An urgent plea from a family on the brink...

191 replies
So, after 2 years of being unemployed and barely scraping by month after month with IM, unemployment checks, and church charity, we had a blessing.

My wife got a job at the Olympia, WA Chamber of Commerce. At the same time, my article-writing WSO (glances at sig) took off well enough to help us catch up on several long-overdue bills. All of that catching up left us broke, but we figured we had my wife's new income to depend on.

Then, today, the first day of my wife's new job, the transmission on our only vehicle ground itself into tiny little pieces with no warning whatsoever. We literally don't have enough money to buy a bus pass. Estimate on repair: $4000. That's more than we've made in the last 4 months put together.

There's simply no charitable organization (or family member or friend) capable of giving out 4 grand. Trust me, I've spent the last 9 hours on the phone making absolutely sure of that fact.

When I was desperate and looking for a mentor last year, I found help here, and with Michael Oksa's amazing guidance, I've gone from a complete failure at selling a product to actually seeing trickling income.

SO, I'm coming back and putting it out there to all of the experts and gurus and philanthropic people here.

I have $20 in my PayPal accout from articles that I wrote last week, and that's literally everything. On the other hand, I'm smart, I can write all kinds of copy and articles and newsletters, and I have all the time in the world.

SO, gurus and giants:

If you were me -- no money, all time, and with a specific, definite one-time goal of $4000 -- needed literally in the next week -- what would you do?

I am willing and able to put in 12-16 hour days for the next week if that's what it takes. I just need the right direction. Is there someone who has an idea -- any functional idea -- of how I can get us back to function?

(Feel free to PM, Email, or Skype me (Arananthi) if you have input you're not comfortable sharing with everyone.)
#brink #family #plea #urgent
  • Profile picture of the author shaddai
    Check your PM's.
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    • Profile picture of the author dadwillguideu
      Originally Posted by shaddai View Post

      Check your PM's.

      the site refuses to allow the link to my story so, close da spaces, its
      Good luck

      check here for the latest known SCAMS goin on.
      I had a guy approach me with a similar story at airborne school in ft benning georgia. I was able to get him to finally tell me the truth, but beware these scumbags. This guy IS making alot of money but its from US the public GIVING him money NOT him working for it.
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      • Profile picture of the author andrew_writes
        Originally Posted by dadwillguideu View Post

        the site refuses to allow the link to my story so, close da spaces, its
        That is because you only have one post.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    Have you thought of going to a buy here pay here used car lot? You can grab a used car for under $1,000 that will at least get her to and from work. That way you only need to come up with about $300 for the down payment.

    Rob Whisonant
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    • Profile picture of the author Izesta
      I don't have any super duper ideas for getting that kind of rapid cash together, but I will put something through to your Paypal account.

      Respond via PM with your email address.

      It's tough out there right now and I do wish you the best.
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      • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
        Originally Posted by Izesta View Post

        I don't have any super duper ideas for getting that kind of rapid cash together, but I will put something through to your Paypal account.

        Respond via PM with your email address.

        It's tough out there right now and I do wish you the best.
        Yes it is very tough out there. I am feeling it big time and reason I came vack to warriors in hopes I can learn something to make $$$.

        I live in Florida which has the second highest unemployment rate next to CA and 2 years ago I was let get from a job where I was making good money as a controller for a property management company. Since then its been heel finding work and have only worked 7 months in the last 24 months.

        I have 20 years in my field and degree'd and still having no luck. I am a single full-time dad to an 8 yr old son and its been hard on us. Pretty much living off my credit cards and had to move back in with parents which is a stressful and makes me feel like a failure.

        I am trying to be positive so you hang in there buddy. On a good note you have been able to make some money online, I still have to make my first dollar.

        Good luck and god bless.
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  • Profile picture of the author francof
    If you're good at writing... one thing that comes to mind is creating a membership site where you'd create monthly PLR products, ebooks, articles, whatever you can make and that is high quality and that marketers could make money off of. Make it a monthly membership but make a killer deal for X amount of people for a 1 year or lifetime membership... so if the deal would be 200$ for lifetime membership, you could say you're limiting the sale to the first 20 people ONLY and stick by that (20 X $200 = $4,000 ). You could even sweeten the deal further and promise those people they'll each get a unique product created just for them that they have full rights to... a product done on their specifications just for them.

    The 200$/20 sales is just an example but you get the idea.

    Good luck. I also like Rob W. suggestion above, seems like a much easier goal
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  • Profile picture of the author lazavas
    oh please, not one of these threads again!
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    • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
      Originally Posted by lazavas View Post

      oh please, not one of these threads again!

      You know, life happens, hope it is not you next time but then again, maybe you would understand...
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      • Profile picture of the author lazavas
        Originally Posted by Vikuna2009+ View Post

        You know, life happens, hope it is not you next time but then again, maybe you would understand...
        yes life does happen, and its happened to me as well, but i would never come on here and post something like this, im gonna be blunt but im sick and tired of people doing this, do we really want this forum to be the place people come to and ask for help, this may be a legit situation and im sure it is but open ur eyes! MILLIONS of people are going through this and yes i have been one of them and i do "understand" but give me a break!

        ive never made a paypal donation to one of these and i NEVER will!

        u gotta fight, simple as that, u gotta FIGHT in this life

        sorry if this is a bit harsh but that is EXACTLY how i feel and i aint gonna be scared to voice my opinion like many others on here
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        • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
          $4000 to fix a tranny?

          For 8 years I drove a mini van that I bought here for $6300 (and we're supposed to be an expensive country). I think you're driving the wrong kind of car. You should read about Warren Buffett's car (he bought a car fixed up from an accident). Sounds like it's time to pare the expenses and overhead.
          Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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        • Profile picture of the author AnneE
          Originally Posted by lazavas View Post

          yes life does happen, and its happened to me as well, but i would never come on here and post something like this, im gonna be blunt but im sick and tired of people doing this, do we really want this forum to be the place people come to and ask for help, this may be a legit situation and im sure it is but open ur eyes! MILLIONS of people are going through this and yes i have been one of them and i do "understand" but give me a break!

          ive never made a paypal donation to one of these and i NEVER will!

          u gotta fight, simple as that, u gotta FIGHT in this life

          sorry if this is a bit harsh but that is EXACTLY how i feel and i aint gonna be scared to voice my opinion like many others on here
          I'm not going to be scared to voice my opinion either, which is that your (lazavas) opinion stinks. You say you would never post here if you were in this situation. Fine. Bully for you. You say, "u gotta fight..." right the guy who posted this thread IS trying to fight, trying to rally. He was just looking for a little coaching and cheerleading from the sidelines.

          You ask if we want this forum to be about people asking for help? As opposed to leaving people feeling like they don't know where to turn for help? I'd rather have them turn here. This guy didn't ask for a Paypal payment, he asked for ideas because he knows Warriors have lots of good ideas.

          And that is just my opinion!
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        • Profile picture of the author scrofford
          Originally Posted by lazavas View Post

          yes life does happen, and its happened to me as well, but i would never come on here and post something like this, im gonna be blunt but im sick and tired of people doing this, do we really want this forum to be the place people come to and ask for help, this may be a legit situation and im sure it is but open ur eyes! MILLIONS of people are going through this and yes i have been one of them and i do "understand" but give me a break!

          ive never made a paypal donation to one of these and i NEVER will!

          u gotta fight, simple as that, u gotta FIGHT in this life

          sorry if this is a bit harsh but that is EXACTLY how i feel and i aint gonna be scared to voice my opinion like many others on here
          I guess that means you don't need anyone. You don't need any help and never will, you can do it all on your own cause remember you gotta fight right? Dude grow up!

          Yes millions of people are going through this but it never hurts to ask for help! I know you have said you have been in that situation before, but I can bet that there is some situation that you will end up in someday you will need to ask for help. And this guy isn't even asking for money! So if you don't like the thread, get the %@#& out!
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          • Profile picture of the author Lady_T
            Hey Essence,

            I'm a single mom and I can relate
            to your situation and the way you

            There was a post a while back on
            how to search for jobs on craigslist.

            You can find copywriting jobs easily
            this way.

            I used the method and I picked up
            5 new clients in 2 days who needed
            everything from sales letters to eBooks
            to short reports.

            These people were willing to pay top
            dollar for my services and I ended
            up with nearly $2,000 straight to
            my paypal account and new clients.

            Yeah I had to work my butt off but
            it was well worth it.

            I'll try to find the thread and pm
            you the link.
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  • Profile picture of the author pcpupil
    I agree with Rob,for 4,000 dollars i could buy 3 vehicles,lisence them,insure them,and drive all 3 for 2 weeks on whats left over for the gas.
    I would go to some churches and ask if they had any work that needed to be done.
    Raking leaves,clearing out gutters from leaves so the snow that melts has some where to go.
    getting ready for winter,ect...
    Then go put a small down payment on a VW,gremlen,vega,honda civic,something thats cheap,decent gas milage,and easy to fix or repair and doesnt break down much at all.PRE 1980.
    Im an ex mechanic,trust me.
    I see in your sig you have the article writing.How about a warrior special:
    Article Marketers Dozen:
    13 niche articles,plus keywords,$77.00.--articles 300-350 words apiece.
    Write 10 sets now,sell them.
    $770-$500 for used car-DPay
    $270 left--$220 for insurance,tags,gas,for 4 weeks.
    $50 left for food.
    1st car Payment due in 30 days of around $100-$150.
    I will be your Digital Assistance for cheap.PM me.
    I can help relieve your work load.Pm me

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Lewis
    If your really desperate hire yourself out to people. or warriors for hire will probably land you a quick job. At least get that bus pass and work your way up to a car.
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    • Profile picture of the author -prodigy-
      Originally Posted by jesseray View Post

      If your really desperate hire yourself out to people. or warriors for hire will probably land you a quick job. At least get that bus pass and work your way up to a car.
      I agree with this advice. If it were me, I'd ride the bus until I was more financially stable. I think a more realistic approach is called for.
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  • Profile picture of the author GarrieWilson
    I would:

    1. Do the WSO you was selling about making $Xx in Y time
    2. Rake leaves for people
    3. Sell plasma
    4. Pawn all your electronics
    5. Wash business windows
    6. Pick-up cans

    But I know the purpose of your post was to ask for money w/out asking. It's obviously you cant get the IM thing going so go get a freaking JOB even if its at McDonalds.
    Screw You, NameCheap!
    $1 Off NameSilo Domain Coupons:

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  • Profile picture of the author Essence
    GarrieWilson, you are a cynical and mean person. I'm NOT asking for money. I'm asking for ideas -- tools that I can use to get myself past this obstacle. Please re-read what I said above. Getting a job doesn't work unless you can get there.

    And I have a source of income - I work freelance on Odesk with some success, and I write articles here. The problem in front of me isn't that I'm a slacker. It's that a massive unexpected debt landed on me, and I'm looking for ideas and tools to help me cope with it.

    Rob, The idea of getting an old beater is a good one; I'm totally going to do that. I'm appalled that I didn't think of it myself. I've been so fixated on getting "my car" back that it never occurred to me to look outside the box. THAT's the kind of thing I needed. Thank you!

    Jesseray, I'm already on Odesk and making money from it. The point here is NOT that I need a job; I'm making money working from home -- just not nearly enough to be able to get my wife a vehicle so SHE can work as well. The bus pass is an option if I can conjure a WSO or something to get enough money to buy one.

    francof, the idea is good, but I don't have enough cash to buy a domain, hosting, and a WSO. But I really appreciate the thought, and I can post a smaller WSO just to make the money to pay for the rest of it. Even if I make $40, it'll be enough to get started.

    pcpupil's idea, for example.

    I think that may be a workable plan. Are there any decent (free) tools/scripts you're familiar with for setting up a membership site? I'm afraid I don't have the programming skills to put anything together like that on my own...
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    • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
      Originally Posted by Essence View Post

      Rob, The idea of getting an old beater is a good one; I'm totally going to do that. I'm appalled that I didn't think of it myself. I've been so fixated on getting "my car" back that it never occurred to me to look outside the box.
      That's a good plan.

      Now let me ask: Are there other things in your household that you've been thinking of as "yours"... but they could easily be liquidated for cash? Electronics, collectibles, antiques, books, furniture, etc? Maybe rummage through the garage and the attic. You might be able to come up with several hundred or even several thousand dollars worth of stuff that you can put on CraigsList or eBay.

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      • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton
        Unless I misunderstood the OP all they need is the price of a bus pass until his wife gets her first salary.

        How much are monthly bus passes?

        His wife will be working at a Chamber of Commerce. Don't all offline golders say those places are a goldmine for picking up business?

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      • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
        Originally Posted by Essence View Post

        francof, the idea is good, but I don't have enough cash to buy a domain, hosting, and a WSO. But I really appreciate the thought, and I can post a smaller WSO just to make the money to pay for the rest of it. Even if I make $40, it'll be enough to get started.

        pcpupil's idea, for example.

        I think that may be a workable plan. Are there any decent (free) tools/scripts you're familiar with for setting up a membership site? I'm afraid I don't have the programming skills to put anything together like that on my own...
        I need an outline/report of some kind (in the next day) on how someone who is a freelancer would approach odesk as a place to put their services. Details on signing up and what to look for on the site. I am making a video about it, so need an introduction to the site, and some tips on using that site in general, how successful it is etc.

        Pm me what you would charge for this.



        "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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    • Profile picture of the author Shotgunner
      I don't think you can make too much money working for other people, as in writing copy and stuff like that. You should invest in a couple niche sites and pour your heart and soul into those. With that kind of effort, you could not only reach your goal, but have a continuing stream of income after that.

      Check out my site about airsoft rifles!

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      • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
        Originally Posted by Shotgunner View Post

        I don't think you can make too much money working for other people, as in writing copy and stuff like that. You should invest in a couple niche sites and pour your heart and soul into those. With that kind of effort, you could not only reach your goal, but have a continuing stream of income after that.
        What? Are you kidding me? There are people who do copy and are raking it in.

        Here is a picture for that other guy who is "calling people out" - LOL

        "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author bravo75
    A bit sad really. But this a "be a fu&^%er or F*&&ee world!
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  • Profile picture of the author christftw
    I haven't seen many lately (not too active either) but a little bit ago, before my reg date (lurked for awhile), there was a making money offline trend. Someone posted the simplest method of finding local businesses with no opt-in on their web site, and a great little piece to use to sell them on the idea. I believe he made around $250 a deal for something as simple as setting up an opt-in on their homepage. I'm having trouble recalling it but around that time there were quite a few posts like this. Try searching around on the forums.

    I realize you have no means of transportation, but I'm assuming you live in walking distance of brick-and-mortar businesses (and you can try calling some, too). Things may have changed since all of the doom-and-gloom about the recession, but I believe this will be a lot easier than doing something online if there aren't any other Warriors in your area doing it already, since you need such a large amount of money so quick.

    God bless & good luck,
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    Can you place an ad on seeking someone for your wife to carpool with? Also, post on every bulletin board in neighborhood grocery stores, as well as at work, etc.

    Explain your situation, I'm sure you can find someone that will understand and let you help out with the gas after your wife gets paid. Save the money you would have spent on a car and put it to your business for a few months.

    You have a tough month ahead of you, but with your wife working, things will get better quickly after that. Just need to find her a way to get to and from work.
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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    • Profile picture of the author DonnaLeona

      You can place an ad on craigslist for free and sell the parts from your car for lots of money! I've bought a lot of used car parts over the years. I paid $100.00 for a used car door. Even the seats are worth quite a bit. It all has value. Your money is in your driveway!

      Call a junkyard that sells car parts for ideas on what to charge. Or look at the other ads on craigslist.

      And while your selling stuff on craigslist check out the gigs for day labor type things. Offer to work for less if they give you a ride to and from the job.

      Then buy an old car that will run for awhile. But a bus pass is a great way to travel too, I willingly ride the bus and enjoy it even though I have a car.

      You may even be able to trade your labor for a used car in the barter section.

      Just start brainstorming and the answers will come.

      Good Luck, there are lessons even in the hard parts of life when we look back.

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      • Profile picture of the author Holland
        Hi Essence

        Sorry to hear about your situation, which i'm sure a lot of other are in at this moment. Life can be very tough for a lot of people out there, hope you will find a way to move forward with your family.

        I have a free ebook, showing people how to set up highly succesful sites selling physical products, using the best affiliate program out there. Which i don't think will make you $4000 in the next week, but thought may help to find ways of gradually build up another stream of income.

        Hope that helps a little.

        That idea of the membership re you writing articls and do a PLR membership, only 20 lifetime for $200 is a great idea. Especially if you are good at writing articles.

        Good luck and god bless.

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  • Profile picture of the author HenrikC
    Here's a tip that might help you.

