Tired of the bullshit in internet marketing

37 replies
Hey guys

Just a rant...

Is it just me, or is anyone else tired of seeing the WSO's and guru's that claim you can start earning $10k+ per month instantly overnight?

Or that they have some secret "traffic source that allows them to make "$XXX.XX per day".

Really dude? Your gonna sell me a 6 to 7-figure per year business model with all the details in a $17 WSO. Psssh..get out of here man.

There are no secret traffic sources or systems.

There is no shortcut.

There is no special program

...Only consistent hard work!

I have had very little success and a lot of failure in IM, but those failures have taught me a lot....

Looking from the outside, at successful people in this business, it seems like there is only ONE way to start earning massive amounts of income online in a short period of time.

By having a large/decent size marketing budget and consistently testing & tweaking new campaigns in proven traffic sources (like Google, Bing, Facebook).

And you keep analyzing your data, creating new campaigns, and keep investing money until you break even or become profitable on one or more of them. Once you find that winning campaign...you scale it.

And your niche/product might suck, and you might spend a lot of money on testing and get 0 sales. But that is just the risk you take in this game.

Entrepreneurship is hard work. I've realized that if you truly want to succeed online. BE PREPARED TO STRUGGLE!

End of rant��
#bullshit #internet #marketing #tired
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    If you are stick of it - stop reading it. Truth is - many of us NEVER go to the WSO section - NEVER buy one of the over hyped MMO products. We don't believe everything someone writes or wild promises that make no sense.

    Most newbies make a few silly purchases - and that's what keeps the hyped sellers in business. Most newbies learn quickly - and move on to real products. Some just keep reading sales pages and buying junk.

    Some of those sellers make a good living with those over hyped products - because there are always newbies willing to buy a dream or the dream of a 'lifestyle'....for a while...
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Originally Posted by ali97marketing View Post

    I have had very little success and a lot of failure in IM, but those failures have taught me a lot....

    There is only ONE way to start earning massive amounts of income online in a short period of time.

    By having a large/decent size marketing budget and consistently testing & tweaking new campaigns in proven traffic sources (like Google, Bing, Facebook).

    And you keep analyzing your data, creating new campaigns, and keep investing money until you break even or become profitable on one or more of them. Once you find that winning campaign...you scale it.
    I find the irony entertaining. I understand your frustration at all this "BS". But if you haven't had massive success yet then you really don't know the way to make money, right? So, why offer your opinion here? Doesn't that mean you are spouting BS as much as anyone else?

    Besides, many people don't use your model. Does that mean they are wrong, even though they are making money, or your analysis is wrong? Some people use affiliates only or YouTube only or SEO only.

    It's okay to rant. It's not okay to be complaining about BS and then offer up your own version of it. I'm not saying your method doesn't work - it does. I'm pointing out that there are other ways and this is far from the only way to make money. I'm also pointing out that if you haven't had massive success, then you can't really say what causes massive success.


    PS I don't like the hype, scammy offers, crappy products, etc. so don't think I'm defending anyone or anything. I refuse to buy from 99.9% of them.
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    • Profile picture of the author ali97marketing
      I didn't say everyone did, should have clarified and said affiliate marketing with paid ads. I get what you're saying, but I'm saying this from what I've seen successful people using this "model" do and what I plan to do myself.
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  • Profile picture of the author wyvern2
    completely agree with you mate, that's why i never touch the wso offer...its all bullshit
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    • Originally Posted by wyvern2 View Post

      completely agree with you mate, that's why i never touch the wso offer...its all bullshit
      Did you try to sell a product on WSO?
      99% sell less than 50 products.
      This means it is hard to have a success selling WSO...the only way to make big sales is to offer a good product.

      Check the number product sold by a seller and see if it worth to buy or not.

