Who here is making 2000+ per month in affiliate marketing using paid traffic?

25 replies
Hey guys I'm new to the forums here, currently making money online by selling on Amazon and Investing in stocks but looking to work like a dog to learn a new skill to expand my online money making portfolio. I'm looking at Affiliate marketing

Now I know that affiliate success is all reliant on traffic either by using SEO or paid. I am more interested in the paid route because the results are quicker so my question is this

1) Who on here is making $2000+ per month running paid traffic to affiliate ads and how long did it take you to get to that point?

2) How much money can I realistically expect to burn through to learn this skill before I can actually expect to see results (I know this could greatly vary from person to person but Im just trying to get an idea)

3) Would you recommend any resources to get some good info when getting started. I know there is stackthatmoney.com but I've heard that can quite overwhelming and isn't really newbie friendly.

Thanks Guys, and I'll chat with you in the comments

#affiliate #making #marketing #month #paid #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author J50
    You're probably going to burn though a lot of money - I'll warn you of that right now.

    Forget what anyone else tells you, there's no way to learn this without serious skin in the game and having your fingers burnt.

    You might also never become profitable, just because you have a profitable campaign or profitable month, doesn't mean you'll have a profitable year or affiliate career.

    That being said, there's fortunes being made in affiliate marketing right now.

    Best of luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author mattburgessbc
      Thanks J50, I was afraid somebody would give me an honest answer like yours lol
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  • Profile picture of the author myob
    I'm not aware of anyone making money that way from Amazon for very long, because it is against their TOS to drive traffic to what may be regarded as lean content, and could get your account deactivated or even banned.

    Your traffic needs to be directed to your own website which has value-added content. Under certain conditions (check their operating agreement) social media may contain direct affiliate links.

    Having said that, some advertising methods I have used with consistent astounding success has been article syndication, ezine solo ads, email, social media, webinars, newspapers, magazines, direct mail, telemarketing, seminars, and even face-to-face sales. [Essential caveat: Never mention or refer to Amazon within these types of promotions except for social media as noted above.]

    In addition, you must be fairly certain your prospects are not only laser-targeted, but also ready to buy. Amazon has a cookie that lasts just 24 hours, so unless they buy within that narrow window, you will not earn a commission.
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    • Profile picture of the author mattburgessbc
      Hey myob, thanks for the reply. I wasn't specifically talking about applying this to Amazon, however If I was going to use the Amazon affiliate program I would most likely start a Review site and then try and do SEO to drive traffic to the site to make affiliate sales

      The only problem I have with these review sites is there is a million of them already and most of them are just half assed reviews that were hired out on upwork or freelancer.com and just quickly thrown together. Then the Grey/Black SEO tactics are applied to rank to page 1 in google and boom they are making money. ie: 10beasts.com.

      I would want to build a site where I actually did real quality honest reviews on the products but that would be very expensive and then who knows if the site would even rank so time and money could be wasted etc
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      • Profile picture of the author jan roos
        I've been driving paid traffic to Authority Amazon Review sites for years and it works very well.

        You can expect to make much more than 2k per month with it but there is a learning curve and I would say you can burn through a few hundred to learn the ropes.


        I'll teach you how to make money like a Mamba.

        Sign up for the free money mambas newsletter!

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  • Profile picture of the author tristatemedia
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    • Profile picture of the author Guapo Beau
      who would you recommend for list building ?
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  • Profile picture of the author mdallen
    I would suggest grabbing a blueprint from someone who is successful (usually you have to pay for this) and then finding someone to coach/mentor you. (This always costs money unfortunately) but once you have an investment you have a strong motivation to make it work
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    • Profile picture of the author mattburgessbc
      Good advice mdallen. Its basically why I posted this thread, I wanted to see if any of those "successful" people would come on and say hi. I think J50 is right though, its an expensive game to learn just like the stock market. I lost 4000 in a few days back in 2005 when I was learning trading and it sucked but a few years later when I made 10,000 in a few days it made it all worth it
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I have been doing CPA / affiliate marketing for over 16 years.

    More technically, I monetize 3rd party data (email) using PPL offers. This is for a couple key reason.

    I promote PPL (pay per lead...lead generation) offers because there is no credit card / purchase required to complete an offer. it is far easier and less work to get someone to fill out a short form than it is, to take out their credit card and purchase something. So conversion rates are typically much higher compared to offers that require a sale to be made.

    I generate traffic to the offers by acquiring fresh / targeted 3rd party data. This is because I'm building assets that I then own and can market to over and over at low cost and I own/control the traffic. Where most marketers pay for traffic, which often just results in failing to turn a profit unless they have a proven funnel or the use some free traffic strategy that more than not, isn't worth the time that it takes to implement.

