one...Your post is harsh and truthful.

    The fact is that there are no 'Push Button For Instant Cash' businesses online that deliver consistently. People who create and promote these 'Earn $1000s of $$$ very fast' schemes are constantly launching new products which earn them a pile of cash for a short time (usually about a week) and then disappear again. Product launches are all about investing a few $1000s to create a shiny new opportunity - promoting it hard, at the same time working on the next one. This is what we are up against when trying to build a sustainable business online.

    Of course this method of marketing works. There are always thousands of people who want to market online, but who haven't a clue how to start. Forums are full of questions like - "how come I did what I was told in the video but haven't had any commissions?"

    Sadly, they are the ones who keep trying the next one and funding the fast marketers. The problem is that people start to assume that all marketing is like this. .

    But there are some more long term 'ethical' marketers around who actually do what it says on the label, and are willing to spend time showing WILLING people how to put a business together. They have been through the learning curve, and probably spent a lot of money in the process. I have certainly been through the marketing mill lol. and somehow survived and kept positive enough to sit down and think it through, and put together a plan of action if I was going to be successful at this.

    I am a very slow learner and most people will understand all this much faster than I did. I probably made things far more difficult for myself than I needed to. I always do that! But the important thing is that I now know stuff.

    For me - the clue to building a long term and sustainable business is in the title. The definition of 'sustainable' is ...'able to be maintained at a certain rate or level.' and 'building' is '...construct (something) by putting parts or material together.'

    Another very important mantra for me is 'Keep it Simple' - It is very simple. Offer something of value to people in a particular niche - and target that niche with your promotion. Don't just write a blog and expect people to come running to buy it.

    If a new shop opens in town what is the first thing that happens? People get flyers through the letterbox, local radio ads, Door to door callers and free opening offers. If the shop owner just sat in his shop waiting for people (and some do!) he would be down at the Job Centre in months...

    So thanks for that realistic post.
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  • Profile picture of the author Van Dam
    Great write up Last Donut and Fingertips above.

    You both make very valid points. Some very harsh but very very true. I was in the same position in the past, wading through pages of forums, reading free/paid ebooks that promised to make me thousands and none of them worked out because I didn't give them the time or effort required. I was essentially looking for a magic formula. Luckily, I had a talk with myself and realised that I had to work hard with this or go find a job. I applied myself to learning a method that I was comfortable with and I haven't looked back since. Once you get into the rhythm of doing things it is all so much easier but you will not get anywhere if you are not prepared to lay the ground work.
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  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    Good post and it all really comes down to having a ton of quality traffic to your blog and building up the trust with your consumers. Once you have figured out how to master these techniques by offering them great content and quality products from places like Amazon, Clickbank, MaxBounty, etc. it is just a matter of constantly building up your traffic. This can take some time to achieve but if you keep working hard, adding great content and sharing it, it will happen


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