    I haven't tried this method fully yet, but I know it can be powerful when made right.

    It's a free method, and it's based on article marketing, which you seem to have good knowldege in already.

    The method I am talking about is writing and submitting articles to

    Guess many of you know about this method ready..

    But the "secret" here is that every time an article gets approved, your article will show up in the category most recent published article, under every article in the same area. (For example the health-&-fitness category.)

    Here is also where you can see an increase in traffic to your website, because many times people who read an article, also look for related articles under the article they have read already.

    This is temporary, but could give you a suddenly increase in visitors.

    And articles from ezinearticles can basically be found all over the search engines such as Google, Yahoo & MSN.

    So if you are good at writing articles, try to write 5 articles or more per day, and submit them to

    When I did this (in the weight loss area, where the traffic seems to be the highest), I sometimes got over 100 (free) visitors to my website from just 1 article.

    In my case I directed people from the articles to my opt-in form which worked very well for me.

    But you could also direct link to an affiliate product for example.
    (From Clickbank or similar. Try to find a good product with many testimonials here then.)

    So if you write a good article (in the weight loss area which I recommend) and link to an affiliate or PLR product in your resource box (or your op-in page), the chance is also that you could get a couple of sales here (or new subscribers).

    So try this method, and I hope it will help you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve36
    Stay strong and carry on working hard.

    I know exactly what it's like, I am will be living in a homeless shelter within a week. Working with my laptop and mobile broadband, the only things I have of value. If I don't make a few sales this month (have made 3 ever) I may not be online next month (or the month after that!)

    Moral of the story. Keep on going. What ever happens, I'm going to make it eventually. I don't think about my circumstances (having a laptop in a shelter isn't a good idea!) but I concentrate on how things will be a year from now.

    I know my circumstance are different from yours, but all I'm trying to say is that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Keep at it and try to stay positive!

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  • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
    Originally Posted by Essence View Post

    If you were me -- no money, all time, and with a specific, definite one-time goal of $4000 -- needed literally in the next week -- what would you do?
    I'd question and challenge the guy that told you it
    would cost $4k and I'd go to at least two other
    places to get a better price. $4k is totally unrealistic.

    I'd look around my house to see what I have of value
    that I could sell to raise some seed money.

    I'd get out into my immediate neighbourhood and I'd
    offer to do any task I could to raise extra cash.

    I'd call on local businesses and offer to help them to
    get online, improve the effectiveness of their existing
    websites or to increase the SE Ranking.

    John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Lorence
      Don't know about Washington State, but in Michigan the tranny for a one-ton HD pickup cost me $3500 replaced ... Unless your car is an MB or BMW - $4k is unrealistic.

      Sell that car till your IM business can justify such an expense.

      Get on the automotive forums and look for a better deal in your area.

      Good luck ...
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    • Profile picture of the author Todd Lamb
      Originally Posted by John Taylor View Post

      I'd question and challenge the guy that told you it
      would cost $4k and I'd go to at least two other
      places to get a better price. $4k is totally unrealistic.

      I'd look around my house to see what I have of value
      that I could sell to raise some seed money.

      I'd get out into my immediate neighbourhood and I'd
      offer to do any task I could to raise extra cash.

      I'd call on local businesses and offer to help them to
      get online, improve the effectiveness of their existing
      websites or to increase the SE Ranking.

      Precisely... very well put. 12-16 hrs a day is only going to start to reap you benefits 30 to 60 days from now...but having said that it is time well spent.

      You must start working the system a bit. You could realistically defer many of your expenses for 6 to 12 months. Very few organizations have the systems in place to force collection of debt of any kind. Make a phone call and put the pressure back on them..people respond. Tell them your situation be honest and advise them of your plan to get back on your feet..they will respond and you can get your feet under you.

      Its OK to be in a bind and there are very few who have never had to lean on someone for assistance, don't let this cause you any anxiety, work the system against itself and work to get back on your feet.

      There is no real magic bullet...just don't be discouraged.

      Gone to the Lake.. No Signature Required
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  • Profile picture of the author Johnny Slater
    $4K for a trans is actually a realistic price. Many mid range cars here in the US have trans in them that are worth more than the car itself. My wife's grandfather was a mechanic and he had 15 cars sitting in his yard that only needed a new trans. On every one of them, the price for a replacement trans was between 3 and 4 thousand.

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  • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
    Not sure why I opened this thread, bu I'm glad I did.

    Gosh I hope I don't come across as being an ass, but I was there and I have to tell you what I did.

    You say you have all the time - why are you not spending that time looking for a job instead of posting on a forum?

    I was in your position and realized that IM wasn't going to give me what I needed at the time, so I bit the bullet and got a job. Now, 5 years later I am a full time IMer and without that job I wouldn't be whereI am today.

    You can get a pretty reliable used car for a couple thousand dollars - and even at minimum wage, you can make that in a month. Coupled with your online tricklings, you'll be OK.

    So from personal experience, I have to say for you to go get a job. There ARE jobs out there. If you are hurting like you say, you won't have a problem taking anything you can get.

    Its easy to sit there for 8 hours watching your stats. Its commendable to go out and get a job and get your family back on track.

    With respect as a family man who's been there,

    p.s. Honesty, Integrity, Reliability and Dignity will get you where you want to go.
    Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
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  • Profile picture of the author jazbo
    My suggestion would be to sell the car for scrap, buy a $500 dollar car or a couple of bikes and go out and get a proper job so you can get enough financial breathing space to then worry about making it rich online.
    CONTENT WRITER. Reliable, UK-Based, 6 Years Experience - ANY NICHE
    Click Here For Writing Samples & Online Ordering
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  • Profile picture of the author Scott Ames
    $4,000 for a transmission. Wow.

    As others have suggested. I would first buy a beater for $1,000 and run that a while. Park the broken one or sell it.

    Later if you want to get the tranny fixed I would do this:

    1. It doesn't have to be a new tranny. Search for used car parts online or in the junkyard.
    2. Go to Craigslist and find a mechanic that will install it for you for an hourly wage or one price.

    The idea is you get a used part, then find someone that can put it in. You'll cut the price by a ton.

    Then.. once your tranny is fixed, sell the beater, but, clean it, replace anything like broken mirrors, etc.. and make it look really great. You might make money on it if you bought it right.

    After that write a report on your experience. Tell readers how to get parts cheaply, how to find a mechanic, how to fix up an old beater to sell. Market that report or book to folks in your situation, or put it as a PLR WSO.

    Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill

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  • Profile picture of the author RobFighter
    It appears you live near a major metro so I would look into your local police/sheriff vehicle auctions...some have them weekly. I have a nephew who recently got a decent Toyota that runs good at one of these for $100.

    If you plan to repair your current tranny look into high schools and vocational schools in your area that have automotive programs. Often you can get repairs done at these for only the actual cost of the parts needed. Or, if that isn't an option, you may be able to find someone at either of the above who will do the job for you after hours much more reasonably than a normal shop.

    The people who posted about parting out your current vehicle are also correct. Look closely at ebay and see what people are getting for various parts on your model of vehicle. You may be able to make many times what your vehicle is worth this way and do so pretty quickly.

    All the best,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1345621].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    A friend of mine is selling a geo metro that looks like hell for $500 it runs OK, but you still need plate and pip. An even better idea is to get a 50cc scooter used for $300. They are easy on gas, no license, no pip, etc - even cheaper is a bicycle I got one at a garage sale for $10. As for food, there is a sale on potatoes, a 20lbs bag for $4.99.

    Best way to make money is to sell links on your websites. OK since you need money fast, permalinks are the way to go - price depends on traffic and pr.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1345719].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kirahster
    Hi Essence,

    I am sorry that you are going through such a hard time. Times like this are certainly not fun but at the end of the day you WILL get through it. It will not be easy but you have to just keeping battling on.

    From reading your post, I am struck by the thought that you seem to be panicking.
    I know that it is hard not to panic but you need to take a step back and realize that things are not as bad as they seem.

    Your wife has just gotten a job. You will have money coming in soon.
    You do not need $4000 for a new transmission.
    You can buy a "new to you" car for cheaper that.
    You have public transportation that you can rely on.

    I am fairly sure that a charity will give you the money for a bus pass.
    You will not starve. There are food drives.
    You have skills that you can use to make money online.

    If you can write then do that. Write a set of 25 articles.
    You can do this today.
    Make them Christmas or holiday related because these will be popular at this time of year.
    Pick good keywords and just start writing.

    This is a set of Christmas PLR articles that I am sure people will be willing to buy as a WSO.

    I think if you stop panicking and take a step back and look at your situation that you will see that things are not as bad as you think they are.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gail Sober
    I've been in a few financial crunches in my life. Here's what I did.

    1. Get up and head to day labor.
    2. Go out in evenings and paint house numbers on curbs
    3. Install peep holes in doors

    That's good for $100-$200 per day. I didn't say a quick/easy $200. It's long days and hard work and going door to door can suck but you could have enough to buy some kind of car in a weeks time.

    If your car is worth keeping, keep it. Just don't fix it right now.

    Buy a beater, you can easily pick one up that runs good for under $1000 and fix your transmission when it is more financially reasonable then sell the beater for what you paid.

    Good luck.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1345812].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GoGetta
    I would agree with Allen and a few others on here,

    I think right now, your situation is pointing towards a job. You may be working in IM and earning a little but a job to supplement this will help!

    As far as transport to get a job, a bus pass can't be much. Use the last $20 in your paypal account to run a WSO offering your writing skills. There is someone offering $97 ebooks at the moment and the thread is on fire.

    You don't have to do that but maybe articles or blog posts etc. Offering services will put money in your back pocket today!!!!

    Once you get a little money, buy the bus pass and find a job to supplement.

    In 7 days you can earn money this way, probably enough to buy a run around next week ($500?)

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1345820].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    I did a quick check and you can get a monthly bus pass in Olympia for $30 a month, or less...Daily passes are only $2. They also offer some car-pooling options, as well as bike racks, which means your wife can ride a bike to the bus stop, then put it on the bus and take it from there...
    Welcome to Intercity Transit

    BTW, they claim to have won an award for the best "mid size city" bus service.

    If you do good work on articles, I'm sure a few of us will hire you so you can make enough for food/bus until she gets paid.
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1345824].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman
    Hey Folks,

    I don't know Michael, but never the less here goes...

    You know there are some really great ideas here and then there are a few, which imply Michael is not doing the best he can. We don't know all his circumstances which have him staying at home and working his IM business.

    I took the time and checked out his signature file for his classified ad. Then I went over to his profile in Ezine Articles, checked it out and read several of his articles. Here's his stats:

    Status: Basic PLUS Joined: EzineArticles Member since May 27, 2008 Location: United States Articles: 63 Active articles, resulting in 8,490 views
    Michael can write and there is no question about it. It's obvious to me he knows his keyword research, (8,490 view) his articles contain fresh helpful information (which means he knows how to research his topic) and he writes a mean resource box.

    I'm going to put my money where my mouth is and hire him for a special project. I know he may still be asleep as it's only 6:17 A.M. his time but it will be there when he wakes up. O.K. now I'm off to P.M. him.

    Have a great day everybody.

    Ken Leatherman
    The Old Geezer

    P.S. Some will say I'm just a bleeding heart. So be it! I think it's just the right thing to do.
    Ghost Writing Services Coming Soon

    So Check Out My WSO
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1345826].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Izesta
      Originally Posted by Ken Leatherman View Post

      Hey Folks,

      I don't know Michael, but never the less here goes...

      You know there are some really great ideas here and then there are a few, which imply Michael is not doing the best he can. We don't know all his circumstances which have him staying at home and working his IM business.

      I took the time and checked out his signature file for his WSO. Then I went over to his profile in Ezine Articles, checked it out and read several of his articles. Here's his stats:

      Michael can write and there is no question about it. It's obvious to me he knows his keyword research, (8,490 view) his articles contain fresh helpful information (which means he knows how to research his topic) and he writes a mean resource box.

      I'm going to put my money where my mouth is and hire him for a special project. I know he may still be asleep as it's only 6:17 A.M. his time but it will be there when he wakes up. O.K. now I'm off to P.M. him.

      Have a great day everybody.

      Ken Leatherman
      The Old Geezer

      That's great Ken. Hope it's a winner for everyone. I'm gonna take a look at his ezine work. Got distracted yesterday and didn't get back to it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1345845].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Thanks alot Ken,

      I really wanted an odesk report, but I have a feeling I have been outbid.

      Looks like I will have to actually work today.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1345851].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author kumar
        Originally Posted by avenuegirl View Post

        Thanks alot Ken,

        I really wanted an odesk report, but I have a feeling I have been outbid.

        Looks like I will have to actually work today.
        Hi Jill,

        I am working as a provider on Odesk for the past one year.
        If you still need any inputs on the report you are planning,
        let me know. That is, if Essence has already been made busy
        by Ken Leatherman . If he can spare time for your project
        too, please give him first preference.


        Life is not a sprint, its a marathon. A bad start does not really matter too much

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1345925].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Marhelper
      Very cool. It is refreshing to hear the voice of grace rather than judgmentalism.

      Originally Posted by Ken Leatherman View Post

      Hey Folks,

      I don't know Michael, but never the less here goes...

      You know there are some really great ideas here and then there are a few, which imply Michael is not doing the best he can. We don't know all his circumstances which have him staying at home and working his IM business.

      I took the time and checked out his signature file for his classified ad. Then I went over to his profile in Ezine Articles, checked it out and read several of his articles. Here's his stats:

      Michael can write and there is no question about it. It's obvious to me he knows his keyword research, (8,490 view) his articles contain fresh helpful information (which means he knows how to research his topic) and he writes a mean resource box.

      I'm going to put my money where my mouth is and hire him for a special project. I know he may still be asleep as it's only 6:17 A.M. his time but it will be there when he wakes up. O.K. now I'm off to P.M. him.

      Have a great day everybody.

      Ken Leatherman
      The Old Geezer

      P.S. Some will say I'm just a bleeding heart. So be it! I think it's just the right thing to do.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1351149].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hotftuna
    I'll hire you for a handful of articles. If I like them, I would be happy to hire you on a regular basis. PM me.
    Signature ranks #1 for "human edited web directory"

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1345850].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman
    Wa-Ha-Ha, got you Jill. I'm first in line. The rest of you guys are just plain ... My wife said I had to play nice.

    Ghost Writing Services Coming Soon

    So Check Out My WSO
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1345896].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chrissy Allen
    Hi Essence

    Sorry to hear about your position, i know the script.

    First of all keep smiling and keep believing ok, you have to keep visualizing the positive outcome ok.

    People may not agree with me but trust me when i say this... DONT FOCUS on the problem at all.... FOCUS on what you need they are 2 different things.

    Now i am not a guru or a IM high flyer but 1 thing i know for a fact will generate cash fast for you and again people may not agree with me is EBAY. Its cheap to list items takes a few minutes to snap the pics and list the items and you have paypal. Im sure it would be very easy to find things in your home that you dont use very much, if you dont think you have these items open a cupboard or a draw and go into the loft/atic.
    There will be what you think is JUNK everywhere...these are perfect !!
    Take a some pics and get listing, do a 3day auction and start at 0.99.

    Im not sure if you will generate 4k in a week but you will generate cash almost imediately, if you have items that are quite random do a buy it now ! & best offer!

    This is all about you and if you are prepared to spend 3hrs out of your 12-16 (available) listing things on ebay you will get cash with out fail.

    IM as you know takes time and you dont have much so dont be wasting it.
    Do something that works now right now.

    Remember to see the result and not the problem and you can and will do it.
    If you need a hand on ebay PM me ok. Im a power seller and i make money on there every day of the week.

    Just makesure that wotever you decide to do you are doing it with or for someone who is actually making money not someone trying to make money again there is a big difference.

    Good Luck


    PS My signature is ironic i know but merely a coincidence !

    Chris Allen

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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
    Here's my best advice:

    Take the bus.
    Read this SURPRISING REPORT Before You Buy ANY WSO! Click Here
    FREE REPORT: Split Test Your Landing Pages the Easy Way
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  • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
    Get a job, clean car windows etc etc. As someone who is also not working I love the advice of some and really wonder if they themselves would follow it. Sometimes it seems like a put down than a helping hand. I could be wrong here but thats how I have felt sometimes.

    First off getting a job is not as easy as some think depending on your past jobs and family issues.

    I haqve been doing accounting for over 20 yrs last 10 in either a controller or assistant controller status and have my degree.

    When I lost my job my boss gave me two weeks severance pay and said you will have a job in 2 weeks. Funny how 8 months later I was still looking and had pretty much exhuasted my savings. I had just about every agency looking and I got **** from them.

