I have a Traffic issue

64 replies
OK gang, I've been doing this for a while and I'm too stubborn to get out, even though all the signs are pointing to it.

Here's my stats:
Over 100 videos on Youtube.
Over 100 articles on several different places.
Constantly promoting via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.
Over 50 expert interviews.

Still, hardly any traffic and my list is virtually non existent.

I could go on an on and throw a self pitty party, but I'm asking for any input/advice/guidance.

Feel free to ask me questions if need be.
#issue #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author MissWrite
    Try creating a product and offering it for free for a signup to your list.
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    • Profile picture of the author Augustinus
      Ask yourself these questions is you call to action strong enough to get attention from visitors?

      Do you promote your website to right audience?
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  • Profile picture of the author parix
    Coyotex, Wooo! that is so sorry! I friend here jokingly said join the "illuminati" Lol.
    Am just been stupid this morning ...Dont mind me.

    The truth is you probably doing something absolutely wrong you are not noticing.
    I suggest you track you post each time you set them out. Take note of numbers. If the traffic is coming but not uptin to your capture funnel... that means you are doing something totally wrong ... something need to be done to with your capture page strategy.

    I hope that helps?

    Mainwhy, I have been using short video to get lots of traffic on facebook wile i pay extremely low for each view.

    i will advice you use this method... I tell you 2016 the game will be totally different.

    Video is the future.!!

    1) How To Get Facebook Views At Extremely Low Cost. I pay 0.0002 per clicks
    Do You Want My Secrets?
    Download Your Free Copy Here Today -

    2) 90% Email Opening Rate Secrets

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10461137].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by parix View Post

      Coyotex, Wooo! that is so sorry! I friend here jokingly said join the "illuminati" Lol.
      Am just been stupid this morning ...Dont mind me.

      The truth is you probably doing something absolutely wrong you are not noticing.
      I suggest you track you post each time you set them out. Take note of numbers. If the traffic is coming but not uptin to your capture funnel... that means you are doing something totally wrong ... something need to be done to with your capture page strategy.

      I hope that helps?

      Mainwhy, I have been using short video to get lots of traffic on facebook wile i pay extremely low for each view.

      i will advice you use this method... I tell you 2016 the game will be totally different.

      Video is the future.!!
      geesh, what are you trying to say ?

      Video is not the future, it is already here. And been here for awhile.

      Anyway, I notice OP did not put down Bing as a source. It might be something you should look into

      - Robert Andrew

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Constantly promoting via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.
        This may be part of your problem, especially since you said you weren't using paid ads.

        If all you are doing is constantly promoting, people learn to tune you out. Instead of constantly trying to "drive traffic", look to create a positive experience with the only promotion being a link where people can get more. Then you can test the waters with inexpensive ads like doing a promoted post.
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  • Profile picture of the author chyan007
    Originally Posted by Coyotex View Post

    OK gang, I've been doing this for a while and I'm too stubborn to get out, even though all the signs are pointing to it.

    Here's my stats:
    Over 100 videos on Youtube.
    Over 100 articles on several different places.
    Constantly promoting via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.
    Over 50 expert interviews.

    Still, hardly any traffic and my list is virtually non existent.

    I could go on an on and throw a self pitty party, but I'm asking for any input/advice/guidance.

    Feel free to ask me questions if need be.
    First of all it is not a numbers game ,quality always trumphs quantity

    Can you be more specific ,In which niche r you in ,do you have any call to action thing ,I know you have it otherwise you would not be asking but ,

    But does your product solve any problem etc etc ,Lot of things to ponder over

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  • Profile picture of the author DannyVeiga
    PM me your website and I'll take a look and give you some quality suggestions

    Originally Posted by Coyotex View Post

    OK gang, I've been doing this for a while and I'm too stubborn to get out, even though all the signs are pointing to it.

    Here's my stats:
    Over 100 videos on Youtube.
    Over 100 articles on several different places.
    Constantly promoting via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.
    Over 50 expert interviews.

    Still, hardly any traffic and my list is virtually non existent.

    I could go on an on and throw a self pitty party, but I'm asking for any input/advice/guidance.

    Feel free to ask me questions if need be.
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  • Profile picture of the author Coyotex
    Thanks for all the input.
    Yes, I have an opt in.
    Yes, I have a free offer.
    Yes, I know I'm doing something wrong.
    No, I haven't figured it out yet.
    I'm sure it's right in front of me, but for whatever reason, traffic just doesn't go that way.
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    • Coyotex,

      Have you implemented test paid ad campaigns in significant search & display networks for your free offer?