      Some products are good (probably 5% of them) and can help you to open you mind..
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnTimmins
    I agree you can not buy a $17 course to learn how to become a millionaire, it just not make sense. It will be better to just follow a proven system. I dont buy courses anymore, and I am having good results.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by JohnTimmins View Post

      I agree you can not buy a $17 course to learn how to become a millionaire, it just not make sense. It will be better to just follow a proven system. I dont buy courses anymore, and I am having good results.
      You absolutely can LEARN how to be a millionaire but that is a HUGE difference than putting things in Action and doing
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  • Ali97Marketing,

    Originally Posted by ali97marketing View Post

    There is only ONE way to start earning massive amounts of income online in a short period of time.
    That's actually where the problem starts, in my opinion. Here's why:

    Doing anything to achieve something through any means is in itself a creative process; and

    As how creative processes go -- Each process is unique to each individual in particular situations under certain conditions ...

    Here's an analogy -- If I want to get the "best" bang for my buck with an McD meal, then in certain instances, I'd gobble everything up as fast as possible, while in some situations, I'd start with my drink then with a few fries before eating up half of the burger and going back to my drink, and in specific conditions, I'd just gobble up half of it, starting first with the fries and an apple pie, though I could in turn just decide to throw it all out and buy a more decent meal when I feel like it, but that doesn't mean those are the only things I could do, because when faced with other conditions that I can't think of at the moment, then I'd probably do something unique, but then again -- That's just me talking for myself ...

    Point is, there's most likely never a single way to do anything in life, more so in any business or in any investment venture, mainly because:

    Conditions aren't always perfect.

    Required resources don't stay the same.

    Industry and market movement isn't linear.

    Group dynamics significantly change constantly.

    Human behavior is often unpredictable ...

    So, I think what buyers need to understand is -- A pre-tested and pre-optimized system of doing business can't guarantee anything. Even an McD franchise won't be able to guarantee any level of success ...

    And, if you aren't confident enough in leveraging your existing fiscal and non-fiscal resources like your time, skills, expertise and professional networks to build a sustainable plan of generating income for yourself, then I recommend staying out of the WSO section for now; and

    Here's why -- You won't probably be able to identify the right information, tools and resources that could most likely complement and supplement the things that you intend to do so as to achieve what you want from your venture ...
    • Deep Learning & Machine Vision Engineer: ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
    • Founder: Grayscale (Manila, PH) & SEO Campaign Manager: Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    Maybe Internet Marketing just isn't for you. The fact is most people fail because they don't belong doing it in the first place. Sure, there are a lot of bullshit WSOs, but I've bought many of them that were incredible and helped me make a lot of money.

    Also, if you think there is only one way to make a lot of money online in a short time you are sadly mistaken. There are dozens, maybe hundreds of ways to legitimately make money from the Internet.

    Problem is, they require hard work. That alone scares away 95% of the "make money online" crowd, because most of them are looking for some magic button they can press to make money with no work.

    It took me 3 years before I made enough money from my online business to quit my "real" job. I also put in 12-16 hours a day almost every day. I did it by building a list. And I never bought any traffic, either. I buy traffic now, but back then I didn't have the money to spend on traffic.

    I also never messed with any other niche but the "biz opp/make money online" niche because it's the easiest niche to break into and also the most profitable. Some marketers like to put it down and call it a fake niche or what have you. Personally, I could care less what anyone says or thinks about it because it stuffs my pockets full of cash every day.

    I've heard it said that some people don't consider those in the MMO niche to not even be real marketers. That's cool. My bank account, sports car, and fully paid off condo say otherwise.
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  • Profile picture of the author MrJSON
    Yah man - Honestly if these guru's selling the WSO were able to make "tons of money", they wouldn't bother with selling an ebook for 15 dollars. They are just full of crap, and are trying to sell a dream. Its not all crap out there though, there are some good teachers out there. ( Just have to google the heck out of them, and assume most reviews are fake/paid )

    The secret is there is no secret.
    The problem is testing budgets, and shady advertisers.

    *hugs* I know those feels man, hang in there. Keep pushing on, and stop reading. Test, and make decisions based on data collected.
    Blog: AdsByJson
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by ali97marketing View Post

    There are no secret traffic sources or systems.
    I believe there really are some secrets in this business because I admit I don't know everything about IM. Things that I don't know about and things I haven't yet learned are actually "secrets" to me, aren't they?