    I found a jb on my own but it was like 1 plus hours away and even though it paid 20K less I took it and drove 1-1.5 hours one way. 2 months later I was let go because I could not work past 5PM due to distance as I have a small son who I am the only one who can take him to school and get him after work.

    The jobs that don't pay much won't hire me as they look at my experience and feel I won't stick around. Even if they are getting more for their buck they will pass me up.

    Because of my son I am limited to where I can work and hours which makes it harder.
    Most places don't give a rat's ass about your situation and are only concerned with their bottom line.

    Things are getting worse by the day and the people running this country have their heads up their butts and have no clue what to do. All they are doing is a giving money to things that don't really provide jobs. Unemployment is a JOKE.

    After 20 years of working I got a total of 7K, $900/month which barely paid for rent. I was spending 400-500 a month just on gas...

    I agree that you should not count on IM to save you unless you get real lucky. I know I am not.

    Again I am not sure if we are paying attention to what we say in effort to help but somethings it feels like you are hurting rather than helping.

    Just my 2 unemployed cents...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1345989].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
      Count me as one of the "meanies" because this is garbage.

      Not your family's financial situation - everyone can sympathize with that. I've had the sudden transmission failure and unexpected $4k bill. Not a pleasant experience at all.

      I'm talking about you coming into this forum and apparently pitching bogus WSOs.

      Earlier this year you ran a WSO promoting how to make a lifetime asset from nothing and said "Today, I work 3 or 4 hours each day, 4 or 5 days each week, and every week, my income creeps up."

      Then you ran a WSO about how you can convert PLR into a "BOATLOAD of cash!"

      There there was your WSO pimping "A foolproof method for making your first $50 by tomorrow night -- all you need is a PayPal account." and "The plan that I used to take the profits from that startup product and turn them into a stable, long-term asset."

      Remember this WSO title: "YOU can succeed! Get some $$ TONIGHT, use it to take ACTION, and stop DOUBTING!!"

      Here's my advice: since you're only working 3 hours a day, 4 days a week, making lifetime assets, a boatload of cash, quick money overnight, etc, - either put in a few more hours each day, or spend your free time trying to find seasonal labor with every business in the area.

      If you have a foolproof plan to make $50 tonight - there you go - more than enough to cover bus money for the week.

      Really, sorry to be so harsh, and maybe I'll get flamed for this post, but you come in here bragging about working only a couple hours a day, making quick and easy money from your WSOs -- with the purpose of getting other Warriors to pay you money -- and then this thread.

      If you know anything about me you know my family gives to a lot of charities, and we just made some more donations recently. But at some point you need to be responsible for getting a job, any job, then building your IM empire on the side.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1346772].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Essence
        Originally Posted by kindsvater View Post

        I'm talking about you coming into this forum and apparently pitching bogus WSOs.
        That's quite a judgement for you to be making.

        Earlier this year you ran a WSO promoting how to make a lifetime asset from nothing and said "Today, I work 3 or 4 hours each day, 4 or 5 days each week, and every week, my income creeps up."
        Which was true at the time. Two months later, for no reason that I could determine, the website (, not currently online) went from pulling in good comissions from Clickbank to pulling in exactly nothing. This was around the time that everyone was complaining about getting scammed by Clickbank, so I shrugged, said "things change", and moved on to a new project.

        Then you ran a WSO about how you can convert PLR into a "BOATLOAD of cash!"
        Which got zero responses. The idea here was that I knew that I didn't have the skills to market products (thus my much-later "I need a mentor" thread), but I DID have the skills to turn PLR into products. I like to believe that it would have been successful, but I screwed up the initial post to say the cost was three cents per word instead of the intended one cent per three words, so I got no customers. By the time I noticed, I was off the front pages and had started working freelance elsewhere.

        My waste of $20.

        There there was your WSO pimping "A foolproof method for making your first $50 by tomorrow night -- all you need is a PayPal account." and "The plan that I used to take the profits from that startup product and turn them into a stable, long-term asset."
        Also true. The $50 is a simple, one-time-only thing that I've done long ago. The long-term asset discussed was the same website from before. It hadn't failed yet.

        Really, sorry to be so harsh, and maybe I'll get flamed for this post, but you come in here bragging about working only a couple hours a day, making quick and easy money from your WSOs -- with the purpose of getting other Warriors to pay you money -- and then this thread.
        No one has paid me money from this thread. I won't take it. I understand your concern, but you simply don't have the knowledge to be making the judgements that you are.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1346912].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author scrofford
        Originally Posted by kindsvater View Post

        Count me as one of the "meanies" because this is garbage.

        Not your family's financial situation - everyone can sympathize with that. I've had the sudden transmission failure and unexpected $4k bill. Not a pleasant experience at all.

        I'm talking about you coming into this forum and apparently pitching bogus WSOs.

        Earlier this year you ran a WSO promoting how to make a lifetime asset from nothing and said "Today, I work 3 or 4 hours each day, 4 or 5 days each week, and every week, my income creeps up."

        Then you ran a WSO about how you can convert PLR into a "BOATLOAD of cash!"

        There there was your WSO pimping "A foolproof method for making your first $50 by tomorrow night -- all you need is a PayPal account." and "The plan that I used to take the profits from that startup product and turn them into a stable, long-term asset."

        Remember this WSO title: "YOU can succeed! Get some $$ TONIGHT, use it to take ACTION, and stop DOUBTING!!"

        Here's my advice: since you're only working 3 hours a day, 4 days a week, making lifetime assets, a boatload of cash, quick money overnight, etc, - either put in a few more hours each day, or spend your free time trying to find seasonal labor with every business in the area.

        If you have a foolproof plan to make $50 tonight - there you go - more than enough to cover bus money for the week.

        Really, sorry to be so harsh, and maybe I'll get flamed for this post, but you come in here bragging about working only a couple hours a day, making quick and easy money from your WSOs -- with the purpose of getting other Warriors to pay you money -- and then this thread.

        If you know anything about me you know my family gives to a lot of charities, and we just made some more donations recently. But at some point you need to be responsible for getting a job, any job, then building your IM empire on the side.
        You know times do change for people and you seem to think that you are the only one that should be able to "fight" blah blah and not need anyones help. You don't seem to realize people lives change dig dong! Why don't you get a clue and quit your whining about what people post and go make some money or something since you are such the man and give to some of those charities you are talking about!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1347244].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
          Originally Posted by scrofford View Post

          Well I guess you really are a moron! You know times do change for people and you seem to think that you are the only premadonna that should be able to "fight" blah blah and not need anyones help. You don't seem to realize people lives change dig dong! Why don't you get a clue and quit your whining about what people post and go make some money or something since you are such the man and give to some of those charities you are talking about! Jerk.
          Where is your ideas?

          or did you just pop into the thread to run your mouth and insult people?

          I see a ban in your future if you keep it up...enjoy your stay while it lasts.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1347250].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author scrofford
            Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

            Where is your ideas?

            or did you just pop into the thread to run your mouth and insult people?

            I see a ban in your future if you keep it up...enjoy your stay while it lasts.
            A ban? for what? My opinion? You talk about "understanding being harsh" to this guy and I give my opinion as to it being crap and you see a ban in my future? That is really funny.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1347268].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
              Originally Posted by scrofford View Post

              A ban? for what? My opinion? You talk about "understanding being harsh" to this guy and I give my opinion as to it being crap and you see a ban in my future? That is really funny.
              It's not about your's about you being insulting and calling people names.

              Would it upset you if I called you an opinionated loud mouthed idiot? (I'm not because that would be against the rules of the forum)

              But, hopefully you get what I'm saying. Disagreeing with someone is one thing, calling people jerks, idiots, morons, tards, etc...Is against the rules of the forum and usually results in a ban.

              I was just trying to help you by giving you a heads up.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1347283].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author scrofford
                Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

                It's not about your's about you being insulting and calling people names.

                Would it upset you if I called you an opinionated loud mouthed idiot? (I'm not because that would be against the rules of the forum)

                But, hopefully you get what I'm saying. Disagreeing with someone is one thing, calling people jerks, idiots, morons, tards, etc...Is against the rules of the forum and usually results in a ban.

                I was just trying to help you by giving you a heads up.
                Ok I take back the "Jerk" part of it.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1347290].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author scrofford
            Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

            Where is your ideas?

            or did you just pop into the thread to run your mouth and insult people?
            I didn't need to give out ideas. I am standing up for him. I didn't like what I saw as far as the posts about his problem...Most people here have been trying to help. I don't think it is helping someone to just tear them up and put them down and say "I am better than you and I would never ask for help". You should read everything before you post something like you did to me. What I said was my opinion and there is nothing wrong with that.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1347281].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
              Originally Posted by scrofford View Post

              I didn't need to give out ideas. I am standing up for him. I didn't like what I saw as far as the posts about his problem...Most people here have been trying to help. I don't think it is helping someone to just tear them up and put them down and say "I am better than you and I would never ask for help". You should read everything before you post something like you did to me. What I said was my opinion and there is nothing wrong with that.
              I read everything and it was the same song and dance.

              last month: Buy my ebook that will teach you how to make money

              this month: Help, I'm broke

              It is a very familiar story line.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1347289].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author scrofford
                Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

                I read everything and it was the same song and dance.

                last month: Buy my ebook that will teach you how to make money

                this month: Help, I'm broke

                It is a very familiar story line.
                Maybe it is a familiar story line but the fact of the matter is that circumstances and life situations can change in a heart beat! That is what I am getting at. Your way of making money can turn around and dry up tomorrow Jeremy. It's doubtful but it could...and you could end up being the one who needs help. This is the point I am trying to make.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1347294].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
                  Originally Posted by scrofford View Post

                  Maybe it is a familiar story line but the fact of the matter is that circumstances and life situations can change in a heart beat! That is what I am getting at. Your way of making money can turn around and dry up tomorrow Jeremy. It's doubtful but it could...and you could end up being the one who needs help. This is the point I am trying to make.
                  I understand that...but, I'm of the thinking that when you know how to make money online - You know how to make money online....

                  Originally Posted by scrofford View Post

                  Ok, I apologize for the names. I have taken them off of my post. I won't do that again!
                  Good deal
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1347302].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author scrofford
                    Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

                    I understand that...but, I'm of the thinking that when you know how to make money online - You know how to make money online....

                    Good deal
                    Yeah but if you know how to make money online and you have an unexpected problem and then you have some problems with your business, it could be an issue. Sometimes it takes time to make a comeback right? Oh well, I am done with this one...sorry I even started!
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1347316].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Shane Dolby
    John you have a degree in accounting? why not get hooked up and do taxes for people and businesses on the side? or even at hr block or something.

    Heck write a report on business taxes/deductions even personal taxes and sell it i see people all the time asking for tax help and its getting to that point in a couple months.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1346132].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
      Originally Posted by Shane Dolby View Post

      John you have a degree in accounting? why not get hooked up and do taxes for people and businesses on the side? or even at hr block or something.

      Heck write a report on business taxes/deductions even personal taxes and sell it i see people all the time asking for tax help and its getting to that point in a couple months.


      A stellar idea!

      While you are working, you can start building a site to sell your Internet Marketing Tax Information ebook. I would certainly buy it if I knew it could save me some dough. And I'm sure it could since I don't do any of that extra deduction stuff (maily because nobody has ever told me about it).

      Then you could offer a membership section or a price-scheduled service to help IMers with their taxes.

      Dude - I'd run with that if I were you.

      Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1346231].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
        Originally Posted by Allen Graves View Post

        A stellar idea!

        While you are working, you can start building a site to sell your Internet Marketing Tax Information ebook. I would certainly buy it if I knew it could save me some dough. And I'm sure it could since I don't do any of that extra deduction stuff (maily because nobody has ever told me about it).

        Then you could offer a membership section or a price-scheduled service to help IMers with their taxes.

        Dude - I'd run with that if I were you.

        Allen I am working on the HR Block idea but as far as taxes thats and area I am not really familiar with. Individual taxes yes business no. I tried doing taxes for individuals but that has never worked. Never could get clients. Guess trust factor or they feel if they pay more they are getting better service.

        Experience and degrees don't seem to matter much as I have seen people with Masters not be able to find work.

        I am thinking of putting together a report on budgeting and making your money stretch if there is a want/need...

        That I can do.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1346298].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kindsvater

      Get a grip. Anyone who has been around this forum for awhile has seen a ton of these threads, especially this time of year. If you had bothered to review some of my posts you'd know that I have previously provided some very specific ideas on how to quickly generate some cash.

      The problem is - neither you - nor the original poster, apparently bothered to search the forum for those prior threads and tons of posts made on this topic.

      The problem is - neither you - nor the original poster, apparently have bothered to make use of the War Room and the zillion ideas there waiting for the pickin'.

      The problem is - this guy today is claiming that combined he and his wife have made less than $4k over 4 months. How much less is unknown. Might be nothing. He has $20 to his name.

      The same guy who was claiming a few months ago he only worked 3 hours a day half a week, can easily make some cash overnight, and was creating "lifetime" moneymaking assets that were generating more and more every week.

      My post would have been 180 degrees different if those WSOs had not been made.

      No one should be making a WSO on how to make money and bragging about working a few hours a day when they've been unemployed for 2 years and living off welfare and charity.

      You can disagree with me if you want - but that rubs me the wrong way.

      OP - Here's some tips:

      - Make use of your own WSOs. If they're outdated after just a couple months, why don't you Close them so you're not ripping off other Warriors?

      - How many ideas from the War Room have you tried? How many ideas from Allen's Private Posts? Have you even read Private Posts? Where is the - I've done this and this, but it hasn't worked, now I need some quick emergency cash, any tips for what I'm doing wrong?

      - This guy Scrofford on this thread, he's pimping in his sig a "simple and easy" system for automatically making thousands of dollars online every month. You may want to get it. If it works for you - great. If it doesn't work because it's a scam and you lose some money, he's apparently in your same state so you can sue him for fraud. I'll give you a legal contact if you need it. Either way - problem solved.

      - Think about every free method and resource you can to make money. There are many threads about offline services (such as the no brainer of offering to barter services from the transmission repair business for a least a reduction in the repair cost). There is a good information about making use of hot stories on Google and Blogger to get quick traffic and income. If Adsense / Affiliate offers take too long to pay, find a relevant product you can drop ship with a PayPal sales link on zillions of web 2.0 properties.

      - Convert a bunch of PLR like you've talked about to make a product - not a WSO - but something to sell on those many free websites.

      - Get help with your fire-your-doctor website. It needs a more specific direction and detailed benefits. Maybe someone in the copywriting forum will work out a deal with you - they redo your sales page and in return you split the profits. That costs you nothing. Maybe you let all sales go to their ClickBank account and they pay you the profit split per PayPal on a daily basis - that way they have a better guarantee of getting paid and you can get some cash quicker.

      ... there are a million other ideas on this forum.

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    • Profile picture of the author JakeDaly
      Go to and search the most popular cities for writing jobs. Send personalized e-mails to each potential client, describing exactly how you can satisfy their project, while providing examples of your work. I guarantee you if you send out only 20 e-mails you'd get at least a couple of article writing jobs. Most are willing to pay more than the $5 you're currently offering your services for, too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
    I'm sorry, but if it comes down to my family, I will go and flip burgers at McDonalds for minimum wage - I don't care.

    I was there and I did it (actually I got a software customer service job for peanuts).

    Sitting around waiting for your Internet Marketing ship to come in is doing nothing but getting you further in the hole.

    Christmas is coing up - even a seasonal job could help. Go look on or go to your local mall. Get in the frickin' car and drive around town. Restaurants - Retail Stores - Fast Food - Manual Labor - Telemarketing - Office Jobs - Post Office.

    Plus there's,, and a ton of other job placement assistance websites.

    I'm not trying to be mean or spiteful, I'm just trying to bring things out of the IM trance and into reality. If you are financially unstable, there is a very common solution that 99% of people do - get a job.

    I know that the allure of working from home is very strong. But if things are just getting worse for you, I think you need to get out there and start pounding the streets.

    Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
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    • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
      Originally Posted by Allen Graves View Post

      I'm sorry, but if it comes down to my family, I will go and flip burgers at McDonalds for minimum wage - I don't care.

      I was there and I did it (actually I got a software customer service job for peanuts).

      Sitting around waiting for your Internet Marketing ship to come in is doing nothing but getting you further in the hole.

      Christmas is coing up - even a seasonal job could help. Go look on or go to your local mall. Get in the frickin' car and drive around town. Restaurants - Retail Stores - Fast Food - Manual Labor - Telemarketing - Office Jobs - Post Office.

      Plus there's,, and a ton of other job placement assistance websites.

      I'm not trying to be mean or spiteful, I'm just trying to bring things out of the IM trance and into reality. If you are financially unstable, there is a very common solution that 99% of people do - get a job.

      I know that the allure of working from home is very strong. But if things are just getting worse for you, I think you need to get out there and start pounding the streets.

