Triple Your Email List: 14 High-Converting Places to Add Your Opt-In Forms

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Arguably, email marketing is one of the most effective ways to market your products and services to your potential customers. We all know that email marketing helps increase brand awareness as well as reputation by spreading your word out there through emails. Other ways of marketing such as SEO are far less reliable than targeted emails.

With an email list, you can distribute information, news, or sell products to your subscribers. Many websites make use of opt-in forms to allow visitors the option to receive emails from them. It is a good approach because those that are receiving your email newsletters are those that chose to receive them.

Opt-in forms are one of the best ways to grow your email list. With an opt-in form, your site visitors can sign up to your email list. Once done correctly, opt-in forms can triple your email list in a short amount of time.

You might be wondering how to go about this. First, let us see:

What are the factors to consider when designing your opt-in form?

There are several factors you should consider when choosing your opt-in form layout and its location on your site.

1) It should match your brand: Being consistent with your brand is the key to developing trustworthiness. A well-designed opt-in form will make your visitors feel more at ease when giving you their personal contact information. An opt-in form that is consistent with your brand will also help visitors understand your overall purpose.

2) It should stand out: Your opt-in form needs to be one of the most important and visible parts of your site. It would be a shame if someone come to your site and leave without giving you their personal information. Make your opt-in form stand out so that visitors notice it and aren't distracted by other things.

3) Make it irresistible:
One way of making your opt-in form irresistible is to tell your visitors the perks and positive aspects of signing up. Be sure your description resonates with your visitors. The way you describe the benefits of joining your email list is crucial. It makes your opt-in form something that your visitors will desire and look forward to.

Design elements to consider for your opt-in form

There are several factors related to design that you should consider when brainstorming what your opt-in form is going to look like.

1) Personal photo: Many successful opt-in forms somehow feature a photo of the website owner in their design. This reveals the human side of the site or blog and allows visitors to identify your brand.
2) Use visual elements: Visual elements can accentuate your message and help you tell a narrative.
3) Testimonials: Testimonials or other methods of building integrity and trustworthiness increase your visitors' confidence in your site and make it more likely that they will join your email list.

14 High-Converting Places to Add Your Opt-In Forms

Here are some of the tried and true best locations for opt-in forms.

1) Splash page: A splash page is the first thing your site visitors see when they land on your website. This is a good place to put an opt-in form, especially if you make it the main focus and move your navigation from the top to the bottom of the page.
2) Welcome gate: This is similar to a pop-up. The visitor is able to sneak a peek at the content before a full-screen box with an opt-in form slides down.
3) On Your Floating bar: This can be located at the very top or very bottom of a page. It makes certain that your call to action to subscribe to your email address is always visible.
4) The Header of your site: This is a good option because visitors are able to see your opt-in box immediately without having to scroll to the bottom of the page.
5) On your Blog page: You can make it so that an advertisement to join your email address resembles a link to your latest blog post. A fan of your blog might be enticed to click on the link and end up subscribing to your list.
6) After single blog post: At the bottom of your blog posts you can include an opt-in form. When your readers reach the end of your blog posts, they are in the best mood for opting in to your list. They have enjoyed your content so they are likely looking for more.
7) Top of Sidebar: Many website owners include an email signup form at the top of the sidebar. This is the most common location for opt-in forms, so most visitors are used to finding it here.
8) Timed lightbox: This is a pop-up that appears after a specific amount of time, say 10 seconds.
9) Scroll box: This is a pop-up that appears in the bottom right hand corner of the page as the visitor scrolls down. This option is popular because it doesn't cover up any content that the visitor is looking at.
10) The Footer of your site: This is a pop-up that is located at the very bottom of your page. If a visitor reaches the bottom of your page, they are clearly interested in what you have to say so they might be enticed to join your email list.
11) On your About page: This is one of the most frequently visited pages on any website, so it makes sense that you would include an opt-in form here.
12) Resource pages: These are pages that are loaded with good content that are attractive to search engines. It is likely that a visitor might end up on one of these pages, so you should include an opt-in form there.
13) On your Sign-up page: Some website owners include a designated landing page just for the opt-in form. Undecided traffic is directed to this page.
14) Exit-intent popup: This is a pop-up that appears when a visitor is about to leave your site.

This has been an overview of some of the design and strategic elements of opt-in forms. Hopefully, you are able to utilize some of these tips to find the best possible conversion location for your own website.
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