      Have you implemented test ad campaigns via private ad space rentals in niche-relevant, heavily trafficked Web forums, blogs and other online social communities for your free offer?

      Have you tried PR distribution campaigns across significant channels for your free offer and content?

      Have you implemented test ad campaigns in relevant, heavily trafficked content repositories like Youtube?

      Have you tried guest posting campaigns and paid sponsored listings in niche-authority, heavily trafficked blogs, online social communities and other sites?
      • Deep Learning & Machine Vision Engineer: ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
      • Founder: Grayscale (Manila, PH) & SEO Campaign Manager: Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
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      • Profile picture of the author mvsu013
        Thanks for the suggestions!
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  • Profile picture of the author Anthony J Namata
    I learned something very earlier on in my online career and I will stand by this. Learn to 'fall inside the traffic.' How this works is, whatever your niche, you'll likely pick up a hot trends item on Google Hot Trends. All you need to do is to write an article in the topic people are actually searching for i.e. 'fall inside the traffic.' You'll get hits in minutes of you posting your articles. And that's all there is to it!

    FEEL Better. LOOK Better. LIVE Better. Improve energy, virility and sexual performance naturally, without using prescription drugs. AMAZING SECRET REVEALED on my blog, at: https://tojona.blogspot.com/

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  • Profile picture of the author Coyotex
    No, I have not tried any kind of paid advertising.
    I haven't tried this Google Hot Trends, but I'll be looking into it right now! Thanks!
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    • Profile picture of the author Anthony J Namata
      Originally Posted by Coyotex View Post

      No, I have not tried any kind of paid advertising.
      I haven't tried this Google Hot Trends, but I'll be looking into it right now! Thanks!
      You're welcome. Do let us know how it goes for you.

      FEEL Better. LOOK Better. LIVE Better. Improve energy, virility and sexual performance naturally, without using prescription drugs. AMAZING SECRET REVEALED on my blog, at: https://tojona.blogspot.com/

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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    even though all the signs are pointing to it.
    You already know the answer. You don't want to walk away from all that work and investment.

    One quality of successful business people is knowing when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.

    Sometimes you have to cut your losses and move on.

    I spent three months of hundred hour weeks on my first site, only to delete the entire thing and start over. Sometimes it's tough to do what you know is best.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10462316].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Originally Posted by Coyotex View Post

    I'm too stubborn to get out, even though all the signs are pointing to it.
    I like your style!

    Here's my stats:
    Over 100 videos on Youtube.
    Over 100 articles on several different places.
    Constantly promoting via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.
    Over 50 expert interviews.

    Still, hardly any traffic and my list is virtually non existent.
    That's your problem right there. Actually the great majority of people who pursue IM go through this.

    You are 'spreading' your energy all over the place and not 'focusing' on one area.

    What should you do?

    Pick ONLY (1) method for traffic, learn it. Master it! Rinse and Repeat.
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  • Profile picture of the author rakota

    I had a look at your site. Is that your opt-in, the little newsletter box on the right?

    If it were me I'd have it front and centre with a big call to action, a nice ecover for your report and a big button to click.

    You could have it in your header image.

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    • Profile picture of the author greatdn
      Originally Posted by rakota View Post


      I had a look at your site. Is that your opt-in, the little newsletter box on the right?

      If it were me I'd have it front and centre with a big call to action, a nice ecover for your report and a big button to click.

      You could have it in your header image.
      I agree, perhaps a pop up opt in...
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    What's up doc?
    Bugs Bunny? Get serious!
    Hey, I was about to go wabbit huntin' with Elmer Fudd even.
    That might work if your product is carrot juice.
    Don't take this the wrong way. Customers see cartoons and think - LOONEY TUNES!

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  • Profile picture of the author robinaraoz
    Hi Drew,

    This is what I would do right now:

    1) Sign up for a High Quality free JV giveaway related to your niche (For example: Selfimprovement)

    2) Search for the best quality product you have, it can be an ebook, an
    interview. A PLR product could also do the work.

    3) Upload that gift to the giveaway

    4) Contribute the best way you can to drive traffic to that giveaway

    If it is a high quality JV giveaway you would have no problems getting
    1000-2000 subscribers making you a nice little income.