      Allen I agree with th ewaiting for the IM ship or any ship is def not good idea but again depending on your past position experiences it can hamper you getting that job at BK.

      Why because you will be perceived as a threat to existing manager. Heck why would BK hire me at min wages when I am a degree'd account. A lot of places will see you as someone who can take their job and it has happened to me.

      I am looking at learning taxes and I know its seasonal but hey its something.

      I do however have many years of handling the day to day accounting of small business so I do have some advice there.

      You know what as an accountant you see things that most don't or understand and not even the people running or country do. Common sense seems to be lacking in the White House but don't get me started on that topic. LOL

      There are some things individuals and families can do to weather the storm, some may not be considered sound financial advice but when faced with feeding your family or saving your credit I say screw your credit and feed your family. Banks and credit card companies are a bunch of crooks who now are taking advantage of those already struggling.

      Here is something I did which goes against sound accounting pratice but it was an option for me and I took it.

      When I had not been working for 8 months and my unemployment check ran out and I was faced with how I was going to pay for my car I took advantage of my credit and used my credit cards to pay off my car.

      If you have the opportunity and can take advantage of those 12 month free interest cash advances do it. Nothing worse then having your car repo'ed and not having transportation.

      I live in South Florida and transportation is a joke so without a car I would be screwed big time. Plus I have my son in school and need to be able to pick him up on time.

      I also think that you should start a budget if you haven't already.

      Ok my two cents.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Here's an idea to at least get your wife that bus pass while you figure things out...

    Day labor, for one or both of you. One Saturday spent gluing labels on shampoo bottles or schlepping cartons gets you bus money for a month.

    A town the size of Olympia should have at least one temp agency.

    Good luck to you...
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Allen I am working on the HR Block idea but as far as taxes thats and area I am not really familiar with. Individual taxes yes business no. I tried doing taxes for individuals but that has never worked. Never could get clients. Guess trust factor or they feel if they pay more they are getting better service.
      How long ago did you try for individual tax prep work? This year could be different as people are looking for "cheap" out of necessity. A woman I know offered flat rate for basic tax prep for individuals - one rate for those who did not itemize and one rate for those who did.

      She advertised in the local paper (small ad), told friends and co-workers she was offering the service to help people out - and ended up having almost work than she could handle. Times are different - and people look for deals.

      Another possibility is offering cut-rate prices for small business accounting. Even a few accounts could make a difference for you.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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      • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        How long ago did you try for individual tax prep work? This year could be different as people are looking for "cheap" out of necessity. A woman I know offered flat rate for basic tax prep for individuals - one rate for those who did not itemize and one rate for those who did.

        She advertised in the local paper (small ad), told friends and co-workers she was offering the service to help people out - and ended up having almost work than she could handle. Times are different - and people look for deals.

        Another possibility is offering cut-rate prices for small business accounting. Even a few accounts could make a difference for you.

        I am going to do that but for some reason I always seem to have problems getting clients. Not the best salesperson I guess. I have a buddy who has been doing book keeping for liek 20 yrs on his own and his clients are dropping like flies and he is now struggling. He just lost a client of 20 years.

        The economy is not that much worse or better than last year but nothing should be left un-tried.
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  • Profile picture of the author mojojuju
    This won't fix your transmission, but go to the food pantry's to save some money. I used to do that when I was in a financial bind. If you live in a decent sized city, there's probably half a dozen to a dozen pantry. Some of them actually have good food. I'm not talking about government cheese. There were times I walked out of those places with lamb, ground buffalo, donated fresh garden vegetables, and bread from a local bakery that was just a day old.

    For a car, like others have said, a beater's probably your best bet. There's cars out there for under a grand that have a lot of miles left on them.


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  • Profile picture of the author actionplanbiz
    Very cool reply's

    1st thing to do is sell everything you dont need.
    and while your doing that look for a Job.

    other things i agree with above replys that you can do "while looking for a Job"

    Freelance your Stuff
    there was a good idea for a PLR membership site in one of the replys
    look in in the classifieds or local craigslist for a Bike (better than nothing)
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  • Profile picture of the author Andie
    Hi All -
    Essence.......I feel for you! Wish I had the means to help, but wayy too close to the same boat myself (except our useless junk is my daughter's wrecked car sitting in the drive waiting on ins. settlement).
    Oh, and MY paypal is running at 11 bucks, so you are up on me there

    Anyway, to the rest who say 'hop the bus' and 'walk to places'......and that's too much for a trans.---

    Until you walk a mile in their shoes.....
    If you can't say something nice don't say anything.....
    (thank my mother for those wonderful life sayings)

    I am going to pm you a link and while it does not help for this week; I am really recommending reading it because it is quite useful for moments in life like this. (i'm almost done with it and absolutely love it frankly)

    Be inventive, hold on to your faith and I hope God Blesses you.
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  • Profile picture of the author hotftuna
    I offered to hire this guy to write some articles and have not heard back.
    Signature ranks #1 for "human edited web directory"

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  • Profile picture of the author hotftuna
    OK I was just contacted
    Signature ranks #1 for "human edited web directory"

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  • Profile picture of the author Essence
    Hotftuna, I've been asleep. I just PMed you. ;p

    I'm sorry, but if it comes down to my family, I will go and flip burgers at McDonalds for minimum wage - I don't care.

    I was there and I did it (actually I got a software customer service job for peanuts).

    Sitting around waiting for your Internet Marketing ship to come in is doing nothing but getting you further in the hole.

    I just want to say this again: I'm broke because I just paid my bills. I'm not sitting on my butt, unemployed and suffering. With my wife's new job, we'll be in the black by a small but noticable margin each month.

    Don't get me wrong -- I'm absolutley grovelingly grateful for the people who have offered to hire me, and I will absolutley work like a champion for them, because those extra customers will give me the money I need to start working on a project like the membership site described in the beginning of this thread.

    But I'm absolutely not looking for donations (in fact, the one that was offered to me, I turned down), and I'm not unwilling to work.

    The simple fact is, I've been a fast-food manager, a retail manager, an insurance salesman, a technical writer, and an IT-support geek over the last decade -- and I still go to the local WorkSource office and have them run checks for jobs that match my profile...and there simply aren't any. I've already been turned down for every fast-food middle management job in town, because I've already been in a fast-food top-management position, and people don't want me to steal their jobs.

    So I have to be an entrepreneur. I have to create my own work. And honestly, if it's a choice between doing it at home where I can watch my 1-year-old while my wife it as work and paying for daycare while I'm out drilling peepholes in doors, I'm going to fight hard to be able to raise my own kid. So I write.

    (Oh, and the bus pass would be a great idea, but the bus stop that would take her to work is 1.5 miles up a slow but steady incline, and my wife has crippling asthma. She'd never make it. That's why a functional vehicle is so critical to us.)

    But none of this is relevant to the thread.

    This thread started with a request for an idea -- an idea that would help me get my transmission fixed. As many people have pointed out, that's not the best option, and I was panicking and not thinking clearly. I'm grateful for that revelation. My problem is not as overwhelming as it seemed in the few hours after it first rocked me out of my routine. I'm overjoyed!

    With the help and ideas of the people here, I've had a revelation about how to get money 'up front' for a long-term commitment (the PLR subscription site concept), and with it, I'm going to work on getting enough cash to pay for a clunker until I can save up enough to get our minivan working again. That was exactly the kind of 'tool' that I was looking for, and I'm grateful to have it.

    To everyone with empathy and well-wishes, I'm grateful for your spiritual support.

    To everyone with cynicism and bitter assumptions, consider your attitude and it's effects on your own life.

    My panic has passed, and I am going to take complete advantage of both the knowledge and the generous offers of work that this thread has given me. We'll have an old clunker soon, and a repaired van a few weeks after that.

    Thank you, everyone.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gail Sober
    I hope you did not take my suggestions as insulting or anything. I promise you they weren't.

    As you said, you didn't ask for hand outs, you asked for advice to solve an immediate problem. Putting money together to fix your transmission.

    Painting house numbers on curbs and installing peepholes (which can be done in the evenings, btw) are legitimate ways to make money that I have personally done during financial hardships. I would rather sit at the computer and make money too but will do anything necessary to support my family. Even cleaning windows at stoplights if it came to that.

    Again, please don't take my suggestions as harsh or critical. They were just a means to an end if you truly needed to find a way to come up with some money quickly on your own.

    Best luck to you.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Like Gail said, I wasn't trying to be insulting about funding a bus pass with day labor. Essence, you mentioned it first, not having enough money for a bus pass. By that comment, I assumed riding the bus was a possibility.

      You seemed fixated on raising the $4k for the transmission, and I offered a suggestion to buy you some time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
    Originally Posted by Essence View Post

    Hotftuna, I've been asleep.
    I think your priorities are a little messed up.

    You know what I am hearing?


    I tried, but I'm have to want it, its not going to fall into your lap.

    Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
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    • Profile picture of the author scrofford
      Originally Posted by Allen Graves View Post

      I think your priorities are a little messed up.

      You know what I am hearing?


      I tried, but I'm have to want it, its not going to fall into your lap.

      Gee Allen if you read some more of his posts it doesn't sound like excuses to me! The guy ran into a problem and asked for some advice...That's it! Get off his back dude!
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      • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
        Originally Posted by scrofford View Post

        Gee Allen if you read some more of his posts it doesn't sound like excuses to me! The guy ran into a problem and asked for some advice...That's it! Get off his back dude!
        As someone that has been here for a couple of months, you would have to look back over the past years to see why some people are frustrated.

        There is more than enough "advice" on this forum already without a new thread saying the same thing popping up every week.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1347246].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author scrofford
          Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

          As someone that has been here for a couple of months, you would have to look back over the past years to see why some people are frustrated.

          There is more than enough "advice" on this forum already without a new thread saying the same thing popping up every week.
          I understand that one. What gets me is if it upsets people, you don't have to ram the guy into the ground with the thinking you are so high and mighty. And I am not talking about you. I am talking about my other post. Thats all I am saying.
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          • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
            Originally Posted by scrofford View Post

            I understand that one. What gets me is if it upsets people, you don't have to ram the guy into the ground with the thinking you are so high and mighty. And I am not talking about you. I am talking about my other post. Thats all I am saying.
            People get pissed off when one week someone is selling a product about how to make money online and the next week start a thread saying they are broke...that makes perfect sense.

            If I started a thread in here asking for help article marketing or getting started with CPA the uproar would be understandable...

            It's a crappy deal when someone is selling products and putting themselves out there as someone that is actually doing find out that they aren't.
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      • Profile picture of the author GarrieWilson
        Originally Posted by scrofford View Post

        Gee Allen if you read some more of his posts it doesn't sound like excuses to me! The guy ran into a problem and asked for some advice...That's it! Get off his back dude!
        I did.

        They go like:

        "This has to work or my baby will be on the street"

        "I need a mentor to show me how to make 1k a month every month starting next month."

        "This WSO will make you residual income."

        "I can't get a job because of ____"

        Blah. Blah. Blah.
        Screw You, NameCheap!
        $1 Off NameSilo Domain Coupons:

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  • Profile picture of the author GreatWebSuccess
    I haven't read the entire replies yet, however I did see that you couldn't afford a website and hosting... if you still need some help I can setup a free website for you with WordPress on my servers, PM me if you'd like that offer.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall

      You might not like some of the replies that have been posted, but you should definitely take all of the view points into consideration...

      Even though your intention might not have been to get "donations" which I believe you when you said it wasn't...You could have read any one of the other 10,000 posts that are similar to yours. I'm pretty sure that most of the replies are identical or very similar.

      As far as the hard stance that some have taken on this, I tend to agree with them to a certain extent...

      If you were selling products about how to make money a couple weeks/months ago to people for money, there is NO WAY you should be making this post - UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

      It is posts like this, in my opinion that give the industry a bad name. Too many times on this forum the hat has been passed because someone needs cash who has put themselves out there as someone who knows how to make money online....and obviously doesn't.

      Someone has medical expenses? That is understandable as they can certainly be crippling.

      Someone needs to get some cash to keep their electric on or pay their rent after trying to tell others how to make money? SCREW THAT.

      With that being said...

      If I had to make $4,000 from scratch in a couple of days time, I would probably sell complete custom sites with 10 or so articles on each site for $127 - $197.

      I would monetize the sites around the keywords that the client specified so, it could be monetized with CPA, clickbank, or adsense.

      You could easily get 10-20 customers doing this and it wouldn't cost you anything to start if you had a list or someone that would mail it for you.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1347238].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author um1001
        Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

        If I had to make $4,000 from scratch in a couple of days time, I would probably sell complete custom sites with 10 or so articles on each site for $127 - $
        Since this is almost identical to what I do (well, except I research long and hard for keywords and keep the sites for myself) - I would suggest this. It is absolutely possible ... if a numbskull like me can do it, anyone can.

        Btw, I sell the lame ducks on Flippa...the things people will buy amaze me sometimes

        -- Jack Morrison / um1001

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  • Profile picture of the author scrofford
    Ok, I apologize for the names. I have taken them off of my post. I won't do that again!
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  • Profile picture of the author nobodyreal
    Since you didn't specify what kind of work you want to do--want to dial for dollars, cold call/email selling? You could get 4k with 8 sales, which you could probably do in two weeks. PM me if you're interested.
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  • Profile picture of the author Essence
    I'm ashamed to have started a thread that has degenerated into such a hate-fest.

    If you don't respect me because I posted a thread looking for help -- and yes, I've done so before -- that's OK with me.

    I accept that I did something that is considered unworthy of a 'real man'. Hell, most of my friends and family told me that starting internet marketing in the first place wasn't worthy of a 'real man', and that I should take a job raking leaves before I tried to make a living working from home.

    But I chose to discard their "well-intentioned advice", and I ended up with a passably successful article-writing WSO, and plenty of work on ODesk.

    Now, I'm choosing to continue believing that I can succeed here.

    I sincerely apologize to everyone who I offended by telling my story and asking for advice. However, anyone who believes that I am lazy or hypocritical hasn't been paying attention, and I would like to politely tell all of you to sod off.

    If you want to continue disrespecting me, feel free to do so -- but please take it to PMs. I will happily answer to all of your charges in private.

    Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
    Personally I have only worked 7 months in the last 24 for various reasons which I don't really care to discuss but I don't like when others make it out to be so easy to get a job.

    Thats a yes or a know and depending on person's situation lots of variables can come into play.

    For me 99.99% won't hire me because of my experience and degree as they feel I will take thier jobs. Other won't hire me for a 35K unless its totally outside my field of expertise as they feel I will only be there long enough till something better comes along.

    Rightfully true as I have to look out for me and my son so you bet I will be jumping **** when something more in line with what I was doing or making presents itself.

    Don't think there are many BK's that will hire me at min wage when there are plenty of teens around and I won't be gunning for their management job.

    I don't like handouts and prefer to have help with an idea or even a mentor.

    6 months ago my friend got me a job as a property manager for a low income apt complex making 35K 50% less than my previous job and I took it as hey 35K better than nothing. I was working 50-60 hr weeks and getting paid for only 40. Beacuse of the economy people starting losing their jobs and moving out. I had people moving out that were paying $315 for their apartments so you know things are bad.

    They would not even let me advertise and wanted me to do more. A new district manager took over and replaced me with a friend of his so now I have not worked since April 09.

    Was that fair? Did they screw me over? Hell yeah. They were getting almost 20 hours of my time for free each week and I was blamed for people moving out and not moving in.

    Teach me to fish instead of giving me a fish.
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    • Profile picture of the author theimdude
      I have been reading this thread with great interest and from what I can see is that IM must be a waste of time as the OP of this thread that has got no money is currently selling 3 different ideas that he claims you can make it big time out there.

      I also noted that it was mentioned he can't afford a domain and a website but I can buy a .info for under a buck and if I shop around hosting from hostgator for 1c so basically you can setup a website within a few hours for $1

      But what really confuses me is that new people in the IM world actaully fall for WSO like this below and as they can't be true it would be nice if they vanish as they are not doing what they suppose to do. They say when you get the information from the horses mouth (not saying the Op is a horse) it must be true.

      Here is the OP offering which can't work

      I wish I could write as I could make a lot of money out there

      Seems we learn new things everyday
      Do you want 30 back-links in my PRIVATE BLOG network for ONLY $20 ???

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  • Profile picture of the author TelegramSam
    I haven't bothered to read this thread except the OP, so forgive me if this has already been said:

    1) There is no excuse for not finding some kind of job in two years. Any kind of job would put food on the table and make sure your family doesn't starve. To do otherwise is very irresponsible and lazy.

    2) To want/need to spend $4,000 on a new transmission is crazy. You can buy a decent second hand car for that. Also, it may be worth learning how to fix it yourself if you are that desparate.