    So with the combination of the two, basically I'm monetizing the data using PPL offers because they offer the path of least resistance to get conversions and convert the data into cash producing assets.

    I favor offers that have a make, get or save money benefit. This is what has overall worked best for me and tends to have the greatest amount of mass appeal (will be of interest to a large general audience). So the potential to generate high volume of leads exists and cross promoting offers on the back-end is fairly easy.

    Some verticals that I have done extremely well with are: insurance, debt, credit, education, mortgage, loans, assistance, discount offers, homeowner offers, etc...

    If you're not familiar with 3rd party data, it is simply email data that the users have provided permission to receive messages from third parties. So it is 100% can-spam compliant and has nothing to do with spamming. I either purchase the data or I get it through rev-share deal. Rev-share (revenue-sharing) is data that you get upfront for $0 cost and then split the revenue generated from sending it, with the data provider.

    Everything starts with the data and what vertical the users have requested information about or shown an interest in and sending a relevant offer. So if I'm getting data for auto insurance, then I send an auto insurance offer to the users. If I'm getting data for education, I send them an education offer, etc...

    This type of data is rarely going to be as responsive as a highly targeted opt-in list that you develop yourself. This is not an issue because it is much cheaper and highly scalable, compared to list building.

    The key to making it work is to always be segmenting your openers / clickers - removing unresponsive users. That way over time you will be building smaller but more responsive list that you should eventually be able to send less and make more when mailed. Essentially you are converting the data from quantity to quality.

    Obviously, there is far more to it, but done right it can be extremely profitable. Everyone that I know that is in the business and knows what they are doing, for the most part, does 6-7 figures. While that may seem like a huge range, much comes down to one's ability to scale and effectively build / manage the infrastructure needed to scale.

    It's not for everyone, but something to think about.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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    • Profile picture of the author mattburgessbc
      Hey Diablo, thanks for the reply, I'll be honest. I'm not 100% familiar with the CPA affiliate model so I'm going to do a little research and then I'll get back to you
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  • Profile picture of the author dignesh solanki
    It is easy to earn 100$ per day through affiliate marketing as my friend earns daily through it and is not too tough you have to select genuine products and advertise them at right site you can easily reach to that goal even above it only you need is hardwork.
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    • Profile picture of the author mattburgessbc
      Thanks dignesh. So is your friends strategy 1) build a Niche site 2) Lace the site with affiliate offers 3) Drive traffic to site and make money?
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      • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
        Originally Posted by mattburgessbc View Post

        Thanks dignesh. So is your friends strategy 1) build a Niche site 2) Lace the site with affiliate offers 3) Drive traffic to site and make money?
        Drive paid traffic to a squeeze page.

        Give people two options - Opt-in or leave.

        Work on getting the lowest cost per subscriber.
        Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
        All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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        • Profile picture of the author celente
          Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

          Work on getting the lowest cost per subscriber.
          this is key, but took me over 1000 hours to work it out, what people want. But its was well worth it.

          You are paying for data really. And data says a lot,. I use bing and do well there. You need to basically work out what works and what does not. ALWAYS BE TESTING, as legendary marketer frank kern says.

          Getting the lowest cost optins, that are HIGH QUALITY will bring the best results. There are hidden keywords on BING for that too. Its nuts.
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  • Profile picture of the author RefuseToLose
    1) Who on here is making $2000+ per month running paid traffic to affiliate ads and how long did it take you to get to that point?
    When I first started? Took me months and thousands of dollars.

    Everyone fails when they start. Some people learn faster than others, but you can expect to lose money upfront learning by trial and error.

    But after awhile you get better at launching campaigns.

    Soon instead of taking 2-3 months to turn a new campaign profitable, you are able to do it in a month, then 2 weeks, and now I'm at the point where I can launch a campaign and be breaking even or profiting as soon as a few days into testing.

    You just have to know what to focus on and experience will teach you that.

    2) How much money can I realistically expect to burn through to learn this skill before I can actually expect to see results (I know this could greatly vary from person to person but Im just trying to get an idea)
    Depends how experienced you are?

    Total noob? You could blow through thousands before you break even (If you even stick around that long).

    Most noobs should look into getting a mentor if you plan on spending more than $1000 getting started anyway. It will save you time and money avoiding pitfalls you would of fallen into without someone guiding you.

    Plus it's always good to have someone to help you carry the burdens of this stressful job. A good mentor will motivate you and keep pushing you (like Sam and Frodo in Lord of the rings!)