    It's why I study IM, try new things, watch and experiment, and talk to successful marketers because they have insights, knowledge and experience (secrets) that I'd like to learn. What I learn is no longer secret.

    Originally Posted by ali97marketing View Post

    I have had very little success and a lot of failure in IM
    I suggest you become a student of IM too, follow successful people, and stop worrying about or paying attention to hypey WSOs and outlandish income claims. Put them out of your mind and off limits.

    Originally Posted by ali97marketing View Post

    Entrepreneurship is hard work. I've realized that if you truly want to succeed online. BE PREPARED TO STRUGGLE!
    You know, sometimes smart IMers learn a whole lot of important and valuable lessons by struggling. Learning what doesn't work, if you are smart, teaches you to never make that mistake again - a valuable lesson. When you are hit with a roadblock and struggle your way around it, that's a valuable lesson.

    Yes, creating a business can be hard work and it can take some time. But what great accomplishments in life don't? Do you earn a degree, lose 75 pounds, master a musical instrument, or speak a second language fluently without hard work and time?

    The very best to all of you,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      I believe there really are some secrets in this business because I admit I don't know everything about IM. Things that I don't know about and things I haven't yet learned are actually "secrets" to me, aren't they?
      Um..no, Steve. You may not know the capital of Botswana*, but it's not a secret, in that it can be easily found out by anyone who's interested. A secret is something that's kept from the knowledge of any but the initiated or privileged.

      When the word is used in an IM context, it's usually nothing more than a come on.

      * Gabarone.

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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Iannotti
    That is what sell's, no matter how many times I tell my list to avoid that sort of stuff, I see some people on my list that belong to certain FB groups or other stuff that have bought into that nonsense. It's kinda sad, but that is what sells. "Make 10k while you are sleeping" , sure that's possible, but you won't get that from buying an info product, only hard work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Darrel Wilson
    anyone telling you that you can make mnoney and they will give you the secret, is just trying to make money off YOU
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  • Profile picture of the author theDarkKnightMarketer
    Originally Posted by ali97marketing View Post

    Is it just me, or is anyone else tired of seeing the WSO's and guru's that claim you can start earning $10k+ per month instantly overnight?
    So you don't believe that people can actually make money overnight? Hmm, but look, you said;

    Originally Posted by ali97marketing View Post

    Looking from the outside, at successful people in this business, it seems like there is only ONE way to start earning massive amounts of income online in a short period of time.
    Let me pick some keywords here {successful people, earning massive amounts of income, short period of time}.

    You're tired of it, yet you believe in it.

    I really don't get it?...

    If you say it's possible to make money online in a short period of time, why do you hate the WSOs claiming to teach you how to do it?

    Who are the "successful people" in your example? What do they sell?

    I'm sure they do the same thing, offer a solution to a market that has a problem and they get paid for that.

    It's the same in the WSO section. People offer WSOs like that because there is demand for "how to get-rich-quick" type of products. That's what people want in that section of this forum. They don't need a product that promises to teach people affiliate marketing in 6 months. No.

    They want a quick fix. And as long as there is demand for a product like that, there will be WSOs selling the hype.

    A while ago someone posted this; Do WSO buyers want honesty?

    And this is the best reply the thread got.

    Originally Posted by salegurus View Post

    Unfortunately honesty does not sell in this industry... What does sell are promises, half truths, myths, guarantees of Easy Money...
    So, if you don't want to see those offers, you don't visit the WSO section. It's as simple as that.

    Originally Posted by ali97marketing View Post

    I have had very little success and a lot of failure in IM
    Then what do you think qualifies you to give people advice on how to make money online, when you're clearly stating that you have had very little success online?

    This is the reason why everything is so messed up in the "MMO/IM" niche.

