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Anchor is a new type of app (iPhone only for now) that I can see being popular for internet marketers with a following. (I have no affiliation with them, I just read about it on Gary V's site.)

It's sort of like an "audio Twitter." You can record 2 minute audio messages that others can respond too with their own audio message. People like Gary Vaynerchuk are behind it (see link below), and it is getting good reviews. Audio is surging lately, and I can see this taking off.

For example, you could post audio updates from a marketing convention. Or maybe "audio blog" (audblog?) the creation of a new product.

It's easier and faster than video.

For now you have to use the app itself to record and post responses. Eventually you will be able to post responses without using the app, which will greatly accelerate adoption.


Here is how the audio messages follow each other on one page.

#audio #twitter

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