    If this sounds complicated, or if you need help getting all this ideas
    together, let me know and I'll guide you through the process

    Best regards,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10464243].message }}
    • Is your keyword research solid? What did you use? Adwords? MicroNiche? Did you do YouTube-specific keyword research for the videos? Keyword in video name, title and description?

      Or, did you go after too ambitious a keyword?
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    • Profile picture of the author Coyotex
      Originally Posted by robinaraoz View Post

      Hi Drew,

      This is what I would do right now:

      1) Sign up for a High Quality free JV giveaway related to your niche (For example: Selfimprovement)

      2) Search for the best quality product you have, it can be an ebook, an
      interview. A PLR product could also do the work.

      3) Upload that gift to the giveaway

      4) Contribute the best way you can to drive traffic to that giveaway

      If it is a high quality JV giveaway you would have no problems getting
      1000-2000 subscribers making you a nice little income.

      If this sounds complicated, or if you need help getting all this ideas
      together, let me know and I'll guide you through the process

      Best regards,
      Thanks, this sounds GREAT, but maybe I'm not being clear. I could have ALL the BEST giveaways ever created, but without people seeing them, they are useless.

      My issue is driving people to see the giveaways.
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  • Profile picture of the author boostbrand
    Use social media (SMO) sites for getting direct huge traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Coyotex
    Thanks everyone for your help! There are some awesome ideas on this thread! I'll start implementing some and get back with you and give you updates!
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  • Profile picture of the author robinaraoz
    Hi Drew,

    I perfectly understand how you feel, and yes, you're right, most of the giveaways out there are useless.

    When I join a giveaway it has to be properly structured and you do need a proper plan to leverage that event.

    If you can combine those 2 things then you have a winner.

    Driving traffic to that event is actually easier than you think, you just need guidance:

    1) For example, one easy way of doing this is to simply create an ad on this same forum and offer enticing bonuses for joining the event.

    2) You could also just make a "video tour" of the JV giveaway (This really works)

    3) Share images and posts on Social Media

    This is some of the things I do.

    I'm happy to help you out if you need any extra guidance (I promise I won't sell you anything...lol)

    Best regards,
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel

    Many people like myself have 50-100 videos on YouTube, over 200+ articles, and if I was not doing PAID ads, my list would not grow either.

    I think that it is time that you look into paid ads like pay per click and test to see what works for you and what doesn't.
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    • Profile picture of the author redtiger
      I agree that the bottom line is really that you should look into paid traffic.

      For what it is worth I can maybe also mention something that I have noticed on the site you mentioned. The articles do not have an "excitement factor" in the intro. Journalists learn early on in their careers that you start with the news. You immediately hit the reader with the strongest fact. Your intros start far away from anything that will create excitement. You make conversation - small talk if you like. Even though the articles are well-written they do not set the pulse racing from the word go. Nice site by the way.
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  • Profile picture of the author marks2424
    I watched a video series from a place called meclabs, ( not sure I spelled that right) they are a company that looks over big business web sites and fixes them to get more traffic and conversions. Some of the things they did most people would never think of and I never thought it would work but they tested everything and were getting 25% more conversions very often. One simple thing they did was to just change the color of the site and they went on about how color triggers something in peoples brains and how different colors affected people to make or change there mood. They also said the type of font and size of the font made a big difference in some but not all cases. They took one site and moved everything around but kept the same things on the home page and even that worked because for the site they were talking about it made sense to have the little article blurbs in a different order to make the site flow better. Here is there link Home | MECLABS
    Hope any of this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Coyotex
    You folks are all GREAT! A lot of awesome stuff here, thank you!
    Robin, I'll be contacting you soon! Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author robinaraoz
    Hi Drew,

    Sounds great!

    Talk soon

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  • Profile picture of the author MouseandMice
    1) You've chosen an insanely saturated market.
    2) You've tried to compete in that insanely saturated market without truly investing money.
    3) Because of that, all your stuff stinks.

    Stop choosing niches based on what the latest "free report" tells you to choose a niche. Find a low competition niche and actually do it right.
    Forbes-Listed: "Ten Consultants Who Avoid the Bullsh*t"
    American Business Awards: Named one of their "Marketers of the Year"
    Plus: A Bunch of Other Awards and Media Placements

    ***Click Here to Join My 86k+ Followers on Twitter***
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  • Profile picture of the author megalinktraffic
    This means you are just close to your target..
    dont even think go quitting.. get going and
    you are sure to find the gold.. get a banner
    ad across the high traffic site of your own
    niche and see the conversions ..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10469923].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    Originally Posted by Coyotex View Post

    OK gang, I've been doing this for a while and I'm too stubborn to get out, even though all the signs are pointing to it.