    *P.S. I'm not a WSO seller nor have I ever sold a WSO before. But I just want to put my 0.02 cents here and share my opinion. I'm not defending anyone who sells such WSOs or products, nor do I criticize them. When there is demand, there should be someone offering a solution.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Originally Posted by ali97marketing View Post

    Really dude? Your gonna sell me a 6 to 7-figure per year business model with all the details in a $17 WSO. Psssh..get out of here man.

    Meh (as I sometimes say). Let me put it controversial


    now let me explain by asking you a question

    What were you doing looking through all those WSOs? and reading all those gurus sales pages?

    Looking for the golden bong

    the one you could draw from and be rich.

    Here's the living truth


    Most of the posters here have created that market. Even in the good old days when there were some good things in there almost every "product" that would take some work or require some investment and actually had a shot at being something to give success - fell like a rock off the front page. Every once and again if I wanted to get a new idea that was solid i would just go look for the WSOs over the last few months that didn't do well and sure enough there was always the good stuff there.

    No get rich quick sitting on your coach "done for you riches" so the masses
    - WF buyers - passed it by like it had a disease.

    "is this easy to do?"
    "Sounds complicated"
    "do you have any web business I can do without a web presence"
    "have anyway i can automate this with a single click because I watch Matlock at four and can't miss divorce court at 5"
    "Do we need to invest anything after this 5.99 WSO to get rich?"

    People are always blaming the sellers but the buyers were always the ones that dictated what sells. Want to see it change - look in the mirror.

    Sellers don't create and maintain marketplaces - buyers do.

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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by ali97marketing View Post

    Hey guys

    Just a rant...

    Is it just me, or is anyone else tired of seeing the WSO's and guru's that claim you can start earning $10k+ per month instantly overnight?

    Or that they have some secret "traffic source that allows them to make ".XX per day".

    Really dude? Your gonna sell me a 6 to 7-figure per year business model with all the details in a $17 WSO. Psssh..get out of here man.

    There are no secret traffic sources or systems.

    There is no shortcut.

    There is no special program

    ...Only consistent hard work!

    I have had very little success and a lot of failure in IM, but those failures have taught me a lot....

    Looking from the outside, at successful people in this business, it seems like there is only ONE way to start earning massive amounts of income online in a short period of time.

    By having a large/decent size marketing budget and consistently testing & tweaking new campaigns in proven traffic sources (like Google, Bing, Facebook).

    And you keep analyzing your data, creating new campaigns, and keep investing money until you break even or become profitable on one or more of them. Once you find that winning campaign...you scale it.

    And your niche/product might suck, and you might spend a lot of money on testing and get 0 sales. But that is just the risk you take in this game.

    Entrepreneurship is hard work. I've realized that if you truly want to succeed online. BE PREPARED TO STRUGGLE!

    End of rant��
    I guess over the years I've just learned to ignore the garbage/crap.

    To me as soon as I hear anything overnight, the BS light goes on and I ignore it and move on. Maybe this isn't the case for anyone but this is just how I see it.

    If you want any long term results, it will take time and work.

    Just tune out the BS and move on!
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    'Money porn talk' gets ppl to click and buy..

    simple as that..

    "learn how i made $104.55 in a day with my step by step method."

    I can make that claim and i can show ppl how i did it. I can tell ppl my niche and everything..

    I know very few ppl will actually follow through. because it requires consistent work

    sure, some WSOs are crap but a lot of them aren't,

    there are many ways to make money online but the one that i use and the one that i read about the most is as follows:

    find a niche

    drive target traffic to squeeze page, sell OTO on thank you page - build relationship via email series by providing value and sell related products periodically.

    Test and track to improve conversion rates..


    -IKe PAz
    >> 2018 Money Making Method Video Guides [NO OPTIN] <<
    80% Of These Proven Guides Are Free... ]
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by ali97marketing View Post

    Is it just me, or is anyone else tired of seeing the WSO's and guru's that claim you can start earning $10k+ per month instantly overnight?

