Here's how to get more people to share your marketing site

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Proofreading helps?

10 techniques for proofreading your blog is shown above....

My fav, personally, is simply spellcheck ilke

Free Online Spell Check Tool

How about you?
#marketing #people #share #site
  • Profile picture of the author moneymax
    areyoutellingmeifidontproffreadmytypingthatpeoplew illnotbeabletoreadwhatiamsayingandthatpeoplewillno ttakeactiononwhatihavetosayperiodthankyoualpooser

    I am glad you brought this up. My mind thinks faster than my fingers can type. Frequently I find that I have to stop and look at what I am typing and sometimes I have to type it again.

    Thanks for the tips.

    Al Pooser

    Dropcards Work. Make your own.

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  • Profile picture of the author MrFume
    This is shorthand for 'Quality' of expression, there are many in this industry, beginners and seasoned alike who persist in thinking of their readers as being idiots, they pitch their language as if they are living in a cartoon, insulting the intelligence of all who visit their site - wall-to-wall advertising Adsense infested pages and clickbait ridden sites - the internet is just getting overloaded with desperate sales amateurs and they suck.

    Journalism, the profession is undergoing a massive change since the WWW has arrived. I help people to build their personal profile and create a multi-media platform with WordPress, Podcasting, Writing and Video.
    Digital Media for a Noisy World

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  • I once had a website nearly 14 years ago voted as the best worst site on the web.

    Spelling has never been my cup of tea.

    I use the standard tools out there for spell checking so that is mostly cured now.

    I've learned to go back and read out loud what I've written now. More often then not the spelling is correct and formatting is fine but I'll often have to re-write several sentences so they are more coherent (Yes I used spell checkers to spell this word correctly).

    The other thing I really focus on is short paragraphs. It makes the content so much easier to digest and read.
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    i use Viral Content Buzz | Social Media Sharing Made Easy

    to get other to share my content.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi Barb,

    Good reference.

    I'm finding readability to be a big factor in getting more shares.

    Just published my new post a few hours ago and I saw 40 plus social media shares super fast. I've been doubling down on SEO and also, tuning in to common blogging problems but I find that paying attention to my readability score - I think through Yoast? - has inspired more folks to share my posts.

    If they can either scan the post or read it effortlessly, getting key points, they are likely to trust it enough to share it with their followings.

    It takes using a plug in like Yoast, or simply including plenty of headers or bolded sub titles to break things up. Add a header every 300 words or so. Use short paragraphs. Write short, punchy sentences but mix longer sentences with ample transition word usage to keep posts flowing.

    So far, so good on the readability thingee.

    Give it a shot guys.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • That spell checking online tool does it job although it finds words as mistakes that actually aren't. As deliverability and unsubscribed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I had a guy criticize me for how i write, and my misspellings and grammar. I still bank though. You can curse up and down in your sales letter and even emails.... but still a certain percentage of the people who read your info will still buy from you. Numbers dont change. It's going to always be this way.
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    • Profile picture of the author aizaku
      Originally Posted by PPG19 View Post

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      Big fan of VCB I can't endorse them enough..

      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      I had a guy criticize me for how i write, and my misspellings and grammar. I still bank though. You can curse up and down in your sales letter and even emails.... but still a certain percentage of the people who read your info will still buy from you. Numbers dont change. It's going to always be this way.
      that's right, you're not looking for everyone to love you. You gotta find your audience and THEY will keep on coming back for more.
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