[REQ] Flooring Niche Lead Based Program (U.S)

2 replies
Hi everyone,

I am currently using networx for my blog (in the flooring niche) but their coverage seems to be terrible (always getting unmatched, etc. leads, even in places like Florida, etc.) and it is getting rather frustrating.

Any suggestions on an affiliate program that as decent coverage and pays around $15+ per lead? I have checked with buyerzone and they don't do flooring yet so that is not an option.

#based #flooring #lead #niche #program #req
  • Profile picture of the author breezynetworks
    Did I post this in the wrong section or is there just limited affiliate opportunities?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10635115].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior

    Just to let you know not a good idea to bump your own thread as it may be a sign of spamming if a warrior has any ideas that may help i am sure they will reply if not

    I would asked the mods to move the thread to the offline section you may hit some luck there!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10635117].message }}

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