9 Reasons Why Your Calls to Action Aren't Performing (& How to Fix Them)

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You're proud of your website.

You've worked hard on your offers.

You think you know your audience like the back of your hand.

But no one is clicking through on your calls to action. Your site traffic isn't converting. And it's driving you nuts.

In reality, there are many, many different reasons why your calls to action (CTAs) aren't performing and you're not getting the results you want. Maybe:
  • You're overwhelming users with too many options.
  • Your CTAs are hard to find.
  • Your CTAs aren't optimized for mobile.
  • You're using the wrong language.
  • You're using a form that's WAY too long and complicated.
  • You're asking too much without offering anything in return.
  • You've left out the benefits of your offer.
  • Your color choices are all wrong.
  • You're leaning on a single conversion point.

The good news is: You can fix those lackluster CTAs and start converting like you're supposed to be.

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