Convert Photoshop file to WordPress theme (free software)

2 replies
I'll keep this post short.

The software (Photoshop plugin) is called "Divine".

"Until the official release we decided to make a techdemo and a free version with the
limited number of functions but with the full execution of the functions presented."

"1. Open your design in Photoshop and launch Divine
2. Assign all Wordpress elements in turns
3. Specify FTP parameters and upload your theme to the web
4. Check the site in a browser"

I haven't tried it yet, but I sure will!


Hope you find this useful.


P.S.: A Mod deleted my signature and asked me to read the rules.
:confused: I didn't break any, I think. Or maybe the sig. was too long?

Is it ok now?

The website is my own and the product mine.
The affiliate program is for my product.

#convert #file #free #photoshop #software #theme #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author bhackett
    I'll give it a try. I've used PhotoShop for creating all my blog headers. I'll let you know how it works out.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1094217].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sevenish
    That's fantastic! Thanks for the post.

    100% atrocity-free! No annihilations, assasinations, explosions, killers, crushers, massacres, bombs, skyrockets or nukes.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1094242].message }}

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