    3) Don't rely on IM to get you out of a hole in such a short time. If you knew what you were doing, or at least doing something half right, you should have made some reasonable amount of money by now. The fact that you haven't raises questions.

    I am not trying to sound harsh, just realistic. You need a wake up call.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1347753].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
      Originally Posted by TelegramSam View Post

      I haven't bothered to read this thread except the OP, so forgive me if this has already been said:

      1) There is no excuse for not finding some kind of job in two years. Any kind of job would put food on the table and make sure your family doesn't starve. To do otherwise is very irresponsible and lazy.

      I am not trying to sound harsh, just realistic. You need a wake up call.

      I apologise to everyone reasonable person here, but this is a load of absolute crap. Maybe you're the one who needs a wake up call to reality.

      I tried to get a job for over two years and, even with all my qualifications (and I have a few) I couldn't find any work.

      The fact is there are so few jobs about relative to the numbers of people looking that the companies can pick and choose, up to a point.

      And more often than not, out of two choices they will tend to choose someone who is younger.

      How do I know this?

      Because I've worked in industry for well over 20 years and know exactly what it's like.

      So please, get off you high bloody horse and show some friggin' compassion when people are in trouble.

      If you're going to criticise, make sure it's for the right reasons.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350076].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
        Originally Posted by Rezbi View Post

        I apologise to everyone reasonable person here, but this is a load of absolute crap. Maybe you're the one who needs a wake up call to reality.

        I tried to get a job for over two years and, even with all my qualifications (and I have a few) I couldn't find any work.

        The fact is there are so few jobs about relative to the numbers of people looking that the companies can pick and choose, up to a point.

        And more often than not, out of two choices they will tend to choose someone who is younger.

        How do I know this?

        Because I've worked in industry for well over 20 years and know exactly what it's like.

        So please, get off you high bloody horse and show some friggin' compassion when people are in trouble.

        If you're going to criticize, make sure it's for the right reasons.
        Couldn't have said it any better.... if it was all that easy to find a job then we would not have the highest unemployment rate since 1945.

        The number of jobs are far less than those looking for jobs and as you said companies are taking advantage of this too.

        I once applied for an office accounting manager position for a small company and was told they had 1000 applicants apply for the position.

        You bet I did not get the job....
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        • [DELETED]
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          • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
            Originally Posted by MarkAndrews IMCopywriting View Post

            Bahhhhhh humbug.

            I started off my business 3 years ago,
            now if under even normal circumstances
            80% of businesses fail in their first 12-24
            months, why the dickens am I flying in the
            face of all conventional wisdom and some
            3 years later, I'm still going and keeping
            my head above water?

            This business was started up from a position
            of unemployment and the business plan has
            had to change somewhat to adapt to the
            economic times that we are presently living

            Now, why am I still in business 3 years later
            despite having started up with no finance
            or anymoney to my name?

            I'll tell you for nothing exactly why that is.

            It's being prepared to change to the economic
            situation around me and working non-stop
            100 hour plus weeks, week in, week out
            non-stop for months upon months on end and
            I'm no spring chicken either.

            You just got to do what you got to do if you
            want to not only survive this recession but
            come through it smiling.

            The business, despite these incredibly tough
            financial times is not in debt, I am not in debt,
            I've lived through 3 major recessions in my
            personal business life, never been bankrupt
            and to date total amount owed in money to
            anyone is no more than $300 and all with
            no qualifications to my name and ...

            I've done that in the worst recession on
            record for decades.

            Now, what separates you John from me?

            How badly do you want work?

            How badly do you want money?

            What are you prepared to do to take your
            share in life and hold your head up high?

            You want it badly enough, you'll soon come
            up with something to shift your thinking away
            from a cannot do this or that attitude to a
            completely can-do attitude.

            Think about it please. And enjoy life.


            Mark Andrews...
            Very good points Mark.

            First off I just wanted to point out that it sometimes is not as easy for everyone depending on their circumstances.

            Secondly I did not ask for help or say that I am broke or that I need some idea to make XXXX amount in 2 days.

            Thirdly I don't consider myself an IM'er nor am I holding off looking for a job because I expect to become an IM success overnight. Hell I have no clue what I am doing in that area and am trying to learn again as things have changed since I became a waarior over a decade ago.

            Just simply pointing out that it may not be as easy as 123 you have a job for some and that does not mean we are making excuses.

            There are some good sound advice on here.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350240].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author James Campbell

    Check out this thread. It seems pretty doable $2.5k in 3 days.

    Hope this helps.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1347778].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AmyBrown
    I'd love to see an all-in-1 thread with ideas for making "quick cash" and this type of post disallowed or strongly discouraged. There are many good ideas in this thread as well as the numerous similar threads that seem to go unnoticed.

    "Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses." George Washington Carver
    "Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast."
    Tom Peters

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1347944].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Essence
    I'm new here, and not to be harsh. Not an IM expert yet, however, one question, what happened in those two years? Didn't you learn traffic generation? copywriting?

    I wasn't going to reply to any of these posts anymore, but I have to come out and say please, stop posting based on your assumptions about what is going on in my life.

    People have assumed that I'm broke, that I'm ignorant, that I'm lazy, and more.

    None of it is true. I'm not broke, I just have an unexpected and necessary expense that I don't know how to deal with. I'm not ignorant -- I know how to write copy, I know how to drive traffic with articles (as Ken Leatherman pointed out), I just learned the basics of CPA marketing, and I'm learning more every day. I'm damn sure not lazy. I work for, I work freelance on Odesk, and I have long-term clients here -- and I'm being considered for a position at (thanks to Ken Leatherman again.)

    On a side note, anyone who thinks that being unable to get a job in 2 years is a mark of laziness hasn't been paying attention. There are 19,000 other people in Washington State alone that are in my position. The recession is challenging lots of common perspectives on what employment even means.

    But back to the point: people are reading threads from literally a year ago, and treating my situation now as though it's identical.

    It's not.

    At one point last year, I had a website that made money. I was thrilled that my investment in the War Room had paid off, and I wrote a WSO that showed other people how I made the money to get my website started, and pointed toward the techniques that I had used to get a functional website off the ground.

    Then, the website mysteriously completely stopped bringing in any money, despite the fact that the visitors kept coming. I did my research, I read threads here about Clickbank scamming, and in the end, I decided that it wasn't worth trying to figure out what was wrong. I started looking into other methods of making money online, and wasted a bunch of money on WSOs that didn't work.

    A couple of months went by, the money ran out, and with a little desperation, I posted a second WSO on the same topic as the first, but with techniques that worked for people that couldn't get paid by Associated Content. I knew that the process worked, even if my website had failed for reasons I was never able to determine, and I still stand behind that process.

    The WSO made a little, but a couple of days after I posted it, I was told that my unemployment claim was going to be denied. I decide that I needed a mentor to help me with my IM efforts, and I had nothing else going for me except time, writing ability, and desire. I made a thread, and Michael Oksa answered. Michael Oksa is still my hero to this day, even though I didn't succeed to the degree that I would have wanted. I learned a lot about how to write copy, how to market a product, and how to article-market from him. The simple fact is, bills came due, and I had to do something that would make money NOW.

    So, I started freelancing. I've been writing articles for a year or so, and it treats me well. I got confident enough a couple of months ago to post a WSO advertising my skills, and I've gotten a great response.

    Then, my wife got a job! Miraculous! But our car broke down, and the only mechanic we've ever used quoted us $3750-ish for a new transmission. I panicked, I came here, and I started this thread within an hour of getting the news. The rest is history.

    And now that I've explained myself in meticulous detail to all of you, if any of you want to continue to tell me that you're unhappy with me for some reason, feel free. I'm going to be working on solving my problem.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1348103].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GreatWebSuccess
      That tells me that you haven't shopped around for another quote or for another mechanic.
      Originally Posted by Essence View Post

      But our car broke down, and the only mechanic we've ever used quoted us $3750-ish for a new transmission.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1348223].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author theimdude
      Originally Posted by Essence View Post

      A couple of months went by, the money ran out, and with a little desperation, I posted a second WSO on the same topic as the first, but with techniques that worked for people that couldn't get paid by Associated Content. I knew that the process worked, even if my website had failed for reasons I was never able to determine, and I still stand behind that process.

      The WSO made a little, but a couple of days after I posted it, I was told that my unemployment claim was going to be denied.
      Sorry dude you want to claim unemployment, and sell a WSO claiming people can be make money on a ongoing basis yet when you were selling it
      " the money ran out, and with a little desperation"

      I am sorry but I dont agree with this as the your WSO is misleading people big time and you should close those down. I for one after this thread will not believe or buy and WSO's in the future regarding methods to "make money" anymore

      Unless the seller can show me his bank account.

      I am getting a bit tired of all these WSO's being sold you can make this and that yet the owners "claim unemployment"

      Well some good came from all this

      "Check out this thread. It seems pretty doable $2.5k in 3 days.

      Hope this helps."

      I don't need to make 2.5k in 3 days but as far as I am concerned this guys method should work and if you do it over time you will succeed.
      Do you want 30 back-links in my PRIVATE BLOG network for ONLY $20 ???

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1348295].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author AnneE
      Originally Posted by Essence View Post

      I wasn't going to reply to any of these posts anymore, but I have to come out and say please, stop posting based on your assumptions about what is going on in my life.

      People have assumed that I'm broke, that I'm ignorant, that I'm lazy, and more.

      ... rest of explanation omitted from quote...

      And now that I've explained myself in meticulous detail to all of you, if any of you want to continue to tell me that you're unhappy with me for some reason, feel free. I'm going to be working on solving my problem.
      It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

      Teddy Roosevelt
      Essence ... battle on. And to all who offered him guidance along the way. Thanks.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1349668].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author andrew_writes
        Originally Posted by AnneE View Post

        Essence ... battle on. And to all who offered him guidance along the way. Thanks.
        Right on, I'm with helping no matter what everyone else believes.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350339].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
          Originally Posted by andrew_writes View Post

          Right on, I'm with helping no matter what everyone else believes.
          Andrew I like your stand on things...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350348].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author andrew_writes
            Originally Posted by John Cabral View Post

            Andrew I like your stand on things...

            Thanks John,

            I don't know Essence personally but I say for right now at least that I'm tired of IM making me feel jaded and suspicious about everybody.

            Innocent until proven guilty I say.

            He has to prove to me whether he is a sham or not but just for today, I prefer to believe in the angelic in the human soul.

            How about that? Believe in your fellow man until your belief is disproved.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350961].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
              Originally Posted by andrew_writes View Post

              snipped to here: I prefer to believe in the angelic in the human soul.

              How about that? Believe in your fellow man until your belief is disproved.

              Andrew, you sound like a lightworker...I love it!

              I happen to agree with you.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1352061].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author chris_surfrider
    Ditch the ride, dude. Or at least pull insurance for now.

    $4K is not worth it on a used car if you're in a pinch.

    You can easily buy a GREAT, usable, functional car for $1K - $2K.

    I recently sold my bimmer (replaced it with a porsche), but it was imported so I had almost a month of carless-ness.

    So I found a $950 1992 Audi 200.

    It's ugly as sin.

    But it works great, good on gas, power everything, etc. Not a single problem with it.

    I'm totally keeping it as a daily driver.

    There is no need - right now - to lay out $4K on a transmission.


    Making 6 Figures From Affiliate Marketing is Easier Than You Think. Here's Proof:

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1348255].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Boricua
    If you can't make money consistently to pay your expenses, consider getting a full time job in something that pays decent income by the hour? Heck, if I did not had the couple of skills I've gathered over the couple years - in a similar position - I'd had flip some burgers at Wendy's and have family eat for free. More importantly, if I've to downgrade myself over money in this type of recession I'll do it if I ever were left out of options. Anytime.

    Dude, just check my signature for a couple ideas. There's enough clients out there and room for more. It might not be a perfect example for you, but perhaps it gives you ideas? It's an excellent example of earning a reasonable amount of money in a very short amount of time to buy or pay whatever is that you need right now. Oh and indeed, don't let your ego or the past get in the way for earning money when it's required. If you want/need things right now and hate waiting just like I do, getting a little creative might do the job for you too if money is of a requirement for whatever is that you need or want now. If you can't find something in reasonable time, forget about income opportunities online until you've settle family first. Good stuff in this entire thread.

    Best of luck Essence.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1348493].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
      Hamed - Some of this advice may be good but when you cut/paste an article into the forum, it is a wise idea to credit the actual author.:rolleyes:

      So, you are in a bind. Your rent is due and you don't have the funds available to pay your landlord? What to do? Well, after praying about your next step the revelation you receive may be not what you had expected. Perhaps you were looking for a miracle instead perhaps God has shown you ways for you to work out your problem quickly and legally. Yes, there are many ways to make money that are honest and smart. Let's take a look at some of them right now.

      Ways to make money are perhaps much more numerous than you first thought:

      Hold a garage sale: Chances are you have some things around your house that you no longer are in need of. If so, hang a sign out front and invite neighbors and "drive bys" to visit you. While you may not own a big ticket item that can garner you a nice return, a bunch of smaller items including clothes, bric-a-brac, books, etc. could push you over the top.

      Ebay: Not everyone is fond of garage or yard sales. In addition, if you have a special item which you know could bring in more money if you could advertise it, consider eBay or another online auction site to sell what-have-you. EBay has proven to be one of the biggest ways to make money that there is today.

      Bake, clean, or provide another service: Not everyone has the time or inclination to cook for themselves, pick up their dry cleaning, mow the lawn, clean, etc. You neighbors may be too busy to take care of their yard but would gladly pay someone they know such as you to do the work for them. Offer to organize their attic or garage and don't be shy to charge them a decent rate. Perhaps in exchange for money they will offer to you whatever is in their garage of value. This can one of the ways to make money as you resell what they have online or in your next yard sale.

      Online help: If you own a computer and have internet access, then this can be one of the ways to make money quickly and legally. Sometimes blog managers will pay for posters to add a few paragraphs of comments to their sites while others will be glad if you moderate their forums. Either way, if there is money involved you can raise cash that way too.

      Watch the kids: Not everyone likes to babysit other children, but perhaps you are already "giving that service away" when your friends drop their children off to play with your kids. Let's be smart about it: are you providing a play date or babysitting services? If the latter, start charging by the hour to make sure your hard work gets a return on the investment!

      Yes, there are many ways to make money you hadn't thought of in the past. Don't borrow off of your credit card and don't take out a loan you won't be able to repay later. Chances are there is a service you can provide, an item you could sell, or something you can offer that will bring in money quickly. Are there many ways to make money? Yes! Find out what they are and step forward in faith today.
      Discover how to have fabulous, engaging content with
      Fast & Easy Content Creation
      ***Especially if you don't have enough time, money, or just plain HATE writing***
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1348531].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Johnny Slater
    My only comment on any of this is those of you who are saying "go get a job, it's not really that hard" haven't tried to get a job in the last year or so. My wife lost her job 8 months ago and after applying for over 300 jobs in that time she still hasn't found work.

    Not everyone can get a job flipping burgers, although that seems to be a common assumption. Low paying jobs do not hire people who had previous employment making way more money than they pay.

    Take me for instance. I haven't been able to get a job in 8 years. Employers look at my employment record and see every job I have had since I turned 20 paid at least $100 a day and my last few jobs paid $250 a day. Most burger joints pay that a week so they wont even consider my application.

    Just assuming that anyone can get a job just because they need one is very very far from reality. Expecially in the current econemy where more and more people are getting layed off each month, jobs are extremely hard to come by. For every available job there are hundreds of people applying for them. Employers will hire the ones who have lower expectations and lower expense needs because they don't want to put in time to train someone just to have them quit for a better paying job after a month.

    I know many people feel strongly about their beliefs but please think a little before you make posts slaming someone for not having a job. Finding employment is a lot harder than some of you seem to think it is. Before firing off a post slamming people take a bit of time and find out what "over qualified" means. I've personally been given that as an excuse for not hiring me more times than I can count.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1348580].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TelegramSam
      Originally Posted by Johnny Slater View Post

      Take me for instance. I haven't been able to get a job in 8 years.


      Have you considered changing your resume a little?

      You don't have to disclose earnings.

      And if you say "I can't do that, it wouldn't be right", then just keep on starving if that makes you feel better.

      I think most people are sensible enough on this thread to realise that getting a job isn't easy. But if you can't get a job in 2 or 8 years, well, frankly, that says it all.

      Perhaps it also explains why their internet success is not where they want it to be.

      Finding a job, just like being successful, starts with the right mental attitude/mindset.

      Keep thinking that there aren't any jobs out there and guess what? You would be right.

      Assume you will find a job 100% and guess what? You would be right.

