Has anyone had trouble finding the right online business idea?

8 replies
Hey folks,

Just a direct question to all of you, have any of you had any trouble finding the right online business idea? Have you ever been lost in your search for the right website to start?

Please share your experiences!

#business #business ideas #finding #idea #online #online business ideas #online marketing #trouble #website help
  • Profile picture of the author RogozRazvan
    Yes and no.

    The truth is that most successful ideas are not so innovative. They are either a derivation from something else that works right now or they are simply replicating successful business models. Nobody is asking you to build a "better mouse trap" in order to succeed online.

    On the other hand, an WSO in the area of "How To Find The Perfect Idea For Your Online Business" would sell well.

    Best regards,
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  • Profile picture of the author webocado
    For me the problem is I get wonderful ideas for online business, but funding is the bottleneck
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Benjamin

    The right idea can carve out a unique lane specifically
    for you to build a business from.

    The tough part is finding the idea.

    What I've learned is the idea tends to find you. It usually
    starts with a desire you have for a product/service that
    has yet to exist or is in it's infancy stage. From there, you
    start to research that idea and see if anyone else is having
    the 'same problem as yourself'. And the idea grows from

    In my case, I trade professionally, so my search is to find
    the simplest, easiest methods and strategies to trade that is
    easily replicatable.

    If it's difficult for me to understand, it'll be difficult for
    others. If it's easy for me, it'll be easy for others.

    The methods I discover are always obvious in hindsight,
    but the simpler I need it to be, the harder it is to discover.

    Once discover I can capitalize on it for the rest of my
    career. But it can take months to find a single method
    that resonates with 'everybody'.

    Thus, the best and simplest ideas are always easy to
    look at in hindsight for anyone to say, "How did I not
    think of that?", but that's what makes it so difficult.

    Humans are complex beings by nature, yet we operate
    in our daily lives in simple ways.

    It comes down to looking at problems with the bigger
    picture in mind. Details are necessary after the fact.


    I set a goal to earn $5,000 this coming week.

    My current method of trading does not allow for
    that to happen. I would have to trade twice as
    frequently but also twice as safely.

    For two weeks I stayed focused on the goal, in spite
    of previously seeing no way to make that possible.

    And three days ago, the idea came to my head, "Hey
    Joe, why don't you just take a position when the market
    is headed in the direction you're waiting to take your
    original trade on?"

    So, I strongly believe you have to write down what you
    are looking to accomplish, focus on the goal and not on
    your current inability to reach said goal, and allow your
    imagination to creatively figure out a way to help you
    reach your destination.
    **How I FLIPPED $80 into $690 Pure Profit With ONE EASY Method...2 to 3x Per Week...Only 30 Minutes Per Day (and how YOU can COPY my RESULTS, too!) **CLICK HERE FOR VERIFIED VIDEO PROOF**
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  • Profile picture of the author dawoodkhan97
    The truth is..
    It takes time.
    We first set our goals and limits before entering any biz venture.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Originally Posted by karlstech View Post

    Hey folks,

    Just a direct question to all of you, have any of you had any trouble finding the right online business idea? Have you ever been lost in your search for the right website to start?

    Please share your experiences!

    There is no "right" online business.

    If you mean the one where you win the jackpot straight out from the beginning, that's a pipe dream.

    The right online business for you is the one you will commit to.

    Then you'll adjust, struggle, improve and make it work.

    Stop looking outside for magic bullets.

    Figure out what you want, typically in a confluence of what you like to talk about all day and problems people will pay you to solve.

    Set something up. See the results, Figure out where you can improve (Hint: there are only two sides to the equation--traffic & conversion.)
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  • Profile picture of the author texsumaiya
    Most of the time, many people failed to select the right business idea, so many people fails to his business. So one should choice the right niche. Actually if one does not try to swim, he will never learn how to swim. So one must start business, after starting the business, he will be able to gain. Without starting the business, he will never be able to know what exactly the status of business. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author JoeyS
    I think it depends on what type of online business. If you are designing and/or selling products then obviously you need to have an idea that will affect people in some way which is easier said than done. However, if you are providing a service or creating an online course, then it is easier to think of an idea as these should be in something that you already have knowledge or experience in. E.g. what skills do you have that others might want to learn? This could be something very niche if you get your marketing right. Look inwards and try to work out what knowledge you could impart that others want to know.

    Chances are if you know something, others want to know it too.

    e.g. "my ultimate guide to t-shirt screen printing" etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    No. The only thing i had trouble with was the marketing. For a long time i didn't know the math behind running a business, backend selling, and even doing email marketing right.

    If you're in limbo right now about a particular business model... go with the one that you feel you will have the most fun marketing everyday.

    But be sure to check that it's a profitable and relatively low competition niche you're entering, so that you won't be spinning your wheels.
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