where Pictures for your site?

22 replies
where do all of you get the images for your sites. like if i had a site on how to lose weight where can I get a picture of a fat guy. I cant just grab a pic from anywhere or can I?
#pictures #site
  • Profile picture of the author tom4business
    You can try any free stock photo sites. But make sure to read the license details before putting it up on your site.

    Check out this one : stock.xchng - the leading free stock photography site
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidO
    Royalty-free image sites are the answer... huge selection of professional images. You can get an image suitable for a website at $2 to $10. I use istockphoto.com and fotolia.com but there's lots of suppliers.

    If it's just a simple, everyday image you can use google images. Just look out for copyright notices.
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    • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
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      • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
        You've got a camera? Do you have a "fat" friend who would volunteer. I take all my own photos - no copyright issues then
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    • Profile picture of the author ex9to5guy
      Originally Posted by DavidO View Post

      If it's just a simple, everyday image you can use google images. Just look out for copyright notices.
      i am looking for two kinds of pictures for right now. there are tons of these pics when i google the word but on those websites its not too popular of a pic..is there away i can findout if i can use those images?
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
    I've used the free stock places but often it's hard to find what your looking for. So much easier and faster just to spend a couple bucks and get exactly what you need.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tracey_Meagher
    Try searching Flickr under the creative commons

    Flickr: Creative Commons

    There are various types of licences there. There are literally millions you can use once you credit the source.
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  • Profile picture of the author ex9to5guy
    thanks...i will check these all out
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  • Profile picture of the author designstd.com
    i use gettyimages and shutterstock
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    • Profile picture of the author ex9to5guy
      Originally Posted by designstd.com View Post

      i use gettyimages and shutterstock

      i checked out gettyimages, they have a good selection. I was a bit confused with the wording of their terms. Can you just download a picture from the site and use it on your site?
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  • Profile picture of the author designstd.com
    I usually download and use , in our country there are no rules against that

    so depending on where you live i guess .

    But as long as you do some changes to the image its not a problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author moscowmartin
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    • Profile picture of the author geolt7
      istockphoto has some pretty cool graphics n to me they are pretty affordable.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tracey_Meagher
    Photo Rack - Stock Photos has many great photos free for personal or commercial use.
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  • Profile picture of the author designstd.com
    yeah istockphoto is good too. Actually the best but i forgot to mention it .
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  • Profile picture of the author bizideas
    All of the suggestions mentioned in this thread are good ideas.
    You might also consider the Public Domain Archives.
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  • Profile picture of the author bizideas
    Here's another idea that could prove to be effective.
    Depending upon the design of your site, consider trying illustrations, drawings, gif images, line art, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Samos
    Photo Rack - Stock Photos has many great photos free for personal or commercial use.
    Thank you Tracey. Best free photos site where you can do everything you want witht hem. They have good quality fotos also.
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  • Profile picture of the author Web Junkie
    The images must be in the public domain. You should download Public Domain Sourcebook. pdsourcebook dot com for a free extensive listing.
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    • Profile picture of the author traceye
      Like many other's have said - istockphoto.com is excellent. only costs around $2 for a small image (which is big enough to put on your website).
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