      Don't be a victim. It is totally a person's choice.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1349234].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author dv8
        I know it has been posted numerous times already, but I haven't seen you reference it. If you have, my apologies.

        $4,000 to get the trans fixed is WAY too much. Even if you have a "nicer" car. So you definitely need to get another estimate.

        I have tons of experience in this department. I'm on my 4th trans in 6 years. My trans is one of the more expensive ones, T-56. Same one in Vipers and Corvettes.

        Why am I telling you this, because even this trans isn't $4,000. Very close, but not $4,000. And that's for a brand new one.

        I paid about $1,100 for a used one last year. Check craigslist, ebay, and any other site you can find. I found mine on a car forum. Then I paid $200 to have it installed.

        Good luck with everything. I know these kind of things suck.

        Oh yeah, your wife is working at a great place to get referrals. Tell her to start running her mouth about you and what you can do for local businesses. Try to speak at the next meeting.

        Best of luck!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1349278].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
      Originally Posted by Johnny Slater View Post

      My only comment on any of this is those of you who are saying "go get a job, it's not really that hard" haven't tried to get a job in the last year or so. My wife lost her job 8 months ago and after applying for over 300 jobs in that time she still hasn't found work.

      Not everyone can get a job flipping burgers, although that seems to be a common assumption. Low paying jobs do not hire people who had previous employment making way more money than they pay.

      Take me for instance. I haven't been able to get a job in 8 years. Employers look at my employment record and see every job I have had since I turned 20 paid at least $100 a day and my last few jobs paid $250 a day. Most burger joints pay that a week so they wont even consider my application.

      Just assuming that anyone can get a job just because they need one is very very far from reality. Expecially in the current econemy where more and more people are getting layed off each month, jobs are extremely hard to come by. For every available job there are hundreds of people applying for them. Employers will hire the ones who have lower expectations and lower expense needs because they don't want to put in time to train someone just to have them quit for a better paying job after a month.

      I know many people feel strongly about their beliefs but please think a little before you make posts slaming someone for not having a job. Finding employment is a lot harder than some of you seem to think it is. Before firing off a post slamming people take a bit of time and find out what "over qualified" means. I've personally been given that as an excuse for not hiring me more times than I can count.

      This is what I have been trying to say. Its not as east for everyone to get a job even a low paying job for reasons you mentioned.

      Dude how have you survived for so long? Your wife was working right? Its been 17 months for me and pretty much for as you stated. My last real job was paying me over $300 per day.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1349333].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
        Originally Posted by John Cabral View Post

        This is what I have been trying to say. Its not as east for everyone to get a job even a low paying job for reasons you mentioned.

        OK, maybe its true, but if you keep using that information as an excuse, you will never be one of the folks who actually do fill all those positions I JUST saw available on and CareerBuilder.

        It only takes 2 years to get a nursing or therapist degree. The job boards are full of medical positions right they will be in two years!

        I'm just fed up with the lazy attitude that internet marketing seems to be infusing into most of our brains.

        If IM doesn't work for you, then try another career. You don't HAVE to work from home in your pajamas.

        I know the US government is handing out grants left and right for those who want to go to school to learn a career. If you are unemployed, you are practically guaranteed a free education. (I know, you're in Canada)

        Its out there, you just have to want it. My best friend just got a job a couple of weeks ago at a call center. He had no experience and previously had higher paying positions. And guess what - he's getting a steady, somewhat reliable paycheck least more reliable than IM tricklings.

        Hey - didn't I say I was out? LOL

        Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1349398].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
          Originally Posted by Allen Graves View Post


          OK, maybe its true, but if you keep using that information as an excuse, you will never be one of the folks who actually do fill all those positions I JUST saw available on and CareerBuilder.

          It only takes 2 years to get a nursing or therapist degree. The job boards are full of medical positions right they will be in two years!

          I'm just fed up with the lazy attitude that internet marketing seems to be infusing into most of our brains.

          If IM doesn't work for you, then try another career. You don't HAVE to work from home in your pajamas.

          I know the US government is handing out grants left and right for those who want to go to school to learn a career. If you are unemployed, you are practically guaranteed a free education. (I know, you're in Canada)

          Its out there, you just have to want it. My best friend just got a job a couple of weeks ago at a call center. He had no experience and previously had higher paying positions. And guess what - he's getting a steady, somewhat reliable paycheck least more reliable than IM tricklings.

          Hey - didn't I say I was out? LOL

          Now see Allen you just pissed me off with your statements. You have not walked in my shoes or anyones elses for that matter so don't presume to say its excuses.

          You haven't sent out 1000 resumes had every head hunter looking only to have a few interviews and no job.

          I have had companies ask me when can you start and then tell me a few days later they found someone better suited.

          When I did find a job 8 months after losing my original one I had it for 2 months as they wanted me to work late and because of distance and my son I could not.

          Then 7 months later my friend got me a job paying 35K and I busted my behind there working almost 60 hr weeks and only getting paid for 40 and beacuse things are bad here people started moving out in droves and very few were moving in and I was replaced by a friend of the new manager.

          Yes I will admit I have been down in the dumps and haven't tried as hard this time around because I know what I am up against. I am not 20 or 30 either.

          I have been looking into going back to school and was not aware our US goverment was willing to pay for it. I learned something. But I am not all that foun dof the Same government that caused the crap we are in along with banks.

          Secondly get your facts straight, I never claimed to be an IM'er nor have I said I wanted to work in my pajama's not that I would turm it down if I ever made it that far.

          And where did you surmise I was in Canada? Since when is South Florida considered Canada.

          I hate pompous %$# people who assume to know it all. I am usually very laid back but comments like these just get under my skin....
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350013].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
      Originally Posted by Johnny Slater View Post

      My only comment on any of this is those of you who are saying "go get a job, it's not really that hard" haven't tried to get a job in the last year or so. My wife lost her job 8 months ago and after applying for over 300 jobs in that time she still hasn't found work.

      Not everyone can get a job flipping burgers, although that seems to be a common assumption. Low paying jobs do not hire people who had previous employment making way more money than they pay.

      Take me for instance. I haven't been able to get a job in 8 years. Employers look at my employment record and see every job I have had since I turned 20 paid at least $100 a day and my last few jobs paid $250 a day. Most burger joints pay that a week so they wont even consider my application.

      Just assuming that anyone can get a job just because they need one is very very far from reality. Expecially in the current econemy where more and more people are getting layed off each month, jobs are extremely hard to come by. For every available job there are hundreds of people applying for them. Employers will hire the ones who have lower expectations and lower expense needs because they don't want to put in time to train someone just to have them quit for a better paying job after a month.

      I know many people feel strongly about their beliefs but please think a little before you make posts slaming someone for not having a job. Finding employment is a lot harder than some of you seem to think it is. Before firing off a post slamming people take a bit of time and find out what "over qualified" means. I've personally been given that as an excuse for not hiring me more times than I can count.
      I agree with you. Some people don't seem to be living in the same reality.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350068].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Gail Sober
    For anyone who is having trouble getting a job because they're over qualified.

    You are not selling yourself correctly.

    If the employer thinks (as mentioned above) that they are going to spend money training you and that you will quit in two months as soon as you find a better job and/or that you are gunning for their job have already received some valuable information to use to your favor in your next interview.

    It's up to YOU to explain to them how you could benefit them and their company.

    You have to put down a list of your skills and figure out a way to MAKE them applicable to the position you are applying for. Almost EVERY skill is transferable in some way or another and even if not, any levels of responsibility you had, management responsibilities, etc.. definitely are.

    You have to assure them that you're there to "start at the ground floor" and work your way up.

    At the same time, you have to assure them that you aren't "gunning for their job". Most managers, especially in large organizations are trained to hire the best. It has been a long time problem that less compentent managers would hire people they didn't feel threatened by or that they felt weren't as smart as themselves.

    HR has invested a lot of time and money over the years trying to convince these managers that the fastest way to the top is by building a rocketship of highly competent people and riding it to the top.

    Let the manager know that you aren't after their job. You are there to make their life easier. You are used to working in conditions where you used your own initiative, saw the big picture, could self motivate, could lead by example, etc..

    Let the manager know that you are fiercely loyal to those you work with and for and understand that the only way for you to move up is to help them further along their chosen career path. You will work as a team to achieve your goals.

    Anyway, I won't drag this out forever but I did spend many, many years hiring and training people and I've ran across my fair share of over qualified people as well as under qualified people. Both had a realistic chance of getting hired depending on how they presented themselves.

    I know the job markets are different across the country and around the world but I'm saying that interview skills are KEY to landing a job. Who is excited to work here, who has goals, who has a positive attitude, who is going to reflect the best on my business, who is going to be worth that investment of time and money.

    Anybody struggling to find work right now should spend some time at the library or book store and read up on interviewing skills (the hiring managers side of the desk) to get an idea of what they're looking for in a candidate.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1349696].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
      Originally Posted by Gail Sober View Post

      For anyone who is having trouble getting a job because they're over qualified.

      You are not selling yourself correctly.

      If the employer thinks (as mentioned above) that they are going to spend money training you and that you will quit in two months as soon as you find a better job and/or that you are gunning for their job have already received some valuable information to use to your favor in your next interview.

      It's up to YOU to explain to them how you could benefit them and their company.

      You have to put down a list of your skills and figure out a way to MAKE them applicable to the position you are applying for. Almost EVERY skill is transferable in some way or another and even if not, any levels of responsibility you had, management responsibilities, etc.. definitely are.

      You have to assure them that you're there to "start at the ground floor" and work your way up.

      At the same time, you have to assure them that you aren't "gunning for their job". Most managers, especially in large organizations are trained to hire the best. It has been a long time problem that less compentent managers would hire people they didn't feel threatened by or that they felt weren't as smart as themselves.

      HR has invested a lot of time and money over the years trying to convince these managers that the fastest way to the top is by building a rocketship of highly competent people and riding it to the top.

      Let the manager know that you aren't after their job. You are there to make their life easier. You are used to working in conditions where you used your own initiative, saw the big picture, could self motivate, could lead by example, etc..

      Let the manager know that you are fiercely loyal to those you work with and for and understand that the only way for you to move up is to help them further along their chosen career path. You will work as a team to achieve your goals.

      Anyway, I won't drag this out forever but I did spend many, many years hiring and training people and I've ran across my fair share of over qualified people as well as under qualified people. Both had a realistic chance of getting hired depending on how they presented themselves.

      I know the job markets are different across the country and around the world but I'm saying that interview skills are KEY to landing a job. Who is excited to work here, who has goals, who has a positive attitude, who is going to reflect the best on my business, who is going to be worth that investment of time and money.

      Anybody struggling to find work right now should spend some time at the library or book store and read up on interviewing skills (the hiring managers side of the desk) to get an idea of what they're looking for in a candidate.


      The reality of things is what you are saying really does not hold water for some. And the Hiring comes down to the department head or person you are working for not really HR.

      I Once travel over an hour to a job spent 3 hours interviewing and taking tests only to be told at the end that the job was beneath me. WTF I wasted 5 hours of my time and gas and the job was only paying 13K laess then what I had been making and the benefits were good and I was willing to move after the probation period.

      SO so much for seling myself and assuring I was not gunning for anyones job. To be honest what are the chances I will stay at a job paying me $10 when a job comes along and say pays me 60-70K like I was making before. Managers and companies know that.

      I have to look out for myself and if an opportunity presents itself that pays me more you bet your sweet apple I am gone. So will anyone else.

      Its not like I am going form an $11/Hr job to now making $9-10/hr.

      You tell me that if you were lucky to get hired say making $10/hr and 2 months later a job presented itself that paid your $20/Hr you would not leave..... You know you would and so do they....

      I can only lie so much on my resume, heck I even have 2 version that I use depending on what I am applying but lets be realistic here. Last 10 years I have run companies as either their assistant controller or controller making up to 70K and you think someone knowing that is going to hire me, maybe train me and I will leave in 2 -3 months or whenever something better comes along.

      Only way I am going to get a job paying $10 is something totally out of my field. Yes I could get a day labor job but I am a single dad to an 8 yr old that I am sole person who picks him up from school and picks him up and those jobs you can't just pick up and go.

      I applied for bookkeeping jobs paying 35-45K which for sure I am over qualified and they would be getting more for their money, guess what they wont hire me. They don't care if I have bills or a family to feed. Its about the bottom line.

      So yes some of us have a harder time finding work.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1349972].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall

        Not trying to sound like an ass here...


        If you know that is your issue, dumb yourself down a bit. Don't tell them that you were the exec VP for chrysler and now want to flip burgers.

        It sounds like YOU KNOW what they want to hear...

        You just refuse to give them what they want.

        I made well into 6 figures last year and could still go to the gas station on the corner and present myself in a way that they would hire me for their $8 an hour job if I needed to.

        Them: So, what have you been doing for the last 2 years

        ME: Working on the internet, but obviously that didn't work out

        Originally Posted by John Cabral View Post


        Thye reality of things is what you are saying really does not hold water for some.

        I Once travel over an hour to a job spent 3 hours interviewing and taking tests only to be told at the end that the job was beneath me. WTF I wasted 5 hours of my time and gas and the job was only paying 13K laess then what I had been making and the benefits were good and I was willing to move after the probation period.

        SO so much for seling myself and assuring I was not gunning for anyones job. To be honest what are the chances I will stay at a job paying me $10 when a job comes along and say pays me 60-70K like I was making before. Managers and companies know that.

        I have to look out for myself and if an opportunity presents itself that pays me more you bet your sweet apple I am gone. So will anyone else.

        Its not like I am going form an $11/Hr job to now making $9-10/hr.

        You tell me that if you were lucky to get hired say making $10/hr and 2 months later a job presented itself that paid your $20/Hr you would not leave..... You know you would and so do they....

        I can only lie so much on my resume, heck I even have 2 version that I use depending on what I am applying but lets be realistic here. Last 10 years I have run companies as either their assistant controller or controller making up to 70K and you think someone knowing that is going to hire me, maybe train me and I will leave in 2 -3 months or whenever something better comes along.

        Only way I am going to get a job paying $10 is something totally out of my field. Yes I could get a day labor job but I am a single dad to an 8 yr old that I am sole person who picks him up from school and picks him up and those jobs you can't just pick up and go.

        I applied for bookkeeping jobs paying 35-45K which for sure I am over qualified and they would be getting more for their money, guess what they wont hire me. They don't care if I have bills or a family to feed. Its about the bottom line.

        So yes some of us have a harder time finding work.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1349983].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
          Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post


          Not trying to sound like an ass here...
          Try a little bit less. I hate when people assume to know all the variables to whats going on with someone and come on out with the it's so easy to find a job. For some yes for other no.

          I have friends with Masters who can't get a job paying 9-10 bucks an hours...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350045].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
            Originally Posted by John Cabral View Post

            Try a little bit less. I hate when people assume to know all the variables to whats going on with someone and come on out with the it's so easy to find a job. For some yes for other no.

            I have friends with Masters who can't get a job paying 9-10 bucks an hours...
            Every post you make in this thread is an excuse...and you just proved it.

            So, I say...whatever!

            Enjoy Unemployment.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350052].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
              Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

              Every post you make in this thread is an excuse...and you just proved it.

              So, I say...whatever!

              Enjoy Unemployment.

              Dude you don't know crap about me and I have not made any excuses nor am I here asking for your help. I just don't like people who assume to know it all. I am talking from my experience and what I have had to deal with how pompous of you to assume I am making excuses or want to be unemployed.

              In my book you are an ass and not being one. Whatever.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350074].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
                Originally Posted by John Cabral View Post

                Dude you don't know crap about me and I have not made any excuses nor am I here asking for your help. I just don't like people who assume to know it all. I am talking from my experience and what I have had to deal with how pompous of you to assume I am making excuses or want to be unemployed.

                In my book you are an ass and not being one. Whatever.
                No excuses?? lol

                Every single time someone makes a post you have an excuse..

                your over qualified

                You can't work those hours

                You have a degree

                Your friend can't find a job




                John, you are no more over qualified than I am and I'm telling you right now, that I could leave my office now and have a job by 5PM today..that is 5 hours from now.

                I'm not saying it is that easy for everyone...I understand everyone has a different background and a different story, but again - Every single thread that has been posted about finding a job in this thread has been met by you with an EXCUSE. Maybe you can take a couple minutes and reread your posts and point one out to me that didn't contain either an excuse or a whoaisme?

                Is it tough out there? ABSOLUTELY - Nobody is doubting that. But, it is irritating to hear someone in one breath complain about how hard it is to find a job and in the next make excuses about why they can't do it.

                I'll pick up the classified in your area from online - Pretend I am you - And have 3 interviews scheduled by the end of the day. There is NO reason you can't do the same thing...
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350091].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
                  Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

                  No excuses?? lol

                  Every single time someone makes a post you have an excuse..

                  your over qualified

                  You can't work those hours

                  You have a degree

                  Your friend can't find a job




                  John, you are no more over qualified than I am and I'm telling you right now, that I could leave my office now and have a job by 5PM today..that is 5 hours from now.