    Here's my stats:
    Over 100 videos on Youtube.
    Over 100 articles on several different places.
    Constantly promoting via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.
    Over 50 expert interviews.

    Still, hardly any traffic and my list is virtually non existent.

    I could go on an on and throw a self pitty party, but I'm asking for any input/advice/guidance.

    Feel free to ask me questions if need be.
    Have you been using Free Classifieds Ads? Yahoo Answers? Quora? Reddit? Bing Ads? Google Ads? Facebook Ads? Linked in Ads? POF Ads?
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by Coyotex View Post

    OK gang, I've been doing this for a while and I'm too stubborn to get out, even though all the signs are pointing to it.

    Here's my stats:
    Over 100 videos on Youtube.
    Over 100 articles on several different places.
    Constantly promoting via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.
    Over 50 expert interviews.

    Still, hardly any traffic and my list is virtually non existent.

    I could go on an on and throw a self pitty party, but I'm asking for any input/advice/guidance.

    Feel free to ask me questions if need be.

    As Rory stated your issue is all of the many avenues of traffic, and NONE of them seem to be working.... I think there may be a more centerlized issue that would effect all of them, and that would be understanding if not what your desired audience is looking at, but HOW the are searching to find it. My guess would be that en mass you are not hitting the right keywords overall.

    You have content here there and everywhere.. but WHAT is on your site?
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author mamun311888
    You can use facebook, Youtube, Twitter, And other Social media and also SEO
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  • Profile picture of the author reachintan
    Focus on quality rather than on quantity...uploading content to web is just not enough...try to connect and build relationships with people on social media (Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, and Instagram)...once they start trusting or following you, the results will automatically show up...

    Chintan Mehta

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  • Lovely discussing.
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    • Profile picture of the author parix
      You Can email 1,000 Subscribers in 5 minutes for FREE?

      Don't worry, I am keeping my promise!
      The safelist that I use is called ListJoe.

      They have been around for YEARS, but have revamped their entire system and they're better now than ever before.

      When you signup at ListJoe, they give you 1,000 CREDITS FREE,
      IMMEDIATELY! So you can INSTANTLY EMAIL 1,000 of their
      members with your offer or whatever.

      You can send an email to 1,000 members EVERY WEEK, FREE!
      It's basically a FREE solo ad to 1,000 marketers, every week!

      You can use it to:
      • Test Your Offer(s)
      • Build Your List
      • Make Sales or Affiliate Commissions
      • Get Traffic to Any Website

      You will find this helpful in term of traffic

      1) How To Get Facebook Views At Extremely Low Cost. I pay 0.0002 per clicks
      Do You Want My Secrets?
      Download Your Free Copy Here Today -

      2) 90% Email Opening Rate Secrets

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10470270].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author omer0
    First you should understand your target audience. Try giving free contents away, diversify your ad. Improve your sales page. Create a friendly character. Pay for twitter ads 65% click on twitter ads. People don't realize the conversions of microblogs
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  • Profile picture of the author Coyotex
    WoW! This thread is loaded with great ideas! Thank you all!
    To answer a few questions:

    When I do the Facebook thing, I not just promoting links, I'm engaging others, I'm posting info about my fitness stuff and my life stuff. I take the approach of "two people sitting at a bar just enjoying life and conversation"

    Twitter: I'll admit, I don't understand twitter. I've been with it for years but it makes no sense to me. It seems the people I follow that just have conversation are just that, keyboard jockeys. They don't do anything but have conversations via twitter. In other words, they don't have a business. The people that do have a business don't engage in conversations. So, again....I don't get twitter.

    I've just started with LinkedIN so I'm still trying to figure it out.

    I have no issues making videos. Matter of fact, I actually enjoy it. But,without anyone viewing them, I'm finding it more and more "less motivating" to keep doing them. If that makes any sense.

    Writing for me is not an issue, I can whip out written content in no time.

    I'll be honest, I have a real hard time with paid advertising as I've been burned by that route before and lost a bunch of money with the same results I have now. So, paid advertising just isn't something I'm willing to dive into again. That, and the fact there are WAY too many people getting traffic without paid advertising.

