Experimenting With New Sales Video - Need Feedback Please

13 replies
We are experimenting with a new sales video format for our new training program, and since I respect all of your opinions, and know that you all give honest advice I would love to hear your thoughts on the video on if you think it would convert.

Before I give you the link I am not asking you to watch the video to buy, but to provide your honest feedback. This is just like asking a review of a sales page. So please understand we do not want you to buy this, our intention is to get feedback so we can improve on our sales video since your opinions are appreciated.

Please provide your open and honest opinions here as you always do. Thank you so much for your feedback!

Here is the link to the sales video.


Thanks for your help Warriors!
#critique #experimenting #feedback #sales #sales video
  • Profile picture of the author jeff1960
    Hey Paul nice video, I actually have mixed feelings in using this style as a sales video. Although I understand you need to tell a story I am wondering if it will sell or not over the traditional sales video that is currently being used. But all I can say as in anything just use some split testing to make sure that your covered to get maximum conversion.

    Would love to see it work for you though.

    Keep us informed as to how it is working for you so that we can benefit from this strategy of creating video sales.


    Jeff Wellman's Layoff Your Boss Marketing

    Free Video Series; Potentially Make $100 Per Day Following A Proven, Simple, No Cost, Affiliate, & Article Marketing Step-By-Step System!" http://www.fastmoneymethods.com

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    • Profile picture of the author B3n
      Originally Posted by jeff1960 View Post

      Hey Paul nice video, I actually have mixed feelings in using this style as a sales video. Although I understand you need to tell a story I am wondering if it will sell or not over the traditional sales video that is currently being used. But all I can say as in anything just use some split testing to make sure that your covered to get maximum conversion.

      Would love to see it work for you though.

      Keep us informed as to how it is working for you so that we can benefit from this strategy of creating video sales.


      I don't understand.

      You speak like you're an impartial observer but your name is in the title tags on the page.

      Personally, Paul, I saw Keith Wellman's name there and clicked back reasoning that if he's involved it's not worth considering.

      Jeff, I would imagine that since you are involved in all this Paul will keep you informed on how it works.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kevin AKA Hubcap

        Personally, I don't like it. IMO a video should "show". Instead of reciting the text on the screen (which isn't engaging and doesn't draw the viewer in) how about showing pictures of the things you're talking about.

        Of course, my opinion means squat. Test and track conversions and you'll have your answer.

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        • Profile picture of the author countonuspr

          Thanks so much for that feedback. It is exactly what we are looking for. I am rerecording one now with pictures instead of text on the screen. We are testing another video on our home page now.

          This video sales model has worked great in the past and has worked great for us. We decided to also try testing this one out with a story behind it because good copy always sells with a story, so we thought maybe we could connect with our audience with a story. I think the pictures will help a ton though.

          We are testing and tracking conversions with 3 videos to get one that works the best for us.

          Thanks again for the honest feedback!


          Originally Posted by Kevin AKA Hubcap View Post


          Personally, I don't like it. IMO a video should "show". Instead of reciting the text on the screen (which isn't engaging and doesn't draw the viewer in) how about showing pictures of the things you're talking about.

          Of course, my opinion means squat. Test and track conversions and you'll have your answer.

          Paul Counts, Host of the "Count On Us Internet Profits Radio Show"
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      • Profile picture of the author countonuspr
        .Ben your input is appreciated. Jeff just posted this to get discussion moving in the right direction.

        What do you have against Keith Wellman? The guys is a brilliant marketer, takes care of his students, provides good content, and I am proud to have him as a business partner on this product. He is a great person and a tremendous family person.

        Originally Posted by .Ben. View Post

        I don't understand.

        You speak like you're an impartial observer but your name is in the title tags on the page.

        Personally, Paul, I saw Keith Wellman's name there and clicked back reasoning that if he's involved it's not worth considering.

        Jeff, I would imagine that since you are involved in all this Paul will keep you informed on how it works.
        Paul Counts, Host of the "Count On Us Internet Profits Radio Show"
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        • Profile picture of the author Greg guitar
          Originally Posted by countonuspr View Post

          .Ben your input is appreciated. Jeff just posted this to get discussion moving in the right direction.

          What do you have against Keith Wellman? The guys is a brilliant marketer, takes care of his students, provides good content, and I am proud to have him as a business partner on this product. He is a great person and a tremendous family person.
          If what you say is true, there must be two Keith Wellmans. One is the great guy you just described. The other did this:

          Sold me a no obligation offer for some videos for $20. Then enrolls me in a continuity program for about $30 a month. The first I heard of it was the day an email arrives from him, saying he's about to charge my card as he claimed I agreed to.

          The same morning, he sends me a second email apologizing, assuring me my card would not be charged, and that the former email was sent to the "wrong list".

