Are You Superstitious About Anything With Your IM?

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I know that this may sound weird but I am superstitious about certain things in general and I find that this "bleeds over" into my IM also...

Like...I haven't been getting any sales from my site the past few days after everything rolling along great for two weeks. Once I posted a bit of a nastygram about CB after trying to check out some stuff for a fellow marketer that was hosed up, I checked my stats and "TA-DA!" I got a sale! It almost makes me want to flame CB on a daily basis! Only joking...but I guess I am superstitious by nature to a degree and wondered if anyone else was.

I do keep a lot of my IM stuff to myself since I don't want to have to deal with explaining it to too many people and part of me is afraid that if I do talk about any success that I have had that the "Internet Marketing Gods" might be displeased and I might be struck down with a run of bad luck or something...(tongue in cheek here folks..)

But are any of you superstitious at all about your Internet Marketing? Lucky colors for landing pages? Use lucky numbers or anything?

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