Fixing you, rambling like a fool, instead of making profits?

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Gotta love an article like:

To wit:

Me, rambling like a fool: “I, like, got into this field of content marketing in the first place solely because I love to create things and see the reactions people have when they like those things. And I know there are others like me that don’t get caught up in the BS of marketing but just put their heads down and want to do great, quality, creative work. I know others are thinking, ‘I thought I’d be working in this awesome industry that enables me to be creative and happy and grow my career, but all I see are marketers obsessing over how to market my stuff or optimize crap for quick gains, not talking about creating well.’ So basically, man, I’m burnt out on all the short-term thinking and constant demands to do more generic stuff, like listicles and clickbait and gated lead-gen ebooks and tone deaf social media stuff and ...

Isn't that grand? Smile

So how DO you find people who want what you want?

Me, it's simple.

I look towards those people whom I admire....

And then I plug their website into

I can then see their evolution thru the years!

For example, here's me, starting in 1998:*/

And WarriorForum since 2001:*/

You can get a lot of insights into how brands evolved this way.


Stop rambling ...

... and start jambling.

Okay that made no sense.

And start making things happen.

#fixing #fool #making #profits #rambling

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