2 replies
I'm new in the internet marketing arena and I'm having a hard time getting traffic to look at anything I promote. I must be doing something wrong as I see people getting others to join them. Can I get help in this? Anything will help
#global #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by Nydza Flores View Post

    I'm new in the internet marketing arena and I'm having a hard time getting traffic to look at anything I promote. I must be doing something wrong as I see people getting others to join them. Can I get help in this? Anything will help

    You need to get traffic interested in whatever you have to offer.

    What are you doing, what's the niche?
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    • Profile picture of the author Nydza Flores
      I'm promoting beachbody. Looking for others to become or are interested in becoming a coach like myself. I'm actually promoting other things as well and I'm not sure how to look for targeted leads. Is there somewhere I can go where I can find people for different types of niches
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