Video Marketing Strategies And YouTube Marketing Tips For Blogging Part 2

by Dawood
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After looking at how to deal with mindset in regard to using YouTube videos to expand your brand and increase traffic generation besides optimizing your video for SEO in part1, I am back with more tips.

We are going to look more into the video title, description and tags. I will start by addressing some issues raised from the previous lesson (part1).

i. The maximum length of video to be uploaded onto YouTube
YouTube works with a 10 minutes rule. You might have realized that there are other videos taking more than 10 minutes. These belong to people who owned YouTube accounts before the 10 minutes rule came into effect.

You may only acquire these kinds of accounts by buying them and when doing this, use your better judgment. In short, your videos should take 10 minutes or less.

This is a lot of time to send hordes of traffic to your site and expand your products if you do a good job. You only achieve this if your video is of great content.

ii. What to do with a recording longer than 10 minutes

In order to make your video recording take 10 minutes or less, you should either edit it to the required length or break it into equal parts and connect them using the description, annotations and video response.

iii. Easier ways to check statistics on YouTube.
YouTube uses "insight" to convey a lot of information concerning the videos uploaded. You will get information concerning incoming traffic, its origin and parts of the video which viewers find most interesting.

In order to benefit from this, you should add "Insight module" to your YouTube homepage so that when you sign in, you will have all information about the traffic you are receiving and discover what your most popular videos are.

Creating "insight module" is simple and you only need to click on "Add/Remove Module" and then select "insight Chart"

In part2, we are going to look at very important but yet overlooked aspects of video recording. We will look at tags, titles and description.

The Title of you video
The title of your video should be taken very seriously as you do with your blog post titles. It should contain keywords relating to your website and it should never be generic because it has to catch people's attentions.

Because YouTube search engine is owned by Google, having a keyword rich title will contribute to high ranking. Tough your video will not affect search engine results directly, be admonished that ranking depends on competition, views, related videos, tags and comments.

You should know that viewer action is very essential to being successful hence the reason why you should include calling people to action to obtain more subscriber and comments.

Because more exposure means more traffic, try typing the keywords you intend to use into the YouTube search field and see the most popular videos appearing and you will be sure that your video is having a chance of being viewed if it ranks among those popular videos.

Although it is pretty well understood that in the description you are supposed to explain what your video is all about, there is one tip I will wish you to put into practice.

It will be essential to start your description with your site's URL. Your video should have a clearly seen and clickable website address.

If you start with your link, people are likely to click on it. Your link should be followed by a real and genuine description with relevant keywords responsible for helping YouTube search engines in determining what your video is about.

Do not waste your time in optimizing your description using anchor texts because HTML does not work in description.

Links from YouTube are not backlinks hence; you should be aware that they are not Nofollow. Nevertheless you should include links in your YouTube video in order to drive traffic to your site.

Tags are keywords added to your video because they are related to it. It is recommended that you use 7-10 tags in your video. You can effectively achieve better results by finding popular videos by entering the primary keywords into YouTube search engine and work with the videos that rank on that page.

When you get the most popular video with highest views, expand its description and have a glance at all the tags which are used. In order to increase your video's chances of showing next to that video, use the exact tags in your video.

On the other hand, if you intend to upload multiple videos, it will be essential creating your own keywords.

This means that you should possess a unique character used in tagging each of your videos. With this unique identifer, your video will have thumbnails around them in related sections. This will help in having more of your videos showing in an area next to your open video.

In Case You Missed Part 1, Check It Out Here

And Part 3 Here


#blogging #make $100 a day #marketing #part #strategies #tips #video #youtube

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