    3) Would you recommend any resources to get some good info when getting started. I know there is stackthatmoney.com but I've heard that can quite overwhelming and isn't really newbie friendly.

    Stackthatmoney is probably the best resource you're going to get in terms of the cheapest source of legit information. That is where most of the real discussion happens (the other places are private mastermind groups).

    But if you're going to pay 99$ a month for a forum, you may as well go all in and get a mentor.

    If you have experience in affiliate marketing you might not need a mentor but for anyone who is brand new, you are going to be at a severe disadvantage going in alone. You will be a small fish in a big pond of sharks. You're going to want a shark buddy to keep you safe from making a dumb mistake and getting eaten alive with ad costs.
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  • Affiliate marketing and CPA marketing are the easiest ways to rake in $$$ daily. But you need to learn the real process that will convert well for to start raking in $$$...
    • You choose a niche
    • Build a website to promote those products (Domain & Web Hosting)
    • Build Mailing List using (Autoresponder Services) through an "Optin or Squeeze Page" which must have its own web hosting and domain as well...
    • Traffic to your Squeeze page using (Pay Per Click Ads, Ad Swaps, Online forums, Viral Video Marketing)
    • Optimize your affiliate website and optin page to rank well on google using the right keywords, professionals can help you do a good SEO of your website to get ranked on google which in turn brings you ( laser targeted traffic)

    If all these are done properly, You should start earning money that very week. You can inbox me if you need my services on any of these and if you know someone else who can render all these services to you, I wish you all the best of luck in your online money making quest.
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  • Profile picture of the author john76
    Hope this is not a stupid question. I get the gist of affiliate marketing but CPA /PPL is little confusing.

    So for PPL/CPA you just provides leads and get paid for them? Where as for affiliate marketing you promote a product(ex:something from clickbank) and if that person buys through your link you get commission.
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  • Profile picture of the author jords16
    At the end of the day all you need is a list. if you start affiliate marketing. it always combine with email marketing.. just focus on creating high converting landing page. and send traffic to it by paid. whatever outcome you will have your list and you can profit from it anytime.
    [Drive REAL TRAFFIC to your website with SOLO ADS] Register Now! For FREE!
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    • Profile picture of the author mattburgessbc
      Thanks Jords16, I get that having a list is key. I have a small list for my website where I promote my products I sell on Amazon. I get people to opt into my list by doing contests and giveaways.

      Here is my question. Everybody is always talking about building a list etc, but what are you giving away in return for that persons email? I never put my email into a landing page unless I get something of value in return. Lists that make the most money are the ones that you have the best relationship with because they trust you. If you give away a garbage product on the opt in then there's no trust. I think this is the key
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      • Profile picture of the author jords16
        Originally Posted by mattburgessbc View Post

        Thanks Jords16, I get that having a list is key. I have a small list for my website where I promote my products I sell on Amazon. I get people to opt into my list by doing contests and giveaways.

        Here is my question. Everybody is always talking about building a list etc, but what are you giving away in return for that persons email? I never put my email into a landing page unless I get something of value in return. Lists that make the most money are the ones that you have the best relationship with because they trust you. If you give away a garbage product on the opt in then there's no trust. I think this is the key
        People will opt-in if they are interested with your headline. or they badly needed it. all i have to do after they opt-in is sending them emails relevant to what they are looking for.
        [Drive REAL TRAFFIC to your website with SOLO ADS] Register Now! For FREE!
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  • Profile picture of the author john76
    What's the negative in just buying an e-mail list?
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by john76 View Post

      What's the negative in just buying an e-mail list?
      here are 5 reasons.

      1) That list could be old

      2) That list could have been spammed to the last 2 years.

      3) That list will not have 100% deliverabilty.

      4) How can you trust you are getting what you are buying?

      5) What are your plans if you buy a list and make $0 in sales.

      I saw it was a trend on teh warrior forum back in 2014, but it died out pretty fast, because of the reasons I mentioned above.
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      • Profile picture of the author mattburgessbc
        Another reason not to buy a list is you have NO relationship with that list. The guys making big money with email lists build up a relationship with their list so that the list is very responsive when they sell them something
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        • Profile picture of the author jords16
          Originally Posted by mattburgessbc View Post

          Another reason not to buy a list is you have NO relationship with that list. The guys making big money with email lists build up a relationship with their list so that the list is very responsive when they sell them something
          i agree with you matt. you will just wasting money if you buy a list. it might ended up with unsubscribe because they don't know you.
          [Drive REAL TRAFFIC to your website with SOLO ADS] Register Now! For FREE!
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