    Or that they have some secret "traffic source that allows them to make ".XX per day".
    Actually, lately this nonsense is being cracked down by WF in WSO Section. So it's a little irrelevant from what I have seen on ti Platform.

    I did a WSO the other day and got it taken down for a Day because I used ...."the possibility of making a full time Living". Wans't even an specific income Claim but they said it was evidently a Claim.

    - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author zdebx
    I'm sure that's how a lot of us got started in IM, by coming across some shiny new product that promised millions and we bought it, thinking we'll become millionaires overnight....which normally doesn't happen.

    So in a way these products have their place, because it if wasn't for their magical claims, then no one would be buying them, right?

    Who doesn't want to make tons of money, while having no practical knowledge about a business and spending about 15 minutes a day doing actual work? As long as you learn your lesson after buying a couple of bullshit products, then I see no harm in them, because they help you to understand that it's simply business.

    No hard feelings.
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  • Profile picture of the author cscarpero
    People have been bitching about this on this forum for about 10 years now. LOL

    I take the WSOs as entertainment at this point. Totally agree....success takes hard work!

    I'm an online marketer and mortgage loan officer.

    Connect with me at www.Scarpero.com

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  • Profile picture of the author alextrevayne
    Totally agree! There is no magic formula to getting rich overnight. It's all about putting effort everyday to achieve your goals little by little.
    The magic formula is: discipline + work
    7 Characteristics Of Successful Entrepreneurs
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Mayers
    Hey ali97marketing

    I feel your pain.

    I'm gonna let the cat out the bag here

    As for my response, and as an experienced copywriter, that is how all of the products and WSOs are designed. . . Only to build a list and to get you in the door.

    Of course, there are upsells once you get inside the funnel. That's business and if you look anywhere "online or offline" you'll see it there too.

    It's all apart of what we call "The Shiny Object Syndrome"

    My advice to you is simple. . . STOP BUYING things and START SELLING them if you want to make $10k+ per month online.

    Just my two cents, but I hope this helps!

    Learn How This Simple System Can Generate UNLIMITED $25, $100 and $300 Payments Directly Into Your CashApp Account Using Nothing But Your Cellphone. . .
    ~ www.CashAppFreedom.com ~
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  • Profile picture of the author BradVert2013
    All the talk on this forum about automated passive income always makes me chuckle. If there was an easy way to make a passive income, everybody and their brother would be doing it. That's not to say a passive income isn't possible. But the people I know who do have one had to work their butt off to get to that point. And they're all authors who wrote a ton of books and heavily promoted them. They made mistakes, learned and refined their craft to the point where they can slow down enough to enjoy the fruits of their labor. But there is still always work to do.

    I occasionally glance at th WSO forum to see what people are up to. The amount of "passive income stream secret formulas" are astounding. I just shake my head - not at the WSO creator, they're probably making out like bandits. Rather, I shake my head at the people who buy those type of WSOs.

    IM has a bad reputation in the larger world for a reason.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave Bean
    "completely agree with you mate, that's why i never touch the wso offer...its all bullshit'

    All BS? .. there are so many amazing offers in the WSO section right now October 16 2016 .. there always is you just have to use commonsense.

    Mike Marin's video sales letter course costs 1 buck today .... just bought it this afternoon awesome stuff!!

    Erica Stone "Sojourn" always produces top quality info for the Amazon affiliate SEO crowd, slow going and time consuming work, but it works for them and she is a god in that genre along with Tiffany Lambert.

    I'm a big fan of DoWhatWorks in the WSO section .. her products are as close to a complete "work from home business" that I have ever seen but no online marketing course is complete for everyone.

    Here is what I would do if I was new to IM and wanted to make money soon, but sustainable.


    Recurring income from promoting top notch products like Aweber to small business owners. You would be amazed how few small business owner even know what this is.

    Hit the Shopify and Etsy businesses too .. they need help .. I talk to these dudes all the time

    Money coming in every month and you'll learn a ton about how to set up websites, email marketing and how to run a business that produces real value to your customers

    The one thing I don't like about her business model is the one, and only one way she gets customers, sending emails to small company's you find on Google.