    I do want to stress, I'm not throwing a pitty-party for myself, I'm just frustrated as all get out because I can do just about everything when it comes to this internet stuff except drive traffic (i.e.Effective Marketing), which seems to be the biggest part and which is the main thing that counts.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by Coyotex View Post

      WoW! This thread is loaded with great ideas! Thank you all!
      To answer a few questions:

      When I do the Facebook thing, I not just promoting links, I'm engaging others, I'm posting info about my fitness stuff and my life stuff. I take the approach of "two people sitting at a bar just enjoying life and conversation"

      Twitter: I'll admit, I don't understand twitter. I've been with it for years but it makes no sense to me. It seems the people I follow that just have conversation are just that, keyboard jockeys. They don't do anything but have conversations via twitter. In other words, they don't have a business. The people that do have a business don't engage in conversations. So, again....I don't get twitter.

      I've just started with LinkedIN so I'm still trying to figure it out.

      I have no issues making videos. Matter of fact, I actually enjoy it. But,without anyone viewing them, I'm finding it more and more "less motivating" to keep doing them. If that makes any sense.

      Writing for me is not an issue, I can whip out written content in no time.

      I'll be honest, I have a real hard time with paid advertising as I've been burned by that route before and lost a bunch of money with the same results I have now. So, paid advertising just isn't something I'm willing to dive into again. That, and the fact there are WAY too many people getting traffic without paid advertising.

      I do want to stress, I'm not throwing a pitty-party for myself, I'm just frustrated as all get out because I can do just about everything when it comes to this internet stuff except drive traffic (i.e.Effective Marketing), which seems to be the biggest part and which is the main thing that counts.
      Yep...without traffic nothing else matters.

      You said you have over 100 videos on Youtube. Are they getting views but not sending traffic to your site? Or is it that they aren't getting any views? Are your videos any good?

      If they aren't getting views, go back and change the keywords you optimized the videos for. It can take a week or two for Youtube to reflect any changes. But if you aren't getting views for the keywords you are presently targeting, change them.

      Make playlists of your own videos, as well as adding your videos to playlists that include other popular videos in your niche. Playlists can and do rank in YT search results. Optimize your playlist titles and descriptions. Playlists don't use tags. And most people don't optimize their playlists.
      Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
      Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jorgan
    unless you want to use some crappy mail exchange system such as Bweeble(that can be put to good use in few cases, most of which are blackhat)
    I think that your best bet to convert your visitors into mailing list is to give something for free, something that looks like 100$ at first glance but you are giving it away just for subscribing to your list.
    And please dont search for too many information from your visitors.
    If you search for name, email, address of living or phone(other info), you may be surprised to find only few enter the required info and hit the magic subscribe button.

    Instead only tell your visitors to give you their email (nothing more), also send their download link via auto-responder because many may try and enter crappy/not-existing email just so they can get faster to the goody !

    Best of Luck in Your Future Adventures
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  • Profile picture of the author steady0132
    If you want a hit of on demand traffic then paid traffic is the way forward, unfortunately...

    Facebook Ads,

    Solo Ads

    Bing Ads...

    Whichever - they all work....

    I would agree with Kurt and say your videos may need a few tweaks for the YouTube search engine.. Choose better keywords. Make sure your keywords are in the video title. Rename your video file your keywords before you upload. Make sure your keywords are in the first line of your description box... There's many elements of ranking YouTube videos... I'm no master at it myself but I believe all the above stuff will only help your chances of ranking videos and getting more views

    Hope this helps,


    Grab My Free $668 Per Day Commission Making Report...


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  • Profile picture of the author superninjacashmachine
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4

      I looked at your site.. there are without question some shortcomings. lets look athttp://topfitnessstrategies.com/who-weve-interviewed-2/ for a moment. a collection of images ( the people you interviewed ) Yes I can see the name if I roll over the image.. but where is the link to the interview?

      I have only briefly looked at your site, and your #1 issue is what is called User Experience or UX. Its just kind of clunky to get around.. "the Vault" is your collection of interviews.. but you get there and there is no clear text indicating that it is indeed the right page. Maybe something like "THE VAULT - our collection of personal 1 on 1 interviews" anything that says Yeah Im on the right page.

