Join these Safelists = Mission Impossible

2 replies
I don't get it:

BulkList - Login

Damn Smart Mail - Login

I got there from one of Mike Filsaime's sites and then what? What do I do here?

Do any of you have experience with these safelists?

There is no "join", "create account" or anything like that...
#impossible #join #mission #safelists
  • Profile picture of the author winebuddy
    That appears to be the login page of a paid safelist. The sales page is somewhere else and that is where you would set up your account.
    "Knowledge is NOT power... ACTION on Knowledge is power"
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    • Profile picture of the author ildarius
      Originally Posted by winebuddy View Post

      That appears to be the login page of a paid safelist. The sales page is somewhere else and that is where you would set up your account.
      Yep, exactly, how in the world can you expect a person to find it? I couldn't....

      Worst part is that he has it inside of the "affiliate promotions" section of the web-site. I really don't see how any affiliates can use these pages.
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