    There are so many ways to make money from this, be creative and mix and match.

    You could use Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Quroa or Youtube

    Here's a way to get customers from a WSO from 2012


    That just might be the key for you, we all need to find our own unique way of doing things.

    Reoccurring income may not last forever.

    I was one of PartyPoker.com top affiliates from 2003 to 2006 when the internet poker thing took off in 2003 when Chris Moneymaker won the world series.

    Then the Bush administration wiped that all out .. don't put all you eggs in one basket.

    Finding what works for YOU is a big puzzle, but many pieces of that puzzle can be found in the WSO section.

    I LOVE WSO's and thank you guys and ladies for giving me those pieces to MY puzzle... for peanuts
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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    Yeah it's true you will find lots of hype in wsos and mmo products in general, but the great thing is that $10k per month and higher is possible, but like you said it takes work.

    Not only does it take work, it takes consistent work. Anyone who truly wants to make good money online should research and understand the basics of online marketing and how money is made online, and then start taking the necessary steps to build the foundation for a successful online business.

    I always recommend one start by finding a profitable niche and a specific problem(s) to solve in that niche. Then promote an offer that solves that problem as an affiliate. After building a strong brand and following, then one can begin creating his own products and services.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarketingMinded
    There are plenty of sleazy, unethical practices out there. It really makes you appreciate those who do it the "right" way and win. Folks like that deserve more shine.
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  • Profile picture of the author zeelio
    There is no magical program or technique or loophole to get to 10K a month in internet marketing. It takes the same amount of work as you would put it when you open your own business, that is why you should think of it as a real business.

    I recommend that you try to find a good community of people in your same interest in what ever niche you want to be in and learn from them. As far as WSO`s go I would buy some here and there cuz I might learn something new that I didnt know.

    Thats just my opinion
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    Originally Posted by ali97marketing View Post

    Hey guys

    Just a rant...

    Is it just me, or is anyone else tired of seeing the WSO's and guru's that claim you can start earning $10k+ per month instantly overnight?

    Or that they have some secret "traffic source that allows them to make ".XX per day".

    Really dude? Your gonna sell me a 6 to 7-figure per year business model with all the details in a $17 WSO. Psssh..get out of here man.

    There are no secret traffic sources or systems.

    There is no shortcut.

    There is no special program

    ...Only consistent hard work!

    I have had very little success and a lot of failure in IM, but those failures have taught me a lot....

    Looking from the outside, at successful people in this business, it seems like there is only ONE way to start earning massive amounts of income online in a short period of time.

    By having a large/decent size marketing budget and consistently testing & tweaking new campaigns in proven traffic sources (like Google, Bing, Facebook).

    And you keep analyzing your data, creating new campaigns, and keep investing money until you break even or become profitable on one or more of them. Once you find that winning campaign...you scale it.

    And your niche/product might suck, and you might spend a lot of money on testing and get 0 sales. But that is just the risk you take in this game.

    Entrepreneurship is hard work. I've realized that if you truly want to succeed online. BE PREPARED TO STRUGGLE!

    End of rant��
    Dont really know why the situation is so unclear for you..

    It's only a matter of MATH

    You build an Email List on a topic you know and you market your product or affiliate's one to that List.

    Of course you have to nurture your leads etc...


    The only factor is HOW BIG your LIST IS and how you nurture your list to convert prospects into buyers.

    OF course you need TRAFFIC: but you have a lot of source. Paid traffic: google, bing, facebook ads, or solo ads.

    Free Traffic: seo.

    Why you talk about bullshits?

    It's only a question of MATH: start build your list and nurture it, and you will see results.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ellen Chedid
    I have to totally agree with this. This is why you should probably stop reading and and look for genuine place that will help you make money. Making a lot of money is never easy. It requires work regardless of what it is so if someone is saying it happens overnight then they are lying.
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  • Profile picture of the author krees
    I sat through so many webinars where they were going to "Reveal" a new way to make money. I say you have to be careful, do your research and trust your gut. This coming from someone who spent way too much money on all the shiny objects being offered. Stupid me!
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffronald19
    Originally Posted by ali97marketing View Post

    Hey guys

    Just a rant...