      How do you get to your "Blog" other than the recent post section of the right sidebar?

      upper right corner "Become a fitness insider" with a down arrow... a down arrow to what? "Weekly Workout Enhancement"? I would say 99% of the time when I want to create a list conversion with a side bar element I will do 2 things. Create your standard subscribe box ( with a compelling message to engage with you. "Become a fitness insider by joining my newsletter" and then you want that element on your page to have some zing so a code enhancement such as:
      #mc_embed_signup form {
             background: red;
      will pop that right off the page.

      The second thing I do is create a graphic that creates an offer to join my newsletter. So something like - get my list of 10 obstacles most people share to get healthy <click here> and then send that to a "Sales" page.. what's in the report what to expect in the weeks to come enter your name and e-mail here please.

      Success is the development of ALL of these little things, and I will bet through out your online efforts its these little things that are skipping you up.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
    just keep on trying consistency is key here
    ====>READY To Be Successful Online? FIND OUT more!?<====
    You FAIL online because you have the WRONG information.....
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  • Profile picture of the author Coyotex
    Awesome stuff gang! Thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Coyotex
    Savidge4, thanks for the great info! I've change "The Vault" a bit and added more verbage to that page. I've also changed the sidebar, added an image and gave a bit of direction. As for adding that color code, I'm not sure how to do that, but I'll play around with it. Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author karlstech
    It seems like you've already looked over most traffic-generation methods, so I don't really have anything productive to add to this discussion other than this I guess:

    Try to get in touch with the veterans and established bloggers of your market. If you have something genuinely valuable to offer people then these bloggers/business owners might just consider mentioning you or allowing you to guest post on their sites.

    I haven't read all of your responses here, but befriending the competition is often a great way of making it somewhere.

    Good luck anyway, and have a look at this thread here on the WF!
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  • Profile picture of the author TrafficFlow
    I could be you in 6 months (as I am about to embark on making a lot of videos and articles) so I'm glad you are going to be the guinea pig. But if I were in your shoes I would hire an expert Internet Marketer to figure things out and pay him a fixed fee. While the advice given here is helpful there is nothing like having an expert take a hands on approach and solve your traffic problem.
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    • Profile picture of the author MikeVietri

      There are many tricks and strategies out there that you can implement.

      But I believe that at the reason behind of every struggling online bussiness
      goes back to having the wrong mentally when marketing radar than some other X
      factors like traffic or conversions.

      People get way too caught up in the numbers, analytics, traffic, conversions and other things like that.

      The proablem with focusing on "traffic" or on "conversions" and so on, when marketing is that you lose track of the fact that you are communicating with real people who have real proablems they need to solve.

      Your job as an internet marketer is to provide useful solutions to your target audience.

      It is NOT to crank out video after video hoping that at least some people will view them, or writing countless articles and submitting them everywhere.

      You need to make helping people your number one priority, and you need to forget about making money, or even driving traffic!

      When you take on this helper mentally it WILL show in your marketing, and people will sense, feel, and know that you are coming from a place of helping them, rather than from a place of trying to get them on to your site or to your offer.

      The second an individual gets great value from you, that person puts thier guard down and then and only then, they can open up to what you have to say and offer because they view you as someone who knows something they want to know.

      Once that person begins to view you in that way he or she, will do everything in thier power to learn more about YOU and how YOU can help them.

      And when you get to that point with your audience, making money online becomes really easy, but you must first come from a place of helping them.

      I recommend that instead of making many videos, you just make one really good video every two weeks or so, make that video that best possible video you can make.

      Fill it with valuable information that your target audience will want to consume, take extra time in making it easy to understand, research every about it, give them quotes, stats, charts, pictures, make it super entertaining.

      Provide massive value to people, and those people will be lining up to give you thier money

      It really is common sense.

      Hoped that helped

      Mike Vietri
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  • Profile picture of the author Coyotex
    Mike Vietri, yes it does make sense. But you're still not addressing the issue. I could have the greatest video anyone has ever seen! I could write the best article on the subject ever written! BUT, if no one sees it, what's the point? That's what I'm talking about. Creating content and solving problems is the easy part for me. Getting people to view it seems to be the challenge I'm running into.
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  • Profile picture of the author FerdinandoF
    You could find forums based on your niche that have a signature (your advertising space). I believe this can bring excellent traffic as the people are super targeted and interested in you're thing. Then just be very helpful, and post excellent content and you might get some traffic. I would focus on one thing at a time.

