2 replies
Hi there,

I know google like to see disclaimer/privacy and such. I also have heard that having an "about us" page is good as it may improves ones quality score so I guess is good if doing PPC. Would you say that having an "about us" page is recommended and would it beneficial if you are going the SEO route?

Any advice would be appreciated.
  • Profile picture of the author tommen
    It can help in SEO if you have keyword rich text on the "about us" page.On my blog, I have no "about us" page but a contact form instead.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frosy
    An 'about us' page gives some credibility to your site. If you are going the ethical route of marketing and have nothing to hide, then having an about us page is a way of telling people who you are and what you do.

    Kind of like a CV online.

    If you are including, privacy info, disclaimer, contact page then there's no harm in having an about us page.

    Good luck
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