Is CB making me paranoid or is something going on...

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My CB analytics stopped being in snc (old analytics vs new) around 22 Oct. I am getting more hits to my sites than ever ( statcounter stats verified ). Strangely my sales have gone in the toilet since then as well. I have verified my affiliate link is showing on the order page on all of my higher traffic sites. affiliate = me is visibvle on the bottom of the order pages.

Maybe I am paranoid but I have gone from at least one sale a day and often two or more to one sale total since the 21st of October. I have not had 2 consecutive days without a sale in over 2 weeks prior to this and my traffic has increased significantly since then.

Anyone else having issue?

Should I just get a new aff ID and see what happens? I have a bunch of sites so it would be a little work...Like I said my aff ID is there on the order pages...

As you can see the top stats are sowing roughly 11 hops on the 25th while the bottom (original analytics) is showing 65 hops for the same date 25 Oct. Like I said My sites are getting more hits than ever I have been link building lately and my traffic has almost doubled.

Anyone else having issue?

#making #paranoid

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