          Then he sends another email, also the same morning, reiterating the apology, and the reassurance that I would not be charged.

          Then he charges me anyway. I email him and call him for the next 7 months demanding that he stop charging my card. He never responds, but charges me each month.

          Finally, I take it up with my bank; they manage to get in touch with his secretary who condescendingly informs me that I ought to read what I sign up for. Pretends not to hear when I repeatedly bring up the email apologies contradicting her. Simply reverts to the mantra "you ought to read what you sign up for".

          After the call they finally stop charging me. My bank decides that I must be wrong, since she sent them an order page with the forced continuity offer on it. Nevermind the fact that I'd tried for months to make them stop, or that you can alter an order page in 5 minutes.

          I continue to try to contact Wellman. Evey email and call goes unanswered.

          Finally, I speak up in a post on this forum. That gets a personal response from Keith in less than 24 hours. He denies everything; claims I was trying to take advantage of him, and that all emails to his office always get answered, and that he had refunded me anyway, even though I was in the wrong.

          I reply that his statements were all false, and even my bank that refused to go to bat for me knows I got no refund. He gets banned, and that ends the conversation.

          I continue emailing his office, demanding my money back. They actually start responding, asking me to produce receipts. I tell I'm done jumping through hoops; they know what they charged me, especially in light of the fact that Keith claims to have refunded the money.

          I tell them the money they ripped off would be dwarfed by the lost sales the story of the ripoff would cause them. I'm not letting it go and say as much.

          That arguement finally hit home...or so I thought. On this September 3rd they told me they would send me a check.

          On the 19th I emailed again asking where my check was, as it had been 16 days. I got this reply on the 21st:

          "HI Greg,I am sorry you have not received your check yet. Our bookkeeper that we had at the time your check was to be sent out is no longer with us. I have just sent a message to our new bookkeeper to check on the status of your check. Once again, I truly apologize for this delay. I will follow back up with you as soon as possible.Thanks,EricaFX Marketing Inc & Keith Wellman's Support Team"

          I have seen and heard nothing since. I finally got so fed up with the lies, stonewalling, and stall tactics that I sent them another email yesterday in the wee hours of the morning, demanding that they pay now, but with a $150 collection fee added to (slightly)compensate me for the BS and work they put me through.

          I think the collection fee is overly modest, and I pointed out that sewer workers get paid more per hour, and I'd rather smell the sewer than the ration of crap Keith's organization has fed me.

          So far, more silence. I am going to take action beyond angry emails, and Keith Wellman is not going to like it. I tried playing nice, and I'm done with it.

          So, to sum up; he may be nice to you, his family, and even most of his students (although there was an entire thread here filled with angry posts from coaching students all claiming that he hadn't provided the promised support, and wouldn't refund them either).

          Perhaps some of his content may be good (the package I originally ordered wasn't). But there are plenty of people who have stories similar to mine. I don't know if the others are true, but unfortunately mine is (and I will back it up if you like).

          If you're interested in maintaining your reputation, I suggest that you pay attention to the stories of people who've been ripped off, instead of just denying them.

          I'll tell you one thing; the marketer who sent me Keith's affiliate link used to have my utmost respect. I still think he's a decent guy, but now I take everything he says with a grain of salt, and I resent him turning me toward this giant ripoff experience. Your reputation is precious; hooking up with a ripoff artist will hurt it (or already has).

          Good luck, and hang onto your wallet.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul2008
    Paul, I watched the first minute or two... my honest opinion is... not so good of a format. I don't need someone to read to me and show me the text on screen. Now, if you'd shown still photos of your example family... while you read the text/script, that may be more compelling. Have you ever sat through a powerpoint presentation where the presenter merely read the slides aloud? Same thing.

    I too am thinking about video, but I'm thinking about using me, standing there speaking and engaging with my audience and transitioning to examples/screen shots.

    Best of luck, I think you're on the right path with video.

    One last thing, you may want to clean up your audio a bit. The best way is to use a really good mic (not radio shack) like a Shure and run it through a mixer into a mini disc recorder... but that is an entirely different discusion. Go to your local music store and ask one of the people there for advice in setting up a small home studio, if your budget allows, tell them what you're doing with your audio on the internet. Great audio is something you never think about when you hear it, but you know 'not so good' audio when you do hear it.

    - Paul Stanely
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    • Profile picture of the author midasman09
      I realize you are trying to keep viewers as long as you can by not allowing them to fast forward to the end BUT...I think you're going to have just as many viewers click off anyway, because looking at a black screen and white letters is Booorrring!

      The first few seconds of a video is to "Sell" viewers on watching further.

