Instant google traffic???

by skillfull Banned
10 replies
Just wanting to know if anyone has been getting instant google traffic
if so how do you get google traffic or what has been your experience?

looking forward to atleast some answers

#google #instant #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Niche Kid
    Just got an email from JVZOO about this, and came looking on here if anyone knew what it was.

    Whatever it is... if it works, it wont work for long if someone if doing a webinar on it.

    More than likely its just hype to make you buy some shiny new tool.
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    • Profile picture of the author cherio88
      My experience just build more website with long tail keyword
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    • Profile picture of the author MSutton
      Originally Posted by Niche Kid View Post

      Just got an email from JVZOO about this, and came looking on here if anyone knew what it was.
      JVZOO They should call themselves SnakeoilZOO from now on. What a con job.
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  • Profile picture of the author samelliss
    I wouldn't believe everything you read, half of it is said by someone who really doesn't know what they are talking about!

    Saying that i would keep an eye open to see if it is true.
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  • Profile picture of the author arceli2585
    Maybe doing some launch jacking with good back linking but still haven't experienced that kind of traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author Nico Puegher
    Not sure about "instant traffic", that doesn't exist. Stay active, find good keywords that you can rank for (if you are new, you can't aim for good keywords because you have no chance), create content around your keywords and start ranking.

    Once you get better you can rank for better keywords.

    What I mean for "not good keywords"? Well, just keywords with less than 5.000 searches per month, maybe to start with some keywords with 100 or 500 will work very well and you can rank quite fast.

    Keywords in your SEO plugin doesn't work anymore, work around your title, your h1 tag and your Google description for your post, also make sure to add your keywords inside your post but never spam them because it looks desperate, just add them without thinking while you create your content, in other words .... naturally.

    There're few things you need to know about ranking, there're 3 important things to care about:

    - Domain rating (all your backlinks, all your traffic, all your engagement, all your referrals)
    - Backlinks (all your backlinks for that particular post or article)
    - Referrals (all the websites linking your post or article)

    If you can't improve your rankings it's because you have people with better domain rating, backlinks and referrals, but the domain rating it's the most important one.

    Also the weight of the backlinks and referrals are important as well, a backlink from Youtube will not be the same as some backlink from a small blog.

    Hope this can help you my friend
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    • Profile picture of the author skillfull
      Thanks a lot this is so straight forward
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  • Profile picture of the author JC Web
    You get instant google traffic by paying for it. I'm sure you've heard of Adwords.

    If you are talking about that webinar mentioned earlier, I've been on that webinar before and can tell you several things:

    -It's not new. Wso's have been being sold about it for years.
    -It's completely against google's terms to use it for any commercial purposes or to monetize it in any way, including collecting leads and monetizing later.
    -They will tell you themselves that you should never use your real accounts to do this and advise you make up as many fake accounts as possible because you will get banned over and over.

    The last two reasons are why I'm not just telling you what it is, because you shouldn't be doing it.

    If you want instant google traffic, pay for it on Adwords. You can get as much as you want and as quick as you want.
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  • Profile picture of the author niles
    Originally Posted by arceli2585 View Post

    Maybe doing some launch jacking with good back linking but still haven't experienced that kind of traffic
    Google Plus will get you instant traffic depending on the keywords. If you do a launch jack as mentioned, it is very easy to rank quickly on Google Plus. Also, it is free.


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  • Profile picture of the author Omarkenawy
    I`m against the term of " INSTANT" with any thing in internet marketing world such as instant traffic or instant cash, etc.
    Proven tips for getting traffic base in a long run term
    1) Search Engine optimization (single post optimization,keyword optimization) to drive traffic from various Search Engines like Google,Yahoo,Bing, Ask.
    2) Publish your blog posts to your Social Networking websites Facebook, Google plus and Stumble upon.
    3) Commenting on other relevant blogs
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