Hosting Landing Pages on WordPress or Hosting Them On Other Sites...

8 replies
I read an article today and it says that it's better to NOT host your Landers on WordPress...

I'm not sure about this...

Should we use WP Plugins like InstaBuilder 2.0 to host LPs on on our website or is it better to host them on external websites like LeadPages
#hosting #landing #pages #sites #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author vikash_kumar
    Every article will have their own perspective and bias on this matter.

    You need to weigh the pros and cons of both the options as per your own requirements and investment budget.

    With WordPress, you're the owner of your landing page and have more flexibility when it comes to design and other aspects of a landing page.

    The only disadvantage could be the loading speed of these pages on a shared hosting server where many other websites are also competing for resources.

    If I would be at your place, I would purchase an SSD VPS to ensure that my web pages are loading blazingly fast and at the same time, I am the owner of my pages with flexibility to do whatever changes I want now or in future just because it's running on WordPress.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    I create my landing pages by hand in HTML and CSS. They load faster and don't have all the inherent vulnerabilities that wordpress adds to the equation.

    You don't need the overhead of wordpress for simple landing pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sandakelum
    Yes, WordPress is not ideal for landing pages. It goes through lot of back-end processing to generate a page. And because of the, speeds will be vary time to time and definitely going to be slower than HTML landing pages.

    And if you're going with HTML landing pages, the best way to host them is with a CDN. More about that here.
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  • Profile picture of the author RefuseToLose
    Depends on the kind of product you are selling.

    9 out of 10 times you will want to use a HTML page because the speed, simplicity, and insane customization available to you.

    But with that being said there are some great tools you can use on wordpress that would be a huge pain in the ass to implement on a simple html page if you don't have the background experience in coding.

    So really it all comes down to what product you are selling and if you want access to some simple plug and play tools that could help the selling process.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    Why code when you don't have to?

    I spent most of the late 90's and early-mid 2000's hand coding pages with HTML and PHP...

    Things are much better now.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Technically, unless you are talking about the platorm, you don't 'host landing pages on Wordpress'. If you're putting your landing pages on your own domain/hosting combo, you're putting them on your webhost, not Wordpress.

    We can argue all day about whether it's better to use simple, fast, secure html/CSS for landing pages, or rely on a heavy-duty, resource intensive platform and some plugins, one for sure is hosting them on your own account is preferable to giving up control to a third party. (Can you tell which side of the html vs. database for simple pages debate I'm on?)

    The trouble with putting your landing pages on a third party platform is that all you have to do is get caught doing something they don't approve of, and your pages are invisible (due to a locked account) at best, and simply gone (due to a deleted account) at worst. Either way, instead of a new prospect or lead, you have a frustrated person staring at an error page instead of your landing page.
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    same hosting and site is fine..

    all you gotta do is "NO NOFLLOW - NO INDEX" that page.

    been doing it for years and im doing well..

    best of luck,
    Ike Paz
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by CityCowboy View Post

    I read an article today and it says that it's better to NOT host your Landers on WordPress...

    I'm not sure about this...

    Should we use WP Plugins like InstaBuilder 2.0 to host LPs on on our website or is it better to host them on external websites like LeadPages
    Everyone has their own opinions. It really depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
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