                  I'm not saying it is that easy for everyone...I understand everyone has a different background and a different story, but again - Every single thread that has been posted about finding a job in this thread has been met by you with an EXCUSE. Maybe you can take a couple minutes and reread your posts and point one out to me that didn't contain either an excuse or a whoaisme?

                  Is it tough out there? ABSOLUTELY - Nobody is doubting that. But, it is irritating to hear someone in one breath complain about how hard it is to find a job and in the next make excuses about why they can't do it.

                  I'll pick up the classified in your area from online - Pretend I am you - And have 3 interviews scheduled by the end of the day. There is NO reason you can't do the same thing...

                  Jeremy has a point with this. What I would suggest is, before knocking back any of the advice, try it first. And then, if it doesn't work your gripe would be legitimate. Otherwise, unfortunately, you do come across as someone who's just making excuses.

                  True, people don't know your situation, but they can only go by what they say and what you say here. Look at it from their point of view. How would you feel if it was the other way around.

                  Take their advice and give it a shot first.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350101].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
                    Originally Posted by Rezbi View Post


                    Jeremy has a point with this. What I would suggest is, before knocking back any of the advice, try it first. And then, if it doesn't work your gripe would be legitimate. Otherwise, unfortunately, you do come across as someone who's just making excuses.

                    True, people don't know your situation, but they can only go by what they say and what you say here. Look at it from their point of view. How would you feel if it was the other way around.

                    Take their advice and give it a shot first.
                    Again another person assuming to know what I have or have not done. Do you know that when I first lost my job 2 years ago that I sent out over 1000 resumes or that I had just about every friggin agency looking for me. Do you?

                    Yes I have turned down jobs not going to lie but do you know why? Beacuse they were to far or hours would not work for me. Why? Because I have a small kid am a full-time single dad who has to do it all so I could not take those jobs due to that fact alone. Should I get rid of my son? Or is that just another excuse...

                    Come on yes there are excuses and some make them and some don't but don't think that all of us not working is because we are lazy asses who don't want to work and looking to make it big in IM.

                    This is the part that gets to me. Maybe too many have tried to take advantage of the good natured warriors but lets not go assuming that everyone not working is making excuses or lazy. And as I have said I have not come here asking for a handout.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350136].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
                      Originally Posted by John Cabral View Post

                      Again another person assuming to know what I have or have not done. Do you know that when I first lost my job 2 years ago that I sent out over 1000 resumes or that I had just about every friggin agency looking for me. Do you?

                      Yes I have turned down jobs not going to lie but do you know why? Beacuse they were to far or hours would not work for me. Why? Because I have a small kid am a full-time single dad who has to do it all so I could not take those jobs due to that fact alone. Should I get rid of my son? Or is that just another excuse...

                      Come on yes there are excuses and some make them and some don't but don't think that all of us not working is because we are lazy asses who don't want to work and looking to make it big in IM.

                      This is the part that gets to me. Maybe too many have tried to take advantage of the good natured warriors but lets not go assuming that everyone not working is making excuses or lazy. And as I have said I have not come here asking for a handout.

                      That's not what I meant at all, so apologies if it sounded that way. You'll see from my previous post I'm not about judging.

                      What I meant was, if you try things others have told you about and say so, you have more ammunition to back up what you say. That way no-one can criticise you when you show them the facts.

                      It's about you having some back-up for whatever you say. Does that make sense?
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350202].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author TelegramSam
                      Originally Posted by Rezbi View Post

                      I apologise to everyone reasonable person here, but this is a load of absolute crap. Maybe you're the one who needs a wake up call to reality.

                      I tried to get a job for over two years and, even with all my qualifications (and I have a few) I couldn't find any work.

                      The fact is there are so few jobs about relative to the numbers of people looking that the companies can pick and choose, up to a point.

                      And more often than not, out of two choices they will tend to choose someone who is younger.

                      How do I know this?

                      Because I've worked in industry for well over 20 years and know exactly what it's like.

                      So please, get off you high bloody horse and show some friggin' compassion when people are in trouble.

                      If you're going to criticise, make sure it's for the right reasons.

                      If you believe the things I wrote are crap, then that is up to you.

                      I have never claimed welfare and never been out of a job for more than a couple of weeks.

                      I don't know how old you are, but I too have lived through a number of recessions, faced redundancy, bankrupt companies, short working weeks and god knows what in my time.

                      But NEVER have I gone into agreement about how bad it all is.

                      I used to go knocking on doors, telephoning and even working for nothing on a trial basis, to get the ball rolling.

                      I never complained when no one came begging me to work for them.

                      If you think I write my "firm/harsh" words to poke fun at people or to make them seem like idiots, then you deeply misunderstand me as a person.

                      But, the people I like to help the most in life are those people that also help themselves!

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350210].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
                        Originally Posted by TelegramSam View Post

                        If you believe the things I wrote are crap, then that is up to you.

                        I have never claimed welfare and never been out of a job for more than a couple of weeks.

                        I don't know how old you are, but I too have lived through a number of recessions, faced redundancy, bankrupt companies, short working weeks and god knows what in my time.

                        But NEVER have I gone into agreement about how bad it all is.

                        I used to go knocking on doors, telephoning and even working for nothing on a trial basis, to get the ball rolling.

                        I never complained when no one came begging me to work for them.

                        If you think I write my "firm/harsh" words to poke fun at people or to make them seem like idiots, then you deeply misunderstand me as a person.

                        But, the people I like to help the most in life are those people that also help themselves!

                        My point is, Sam, you should not be judging others' situations based on your own. Not everyone's situations and circumstances are the same.

                        I have never claimed welfare for more than a couple of weeks, either, but I have been actively looking for work just so I can have a steady income whenever I don't have a job to do or when I don't feel like writing.

                        And I've been looking for over two years, without any luck.

                        In fact, just last week I sent out over 40 applications with no joy.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350231].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author TelegramSam
                          Originally Posted by Rezbi View Post

                          My point is, Sam, you should not be judging others' situations based on your own. Not everyone's situations and circumstances are the same.

                          I have never claimed welfare for more than a couple of weeks, either, but I have been actively looking for work just so I can have a steady income whenever I don't have a job to do or when I don't feel like writing.

                          And I've been looking for over two years, without any luck.

                          In fact, just last week I sent out over 40 applications with no joy.

                          Ok, but my point is that you do whatever it takes. If sending out 40 applications gets no joy then you do something else.

                          Now whether that means sending out 400, 4000 or knocking on doors, or asking friends or past associates, or working for nothing on a trial basis or whatever else is needed, is up to you. One basically does whatever it takes until he or she digs themselves out of the hole.

                          Give up and you just made it slightly easier for someone else.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350258].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
                            Originally Posted by TelegramSam View Post

                            Ok, but my point is that you do whatever it takes. If sending out 40 applications gets no joy then you do something else.

                            Now whether that means sending out 400, 4000 or knocking on doors, or asking friends or past associates, or working for nothing on a trial basis or whatever else is needed, is up to you. One basically does whatever it takes until he or she digs themselves out of the hole.

                            Give up and you just made it slightly easier for someone else.
                            Giving up should never be an option until we are 6 ft. under.
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350269].message }}
                            • [DELETED]
                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350329].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
                                Originally Posted by MarkAndrews IMCopywriting View Post

                                Life only begins when you're 6' under,
                                just not as we know it.
                                Good point LOL
                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350347].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
                                Originally Posted by MarkAndrews IMCopywriting View Post

                                Life only begins when you're 6' under,
                                just not as we know it.
                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350407].message }}
                                • Profile picture of the author discrat
                                  Yeah, I remember back in Sept. 1998 I was laid off from a sweet job at one of the biggest Waste Disposal Companies in the World. It was an Inside Sales job and I loved it.

                                  When I lost it , I was devastated for a day or so. Then I said the hell with Corporate America.

                                  So I went thru one of those small Biz Opportunitie Mags and found this little Classified Ad.

                                  I inquired to them and they sent me a starters Kit for a nominal amount and gave me Steps on having my own business. Well, it was stenciling in painted Addresss numbers on the Curbs of homeowners. It was so easy to start amd learn and make money almost immediately. I charged $20 for each house number and did up to 40 houses a day. I did this for one complete Year and thats the only thing I did..

                                  After that one year I got into the more lucrative Address Signs for Peoples home. They were ornamental signs that went in your yard and had glowing numbers so 911 could find your house.

                                  Well, I did that for 3.5 years total. Just a one man show run out of my house working my own hours . It was great.

                                  The Company to get the supplies from is still around I suspect.
                                  Its called

                                  Check it out because it worked great for me and I have NEVER worked for anyone since then. Once I got that taste of being self- employed , I never wanted to go back to the MAN. And I NEVER have !!

                                  Cheers !!

                                  Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

                                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350447].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
                            Originally Posted by TelegramSam View Post

                            Ok, but my point is that you do whatever it takes. If sending out 40 applications gets no joy then you do something else.

                            Now whether that means sending out 400, 4000 or knocking on doors, or asking friends or past associates, or working for nothing on a trial basis or whatever else is needed, is up to you. One basically does whatever it takes until he or she digs themselves out of the hole.

                            Give up and you just made it slightly easier for someone else.
                            What if I told you I've been doing all of that, and am still doing all of that?

                            It's just not the same for everyone. In the past I've worked for nothing just to get experience.
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350271].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author TelegramSam
                              Originally Posted by Rezbi View Post

                              What if I told you I've been doing all of that, and am still doing all of that?

                              I would say, good on you for not giving up.

                              Now, keep on going.

                              But get clever. Come up with a bright idea about getting a job and give it a go.

                              Figure out another way.

                              Get your resume/cv checked out. Does it look ok?

                              Ring the person who you want to work for.

                              Chat with them. Find out about the company. Find something that you think you could do that would help them. Investigate their competition and then then ring the company and tell them that you know how the competition is doing something and how you might be able to help them.

                              Get creative.

                              Even if it is stacking shelves, go vist 10 stores and see which ones stack the shelves the best and learn from it before you approach a company to get a shelf stacking job.

                              Tell them and show them your stacking ideas...

                              Etc... etc...

                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350296].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
                  Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

                  No excuses?? lol

                  Every single time someone makes a post you have an excuse..

                  your over qualified

                  You can't work those hours

                  You have a degree

                  Your friend can't find a job




                  John, you are no more over qualified than I am and I'm telling you right now, that I could leave my office now and have a job by 5PM today..that is 5 hours from now.

                  I'm not saying it is that easy for everyone...I understand everyone has a different background and a different story, but again - Every single thread that has been posted about finding a job in this thread has been met by you with an EXCUSE. Maybe you can take a couple minutes and reread your posts and point one out to me that didn't contain either an excuse or a whoaisme?

                  Is it tough out there? ABSOLUTELY - Nobody is doubting that. But, it is irritating to hear someone in one breath complain about how hard it is to find a job and in the next make excuses about why they can't do it.

                  I'll pick up the classified in your area from online - Pretend I am you - And have 3 interviews scheduled by the end of the day. There is NO reason you can't do the same thing...
                  How is what I said an excuse. If I can't work the hours because I have an obligation to pick my son up from after care by a certain time before they call child services on me or the job is too far to allow me to pick up my son.

                  Do you know if I have been looking at the classified or what I am doing? Do you know how many resumes I have send out? That I am registered with over 20 agencies... No that's my point.

                  You have no clue what I am doing and I don't personally need to tell you or anyone for that matter, that's my personal business. When I come to you for a handout than you can talk.

                  I am not making excuses and have only pointed out whats been happening to me. Just because you can get 3 interviews in one day that other can too.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350193].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
                    Originally Posted by John Cabral View Post

                    How is what I said an excuse. If I can't work the hours because I have an obligation to pick my son up from after care by a certain time before they call child services on me or the job is too far to allow me to pick up my son.

                    Do you know if I have been looking at the classified or what I am doing? Do you know how many resumes I have send out? That I am registered with over 20 agencies... No that's my point.

                    You have no clue what I am doing and I don't personally need to tell you or anyone for that matter, that's my personal business. When I come to you for a handout than you can talk.

                    I am not making excuses and have only pointed out whats been happening to me. Just because you can get 3 interviews in one day that other can too.
                    This is the part I'm talking about. When you ask people for advice then you do, indeed, have an obligation to let people know so they know the advice they're giving out is for not for nothing.

                    When you tell people what you're doing, you're telling them that, yes, you are taking heed of what they are saying. It's really just courtesy.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350217].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
                      Originally Posted by Rezbi View Post

                      This is the part I'm talking about. When you ask people for advice then you do, indeed, have an obligation to let people know so they know the advice they're giving out is for not for nothing.

                      When you tell people what you're doing, you're telling them that, yes, you are taking heed of what they are saying. It's really just courtesy.
                      Yes I agree that if I was asking for help I should tell all but I am not and what I detest is when someone who hasn't a clue to what I am doing or going through makes assumptions that I am either lazy or making excuses....
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350262].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
                        Originally Posted by John Cabral View Post

                        Yes I agree that if I was asking for help I should tell all but I am not and what I detest is when someone who hasn't a clue to what I am doing or going through makes assumptions that I am either lazy or making excuses....
                        I agree. That's the point I was making in my first post.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350277].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author dv8
                        Wow!! So much whinning in this thread. So many excuses being made.

                        No one is denying it's tough out there. I have stories I could tell that would reinforce "how bad the economy is and how the world is going to end tomorrow". But I'd rather focus on the other side of things. You know, all of the people here who are successful DESPITE the current state of the economy.

                        Here's the deal, your thoughts just reinforce your beliefs. So the more you tell yourself how hard it is and how you can't get a job, the harder it becomes to get a job. The is the only job of your subconsious, to prove the beliefs you tell it. Your mind will filter things to fit your belief system. And right now you are telling your subconsious that you can't find job and there are none out there for you. Which is what you'll continue to get. Until you realize this AND change, you'll stay stuck. Some people are addicted to their struggle. As crazy as that sounds.

                        Fact is, the economy is what it is. You can't change that. Even if you send out another 1000 resumes. Since you can't change it, there is only one thing to left to do, change YOUR thoughts about it.

                        Sorry John, I'm with Jeremy Kelsall on this one. He doesn't make six figures by making excuses.

                        As Dan Kennedy says...."You can make money or you can make excuses. But you can't do both".
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350821].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Johnny Slater
                          He makes the income he makes now because he found a partner who compliments his own strengths. Jeremy and Don work well together and both of them now do 1000 times better than either of them did before they teamed up.

                          I was there when they met and decided to work together and I have seen their business take off from the beginning so I know that his success now is a direct result of the partnership he has with someone who takes care of many of the things that he normall would have to hire out, although sometimes he does seem to forget that point.

                          Regardless of that, the amount of money someone makes has no relation to what is being discussed in this thread.

                          Originally Posted by dv8 View Post

                          Sorry John, I'm with Jeremy Kelsall on this one. He doesn't make six figures by making excuses.

                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350865].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
                            Originally Posted by Johnny Slater View Post

                            He makes the income he makes now because he found a partner who compliments his own strengths. Jeremy and Don work well together and both of them now do 1000 times better than either of them did before they teamed up.

                            I was there when they met and decided to work together and I have seen their business take off from the beginning so I know that his success now is a direct result of the partnership he has with someone who takes care of many of the things that he normall would have to hire out, although sometimes he does seem to forget that point.

                            Regardless of that, the amount of money someone makes has no relation to what is being discussed in this thread.
                            Actually, I was making 6 figures a year before I ever met Don

                            Do I make more money now that I know him? Yes I do.

                            He also did very well before he met me

                            The amount of money made isn't really the point though...
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350943].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
                          Originally Posted by dv8 View Post

                          Wow!! So much whinning in this thread. So many excuses being made.

                          No one is denying it's tough out there. I have stories I could tell that would reinforce "how bad the economy is and how the world is going to end tomorrow". But I'd rather focus on the other side of things. You know, all of the people here who are successful DESPITE the current state of the economy.

                          Here's the deal, your thoughts just reinforce your beliefs. So the more you tell yourself how hard it is and how you can't get a job, the harder it becomes to get a job. The is the only job of your subconsious, to prove the beliefs you tell it. Your mind will filter things to fit your belief system. And right now you are telling your subconsious that you can't find job and there are none out there for you. Which is what you'll continue to get. Until you realize this AND change, you'll stay stuck. Some people are addicted to their struggle. As crazy as that sounds.

                          Fact is, the economy is what it is. You can't change that. Even if you send out another 1000 resumes. Since you can't change it, there is only one thing to left to do, change YOUR thoughts about it.