    As you said if you create excellent videos, you could postt in forums if its allowed as it is very useful.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anthony J Namata
    I've taken a look at your site. I like the look and feel of it. But one thing I've noticed is you don't use keywords or key phrases, and your headlines are not compelling enough for someone off the search engines (if they'll ever find you--'no keywords') to want to click on to find out. Remember, you're writing for the search engines. That's where you want your traffic to come from, yes?

    FEEL Better. LOOK Better. LIVE Better. Improve energy, virility and sexual performance naturally, without using prescription drugs. AMAZING SECRET REVEALED on my blog, at: https://tojona.blogspot.com/

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  • Profile picture of the author Francisco PIW
    Your strategy seems good. I think you need a new theme for your website, it looks like a little bit old on my opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author sparrow
    I've taken a look at your site and it seems to be too generalized for the market you are in

    I would narrow it down to maybe one or two specific subjects and become the authority
    every competitive niche has a group of keywords you have a chance to compete in without all the competition

    Here is an example of what I mean

    take the Lose Weight Fast Market, this is the typical Authority distribution of sites competing for this group of Keywords

    Now as I was reading your site I noticed you had a bodybuilding article about an experience you had and these next two images would fit nicely into a more detailed article narrowly focusing on a topic many are interested in

    Green and yellow are easiest to rank for
    but the point is by narrowing your topics you can reach more people and compete with less authority sites for eyes

    I think your competing where others are more of an authority than yourself, this maybe the reason for the low response

    my 2 cents
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  • Profile picture of the author swamuluk
    Try Email marketing it's worthful for doing. Build a database and send an email regarding diet tips, fitness tips etc.
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    • Profile picture of the author SamuelJobisk
      Originally Posted by swamuluk View Post

      Try Email marketing it's worthful for doing. Build a database and send an email regarding diet tips, fitness tips etc.

      but he did'nt even get an email list , he still searching for emails
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  • Profile picture of the author Coyotex
    Sparrow, thanks for the info but I have no clue as to what those graphs indicate. I just see colors and numbers. Obviously I'm missing something.

    As for Keyword stuff, I don't get it and I never had. I used to try using keywords all the time in articles and writings and go nothing. Now, I just write and create content and use keywords I feel fit the niche. Yes, I'm sure this is wrong, but I don't know how to do it differently. I've watched countless videos on keyword stuff, attended webinars on keyword stuff and I thought I understood it, but after getting hardly any views, I came to the conclusion I had no clue as to understanding this keyword stuff.

    I keep saying I'm missing something with this internet money making stuff and reading all the GREAT comments for fellow Warriors, I'm beginning to believe it. I'll keep plugging away but I must do something soon before I pull out the rest of my hair!

    Thank you all for the AWESOME advice!
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  • Profile picture of the author Coyotex
    I must apologize to all who messaged me and I had not responded until today. Every time I came to WF I would just look at the "letter icon" to see if there was a number on it. If there wasn't, I just assumed I didn't have a message. Today, for whatever reason, I clicked on it and BINGO! I had messages!

    I am humbled. Thank you for reaching out to me and your genuine concern. I knew I loved this forum but I had no idea the help people are willing to give! I responded to everyone who send me a message. I cannot thank you enough and please let me know what I can do to help.

    Just to let everyone know I've COMPLETED redone my website with some changes still to come. I'll be taking a lot of the ideas people posted here and in my inbox and will run with them.

    I'll keep reporting on what's going on.

    Again, than you all. Words cannot describe how I'm feeling now. You folks are GREAT!
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  • Profile picture of the author paladinseo
    honestly i dont know why people focus so much on email lists , when is the last time u joined a site cuz it asked for ur email? even if they register most of them would use fake email cuz they dont want spam.
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    • Profile picture of the author Coyotex
      Originally Posted by paladinseo View Post

      honestly i dont know why people focus so much on email lists , when is the last time u joined a site cuz it asked for ur email? even if they register most of them would use fake email cuz they dont want spam.

      What do you do to generate steady income?
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  • Profile picture of the author tinhsuccess101
    i suggest you should focus on one traffic method and master it at a time.
    you have a lot of youtube video but it seem to me you know pretty much nothing about how to rank your video and how to make your video interested.

    i suggest you search and learn more about how to make a great youtube video and how to rank high in search engine. learn from people that very success if you want to success.

    also, i recommend you try pinterest! search on youtube and you will find some great training and the best thing is you can get free a thousand of real follower a month that really interested in your blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author nsserve
    Keep on trying different strategy, you just need to be right once
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