      I do this with
      1) a "BIG PROMISE" in the beginning!
      2) Then, tell them what they're going to see
      3) Tell them
      4) Tell them what they've seen
      5) Ask them to "Take Action"

      Midas Man
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    • Profile picture of the author countonuspr

      I really appreciate your thoughts. We have been very successful with a different format of sales video that converted at around 6% for a membership, so we know it works, but wanted to try a story behind this one like what people do with copy, but I agree that I should go with pictures instead of them seeing what I am saying. Great point and it firms up that our assumptions are accurate to go with pictures here!

      Yeah we know video works, and was just curious on this way of doing a video where you tell a story. We will try to inform you on what happens when we change the video to have pictures.


      Originally Posted by Paul2008 View Post

      Paul, I watched the first minute or two... my honest opinion is... not so good of a format. I don't need someone to read to me and show me the text on screen. Now, if you'd shown still photos of your example family... while you read the text/script, that may be more compelling. Have you ever sat through a powerpoint presentation where the presenter merely read the slides aloud? Same thing.

      I too am thinking about video, but I'm thinking about using me, standing there speaking and engaging with my audience and transitioning to examples/screen shots.

      Best of luck, I think you're on the right path with video.

      One last thing, you may want to clean up your audio a bit. The best way is to use a really good mic (not radio shack) like a Shure and run it through a mixer into a mini disc recorder... but that is an entirely different discusion. Go to your local music store and ask one of the people there for advice in setting up a small home studio, if your budget allows, tell them what you're doing with your audio on the internet. Great audio is something you never think about when you hear it, but you know 'not so good' audio when you do hear it.

      - Paul Stanely
      Paul Counts, Host of the "Count On Us Internet Profits Radio Show"
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  • Profile picture of the author MaggieDavid
    Hi Paul,

    Watched the video with interest.

    Personally I liked the way it was presented, as you are using 2 of the 5 senses. Also you can put a picture to the words, so someone seeing this and hearing the words can put a picture of their kids, their wife, their husband etc. Thus using their imagination. VERY VERY POWERFUL! Using psychology to the enth degree - Well done.

    Have you tried using a different backgound i.e. something other than black, like a blue (Nothing harsh - something pleasing to the eye) Just a thought.

    Another idea would be to split test the concept with a woman telling it from a womans angle as well.

    Now I know some you out there reading this will say What?? But think about why I have said this.

    Hope this helps Paul. Would love to hear about the results you get!

    To Your Success
    6StarMedia - Website Design, Business/Corporate Design, SEO, Copyrighting and Website Management Services Plus much more

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    • Profile picture of the author countonuspr
      Originally Posted by MaggieDavid View Post

      Hi Paul,

      Watched the video with interest.

      Personally I liked the way it was presented, as you are using 2 of the 5 senses. Also you can put a picture to the words, so someone seeing this and hearing the words can put a picture of their kids, their wife, their husband etc. Thus using their imagination. VERY VERY POWERFUL! Using psychology to the enth degree - Well done.

      Have you tried using a different backgound i.e. something other than black, like a blue (Nothing harsh - something pleasing to the eye) Just a thought.

      Another idea would be to split test the concept with a woman telling it from a womans angle as well.

      Now I know some you out there reading this will say What?? But think about why I have said this.

      Hope this helps Paul. Would love to hear about the results you get!
      Thank you for that wonderful feedback! We are going to do a different version with more pictures instead of text for the story to see how that does for people.

      Using a different background is a tremendous idea! I forget that sometimes subtle changes can mean a world of difference. Great point!

      Also, very smart idea to run a split test with a woman telling the story and a man telling the story. We are thinking of trying that perspective.

      You have been most helpful!
      Paul Counts, Host of the "Count On Us Internet Profits Radio Show"
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  • Profile picture of the author Lutz80
    I checked it out for about 5 seconds and it seems to be just another infomercial attempt at video marketing. Sorry I dont want to seem harsh but that's what my thoughts are. Also a video should be that a video not a text video voice over. Good luck

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    • Profile picture of the author countonuspr
      I appreciate you spending the time to leave a comment on this. You are certainly entitled to an opinion here. If you watch about 50 seconds into the video we go into a story which is the different angle we are trying.

      We have been very successful with the text video voice over format. The difference we decided to try was adding in the story element instead of doing a straight sell. We know people like stories in sales copy, so we tried that angle, and are curious what thoughts are here. The feedback has been awesome from Warriors.

      Originally Posted by Lutz80 View Post

      I checked it out for about 5 seconds and it seems to be just another infomercial attempt at video marketing. Sorry I dont want to seem harsh but that's what my thoughts are. Also a video should be that a video not a text video voice over. Good luck
      Paul Counts, Host of the "Count On Us Internet Profits Radio Show"
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