    Is it just me, or is anyone else tired of seeing the WSO's and guru's that claim you can start earning $10k+ per month instantly overnight?

    Or that they have some secret "traffic source that allows them to make ".XX per day".

    Really dude? Your gonna sell me a 6 to 7-figure per year business model with all the details in a $17 WSO. Psssh..get out of here man.

    There are no secret traffic sources or systems.

    There is no shortcut.

    There is no special program

    ...Only consistent hard work!

    I have had very little success and a lot of failure in IM, but those failures have taught me a lot....

    Looking from the outside, at successful people in this business, it seems like there is only ONE way to start earning massive amounts of income online in a short period of time.

    By having a large/decent size marketing budget and consistently testing & tweaking new campaigns in proven traffic sources (like Google, Bing, Facebook).

    And you keep analyzing your data, creating new campaigns, and keep investing money until you break even or become profitable on one or more of them. Once you find that winning campaign...you scale it.

    And your niche/product might suck, and you might spend a lot of money on testing and get 0 sales. But that is just the risk you take in this game.

    Entrepreneurship is hard work. I've realized that if you truly want to succeed online. BE PREPARED TO STRUGGLE!

    End of rant��
    Ignore this and carry your own work...that's it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Splatterfox
    There are two types of infoproducts:

    1. Bullshit "make 293,821,281$" per month doing nothing

    2. Actual products or services which contain valuable information and focus on really teaching you something. However, this usually doesn't involve "step-by-step" methods. Why? Because they never work.

    Of course customers rather go with the first, because it sounds better to them. Then they complain that its scam. One of my clients told me that he didn't have the money for a one hour coaching lesson and I was fine, since I was chatting with him anyway. A week later he told me that he paid someone like three times the money I charge per hour for a simple setup and pdf. So he literally burned more than $300 on nothing because he just saw the dollars in his eyes - while I emphasized all the time that the stuff we will go through will help his business greatly in the long run but won't make him rich overnight.

    Thats all I can say to this topic, focus on learning and improving rather than quick moneymaking.
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  • Profile picture of the author esk
    One of the very important lessons I've learned ist not to believe the marketing hype but to look at what successfull people in the internet marketing space are doing.

    And when you start analyizing what they are doing you're going to discover that there is no quick way to success but only hardwork.
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    • Profile picture of the author Splatterfox
      Originally Posted by esk View Post

      One of the very important lessons I've learned ist not to believe the marketing hype but to look at what successfull people in the internet marketing space are doing.

      And when you start analyizing what they are doing you're going to discover that there is no quick way to success but only hardwork.
      Exactly. If someone makes more money with telling others how to make money than with his original business (as long as he didn't have real success with it before at least) you should usually be suspicious already.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    You can follow blogs where folks offer fun, high energy, authentic insights into how to create your dream life offline.

    Say a blog where you can learn to, blog from, say, a tropical paradise?

    And no we don't do income claims LOL!

    In all seriousness - which is rare for me - surround yourself with generous, loving, caring, authentic folks. Skip the greedy/desperate/fear of failing ads that promise big numbers. Focus on loving folks who can help you live a life of freedom. You won't need to rant when you're surrounded by folks and feed on stuff that would never, ever make ya wanna rant

    Ryan Biddulph
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Samfakroon
    Well here is the the whole truth, there is a lot of untested theory in the WSO that u get for $7 but whether u buy 2000 course or $7 course or just read a free bog and implement you will succeed. Now you learn a lot of strategies be it traffic or be it whatever courses - the only way to make 10K to even 100k a month is by having either a mind blowing product that u will sell either physical or digital or affiliate for a commission for someone, built a mind blowing funnel with multiple income stream and you will be on your way to riches. So u decide my brother invest in tools and traffic and funnels or read about loopholes and strategies.
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