If You Have A Membership Site I Need Your Opinion!

3 replies
Im about to put up my monthly membership site up, however I don't really know how I should go about it. Maybe some of you with experience will be able to give me some insights that I may not forsee.

Here's the situation:

I have a website for my offline business which is personal training. It has a blog and ranks well for my city, this is where I get my offline customers from.

Should I make my weight loss membership site on the same domain as my local training site? Or should I put the membership site on a whole new domain?

Option 1: 2 different domains. I put banners on my personal training site and also get opt ins from it and direct both of these to my membership site on the different domain. This is what I am leaning towards...I also think it will be easier to sell the membership with PPC to a homepage sales page as opposed to an inner page sales page. Although I could be wrong.

Option 2: Put them on same domain. The homepage will sell my offline services still and an inner page will be to sell my membership site. I could also have banners and email opt ins going to the inner page which will be sales page for my memberships. I just think this way might be too cluttered and confusing for people.

I hope this isn't confusing but this is a pretty big decision and I don't really know what I should do. Thanks!
#membership #opinion #site
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Are they related? if so, use the same domain.

    If they are the same niche but not related, then separate domains IMO.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sid Hale
    Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

    Are they related? if so, use the same domain.
    ^^^ THIS!!! ^^^

    Originally Posted by bigballin6161 View Post

    Should I make my weight loss membership site on the same domain as my local training site? Or should I put the membership site on a whole new domain?
    You have a local business, and you are simply expanding that business.

    You will probably get your initial weight loss customers from your existing customer base. Make it easy for them to find you.

    Originally Posted by bigballin6161 View Post

    Option 1: 2 different domains. I put banners on my personal training site and also get opt ins from it and direct both of these to my membership site on the different domain. This is what I am leaning towards...I also think it will be easier to sell the membership with PPC to a homepage sales page as opposed to an inner page sales page. Although I could be wrong.
    You are wrong. It is just as easy to target "inner" pages from PPC as it is to target a home page. You only have 1 home page (by definition). If you run PPC campaigns to multiple inner pages, you can test multiple sales pages at the same time and refine your sales message over time. That is not possible if you limit yourself to only one PPC "target" page.

    Originally Posted by bigballin6161 View Post

    Option 2: Put them on same domain. The homepage will sell my offline services still and an inner page will be to sell my membership site. I could also have banners and email opt ins going to the inner page which will be sales page for my memberships. I just think this way might be too cluttered and confusing for people.
    It's not at all "cluttered" or "confusing", as your visitors/customers don't get to individual pages by typing the URL. They get to the intended pages via, links in an email, links on another page, links in an ad, etc.

    Their interaction is always the same... CLICK.

    Put your membership in its own folder on the same site (i.e. http://mydomain.com/members)
    Put your sales pages on other internal pages (i.e. http://mydomain.com/offer1.htm, http://mydomain.com/offerx.htm, etc.)

    As a local business, one of the most important things you can do is the BRANDING of your business.

    These are just 2 different products offered by the same business. You will enhance your brand by making it obvious that they are a part of the same business - not by hiding one of them away on a different web site.

    Sid Hale
    Coming Soon... Rapid Action Profits (Pro)

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  • Profile picture of the author mdallen
    I would say if they are two separate businesses than you should do two separate domains. You can put ads for the other site on each site. (Send people from the membership site to your training site and vice versa.) You can get cheap domains at namecheap or 1and1
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