A Question about DL Guard

1 replies
Hello warriors,

I am planning to buy DLGuard and have one question about it. Can we use DLGuard to sell one single product with two prices on two payment processors? I mean : One price with Paypal and another (a discounted or increased) price with Clickbank for the same product ?

Actually I wanted to ask this question in forum at DLguard but somehow the registration failed.

But I know that warriors can help me on this issue.
#guard #question
  • Profile picture of the author Gail Sober

    Yes, you can just "clone" the product in the admin and change the details such as pricing, payment processor, etc..

    You will show two products in your admin area now, productname1 and productname2, each will have their own distinct hyperlink/button code to place on your page.
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