                          Sorry John, I'm with Jeremy Kelsall on this one. He doesn't make six figures by making excuses.

                          As Dan Kennedy says...."You can make money or you can make excuses. But you can't do both".
                          You know what I really could give a horse's $#@ what he thinks about me as he or anyone else is not paying my bills or supporting me till they do I don't give a rats behind.

                          If Jeremy or anyone for that matter wants to think they know my situation then let them.

                          As for him making 6 figures I could care less if he made 7 figures. Lots of people make 6 figures or more doing things that I would not stupe to doing so what....
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350970].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author andrew_writes
                            This is getting out of hand I think.

                            Is there a way to get a moderator to lock this thread or delete it or something?

                            While it is morbidly interesting to read it is no longer serving a purpose.
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350990].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
                              Originally Posted by andrew_writes View Post

                              This is getting out of hand I think.

                              Is there a way to get a moderator to lock this thread or delete it or something?

                              While it is morbidly interesting to read it is no longer serving a purpose.
                              I agree with you 100% this is not serving any purpose anymore.
                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1351026].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
                            Originally Posted by John Cabral View Post

                            You know what I really could give a horse's $#@ what he thinks about me as he or anyone else is not paying my bills or supporting me till they do I don't give a rats behind.

                            If Jeremy or anyone for that matter wants to think they know my situation then let them.

                            As for him making 6 figures I could care less if he made 7 figures. Lots of people make 6 figures or more doing things that I would not stupe to doing so what....

                            Now you are just being "dumb"...

                            First of all, if you have been out of work for over 2 years, there is a very good chance that someone in this thread is paying your bills in one fashion or another.

                            Don't forget John, that you are the one that started posting about your situation on a public forum...remember that?

                            We didn't tap into your email or bug your house to find out what was going on...YOU POSTED ABOUT IT...remember?

                            Wouldn't stoop to the ways I've made 6 figures?

                            You have a problem selling real estate?

                            you have a problem with running a credit counseling office?

                            you have a problem with being a broker for a leasing company?


                            Do you just take exception to the fact that I can sit my fat ass in a chair at home with my kids and make enough money to provide for myself and my family?

                            At the end of the day we are different kinds of people...that is brutally honest at this point and that difference has nothing at all to do with how much or how little we have in our bank accounts.
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1351010].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
                              Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

                              Now you are just being "dumb"...

                              First of all, if you have been out of work for over 2 years, there is a very good chance that someone in this thread is paying your bills in one fashion or another.

                              Don't forget John, that you are the one that started posting about your situation on a public forum...remember that?

                              We didn't tap into your email or bug your house to find out what was going on...YOU POSTED ABOUT IT...remember?

                              Wouldn't stoop to the ways I've made 6 figures?

                              You have a problem selling real estate?

                              you have a problem with running a credit counseling office?

                              you have a problem with being a broker for a leasing company?


                              Do you just take exception to the fact that I can sit my fat ass in a chair at home with my kids and make enough money to provide for myself and my family?

                              At the end of the day we are different kinds of people...that is brutally honest at this point and that difference has nothing at all to do with how much or how little we have in our bank accounts.
                              You are right I came in saying I have had hard time working over past 2 years not that I haven't worked.

                              I just take offense when people assume you are lazy or only full of excuses without all the facts.

                              As for stoop comment that was not meant to be directed at you personally.

                              I am glad you are where you are and that you can stay home and do all sorts of things that most can't. My hat off to you.

                              I have no problem how you or anyone makes their money. You do what you do and lets you sleep at night.

                              But I will not sit back and let a total stranger tell me what I am or am not doing when they don't have all the facts straight.
                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1351070].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
                                Originally Posted by John Cabral View Post

                                You are right I came in saying I have had hard time working over past 2 years not that I haven't worked.

                                I just take offense when people assume you are lazy or only full of excuses without all the facts.

                                As for stoop comment that was not meant to be directed at you personally.

                                I am glad you are where you are and that you can stay home and do all sorts of things that most can't. My hat off to you.

                                I have no problem how you or anyone makes their money. You do what you do and lets you sleep at night.

                                But I will not sit back and let a total stranger tell me what I am or am not doing when they don't have all the facts straight.
                                Just so you know - nothing that I typed was meant to be personal towards you...

                                I was just "in the discussion" sharing my experiences with the job market the same as you were...Because our thought processes were different, it might have appeared personal - but, it wasn't.

                                It was only like 4.5 years ago give or take a few months that I was evicted from a house I was renting...right after my son was born because at the time i was, it's not like I've ALWAYS done well.

                                A couple of months before that, my Jeep was repo'd...

                                My wife was still on maternity leave and I was out of work for a medical reason...

                                I definitely know what it feels like to go to bed at night and think to myself "THIS SUCKS"...

                                I was only trying to show that their was another side to the coin as I guess you were as well. In any case, I hope things turn around for you and if I can help at all, drop me a line.

                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1351111].message }}
                                • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
                                  Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

                                  Just so you know - nothing that I typed was meant to be personal towards you...

                                  I was just "in the discussion" sharing my experiences with the job market the same as you were...Because our thought processes were different, it might have appeared personal - but, it wasn't.

                                  It was only like 4.5 years ago give or take a few months that I was evicted from a house I was renting...right after my son was born because at the time i was, it's not like I've ALWAYS done well.

                                  A couple of months before that, my Jeep was repo'd...

                                  I definitely know what it feels like to go to bed at night and think to myself "THIS SUCKS"...

                                  I was only trying to show that their was another side to the coin as I guess you were as well. In any case, I hope things turn around for you and if I can help at all, drop me a line.


                                  Hey Jeremy,

                                  Same as with me, I have no hard feeling towards you or any warrior and I guess this post touched a sensitive spot with me.

                                  I guess with me was the fact that I worked hard to get to where I was at to now struggling to find a job because of my experience level and being a single dad.

                                  Anyways I am glad you picked yourself up and are doing so well.

                                  AS I said I would prefer to be taught how to fish then given a fish.

                                  IM is not my forte and never has been but I have always wanted to succeed and like you have the luxury of working from home and spending more time with my son rather than working 60 hours a week making someone else rich.

                                  No hard feelings on my end and I am always greatful for help with IM or partnering up with a mentor.

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  • Profile picture of the author rwb24
    My suggestion is to put all your efforts into finding a job outside of IM for awhile and then build your IM business. Of course getting transportation is an immediate need.

    Off subject a little but worth saying...make sure to take time for your spouse, she must be a rock for you so protect that marriage. I know from first hand experience.
    God bless you,
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    • [DELETED]
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      • Profile picture of the author AnneE
        Originally Posted by MarkAndrews IMCopywriting View Post

        ^ Now, where have I heard that line

        Pardon me for saying so Essence but a
        lot of people have given you some excellent
        advice on this thread.

        You asked the initial questions, then when
        others help you and give of their time freely
        to do so, you take great umbrage at their
        remarks or don't even bother to say thank
        you to those posters who were just trying
        their best to help you out.

        Why not show a bit of gratitude to all of
        those posters rather than berating them for
        the advice given?

        Your situation is by no means unique and in
        fact you are in a much better position than
        a great deal of other people out there, yet
        when others try and help you, you throw
        their helpful advice back in their faces by
        either not responding to them directly or if
        you do respond, you do so negatively
        towards the very people trying to give
        you a hand.

        Way back on page one, someone actually
        went to the trouble to show you how to get
        a buss pass for less than $20 so your wife
        could get to her work. What is so difficult
        about raising such a miniscule amount of
        money when you claim to have the skills
        that you have mentioned, in your


        Mark Andrews...

        Are you sure that you haven't confused some other folks postings with Essence's? We've had lots of back and forth between people who said it is easy enough to get a "real job" (not IMing) and others who have said they are full of, but I thought Essence had tried pretty hard to leave the negative folks alone and thank people who offered constructive advice. If you look, you will see he has added thanks to several posts in this thread.

        He did agree that the $4K needed for transmission was just his initial panicked reaction and that he could come up with a workable plan and I thought his last post was that he was going to go work that plan.

        Speaking of working plans... I should go work my own and stop reading this thread... like watching a tennis game.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gail Sober
    John, Next time they say you're over-qualified, tell them "Yes, but you are an under achiever so it balances".

    (that's a joke, btw!!)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350079].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
      Originally Posted by Gail Sober View Post

      John, Next time they say you're over-qualified, tell them "Yes, but you are an under achiever so it balances".

      (that's a joke, btw!!)
      Gail you made me laugh. Will try that one. I will tell you I was floored when the VP of that company looked at my resume and told me that the position was beneath me. WTF who's he to say it's beneath me or above me.

      In reality it was pretty close to what I had been doing just not the title and I don't care about titles.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350086].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AmyBrown
    John - Yet some people are getting jobs and are starting successful businesses.

    I recommend the book "Put More Cash in Your Wallet" by Loral Langemeier. It's a quick read and you should be able to read it and even do the exercises at the bookstore if you have to. If nothing else it might get you excited about the possibilities again.
    "Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast."
    Tom Peters

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350088].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Roy Carter
    Sorry to hear of your troubles.

    Here is an article I wrote that may help...,-Easy-$2,000-in-Your-Pocket-by-the-Weekend&id=1423937

    Hope it does.

    Good luck.
    "How To Hang Out On Various Exotic Islands Whilst Still Making Shed Loads Of Money...and stuff!" - Get your FREE ISSUE entitled...'A Quick, Easy $2,000 In Your Pocket By This Weekend!'
    >> ---> <--- < <
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350117].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GoGetta

    I have seen something similar to your article, awesome entrepreneuruial thinking. If you are stuck in a catch financially follow something like that article!


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350142].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Roy Carter

      Thanks for that. Yeah, I did post it on this forum and it was very well received but can't find the link.

      The article is called A-Quick,-Easy-$2,000-in-Your-Pocket-by-the-Weekend! and I think the post was titled something similar. Anyway the link in my post above will get to the article on EZA for anyone who wants it.
      "How To Hang Out On Various Exotic Islands Whilst Still Making Shed Loads Of Money...and stuff!" - Get your FREE ISSUE entitled...'A Quick, Easy $2,000 In Your Pocket By This Weekend!'
      >> ---> <--- < <
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350177].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AmyBrown
    Here's a link to the thread Roy posted previously:

    I remember the thread and looking at my ideas notebook I spent some time brainstorming related ideas. Thanks for the reminder!
    "Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast."
    Tom Peters

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350200].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Roy Carter
      Originally Posted by AmyBrown View Post

      Here's a link to the thread Roy posted previously:

      I remember the thread and looking at my ideas notebook I spent some time brainstorming related ideas. Thanks for the reminder!
      Thanks for finding it again Amy and glad you liked it.

      Jon (OP): Read it. I think it may help you or at least give you some ideas to try something similar.
      "How To Hang Out On Various Exotic Islands Whilst Still Making Shed Loads Of Money...and stuff!" - Get your FREE ISSUE entitled...'A Quick, Easy $2,000 In Your Pocket By This Weekend!'
      >> ---> <--- < <
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350229].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Profit-smart
    Take that $20 and buy a classified ad in your local newspaper.


    Cash for clunkers!
    Miss the deadline?
    Get up to $300 for your clunker today!
    Working vehicles only, please.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350281].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Gail Sober
    Not sure if this is the right place for it or not but since we are kind of on the subject of getting a job, interviewing etc...

    A job interview is definitely a place where you have to sell yourself so on that note... a little story.

    I'll never forget one of the most important things I've ever learned in regards to sales and it came during an interview and it consisted of only one sentence.

    This was some twenty years ago and I was applying for a car sales position.

    Now, I've been asked to do something similar to this dozens of times over the years but this was my first. The guy interviewing me said: "Sell me this pencil".

    Ok, I've always been pretty quick on my feet and felt pretty confident so I snatched that pencil up and starting hitting every motivational button I could think of.

    I went on and on about what a great quality pencil it was, how it was designed to provide you with greater comfort so your hand wouldn't cramp after long periods of writing yet was so affordable you could afford to buy them in bulk and wouldn't be concerned if you misplaced one.

    On and on and on.

    I thought I really hit it out of the park and I was waiting for him to tell me how impressed he was with my natural born sales ability and he looked at me for a moment and said. "Yes, but what about what I want in a pencil?"

    Now, that is almost always my FIRST question. What are YOU looking for in a pencil, employee, (fill in the blank here)?

    Once you know the answer to that question, you're more than half way home.

    And one more thing. After conducting countless interviews over the years. Let me say that a VERY small percentage of people have great inverview skills. Most are not engaging in the least. This would be the number one area to focus on improvement if you really want to get the job offer.

    I would venture a guess and say that everyone on here who is saying they could go out and get a job today is very confident in their interview skills. There is no reason why everyone shouldn't feel that confident and with a little research and practice, could.

    P.S. If you have been looking for work for a long period of time and are sure that it is for other reasons than your interviewing skills then please just disregard as it's impossible for me to know each and every persons unique situations.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350565].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author scarface
      Gail, this is the place for that. I have taught direct salespeople and now IM for 30 years altogether. The hardest idea to get through someone's head whether they are selling a product or themselves is to find out what the other person wants, not what you want to sell.

      They are thinking about themselves 97% of the time even when they pretend to be listening to you, use that to your advantage in the interview and you will be head and shoulders above the rest!

      Originally Posted by Gail Sober View Post

      "Yes, but what about what I want in a pencil?"
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1352347].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Johnny Slater
    You know, I almost remember when I was in my early 20's and thought I knew everything. Man those were the days.

    Seriously though,

    Until you have walked in someone else's shoes then don't make assumptions that you know their life or what they have done. You just make the old saying about the word assume instantly pop into peoples minds.

    When your young everything seems easy. Thats because you really haven't lived yet. I see that most of the ones arguing that getting a job is easy are under 30. That says a lot just by itself.

    For those of us who are older things are not as easy as it is for you younger guys. Bosses look for younger employees. All things being equil the younger applicant will always get the job.

    Now, I have paid as much as $3k just to get a job, I have driven 400 miles one way to go back and forth to work, I have flown across the country two times a month to have a job, I have litterally dug ditches to have a job, I have destroyed two marriages because of my jobs, I missed 2/3 of my sons short 8 years of life before he died because of my jobs, I have destroyed my body because of jobs, so how dare anyone even hint that if I can't find a job I'm just not trying hard enough.

    Unless you know everything about someone's personal situation you have no right to make judgements about how hard they are trying to find a job. Some people in this thread are confusing personal opinion with fact and really need to come back down to earth because they have completely lost their grip on reality.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1350640].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Essence
    (Essence, you...)don't even bother to say thank
    you to those posters who were just trying
    their best to help you out.

    Why not show a bit of gratitude to all of
    those posters rather than berating them for
    the advice given?

    Originally Posted by Essence

    I'm absolutley grovelingly grateful for the people who have offered to hire me
    Originally Posted by Essence

    hat was exactly the kind of 'tool' that I was looking for, and I'm grateful to have it.
    Originally Posted by Essence

    Thank you, everyone.
    Originally Posted by Essence

    THAT's the kind of thing I needed. Thank you!
    Nuff said.

    I'm with Andrew_Writes. This is just inane at this point. Lock?

    [edit] I missed this the first time through:

    Take that $20 and buy a classified ad in your local newspaper.


    Cash for clunkers!
    Miss the deadline?
    Get up to $300 for your clunker today!
    Working vehicles only, please.
    THAT is a brilliant way to get a car. I'm totally doing to do this. Thank you!![/edit]
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1351006].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    @ Mr Essence, my old bones tell me this was always going to play out like this, so o need to stress it.

    More so is this, regardless of what you have or have not read , or got help from here I will promise you this after years of helping people in similar positions.

    It Will not matter what is written here, It will not matter what help is or is not offered here, it will not matter if every person here come and held your hand or not, or any other factor in relation to this post or offers to this point.

    The simple truth is this your situation will not change, it remain in the same state as it is now regardless of any help offered, yes there might be a small ray of sunshine but soon after the spotlight has gone the grey clouds will form again.

    However there is some very good news for you based on my travels and it is this, you entire circumstances can change and they can change quickly.

    The only requirement to making this happen is however the most difficult thing that you will ever do and as such it is very rare that it happens, you may be lucky.

    The simple answer is this, the only person who can help you is you, not any person on this forum nor anywhere, yes others can offer support and timely advice but unless you and you alone make a decision that from today you will turn your own life around and then you commit to that decision in regards no matter what it takes you will not look back, then and only then will you start to walk forward.

    as a person thinks so are they, and you have the power to choose what you think and in essence your decision now will form your thinking and such your future outcome.
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1351096].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author andrew_writes
      Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

      @ Mr Essence, my old bones tell me this was always going to play out like this, so o need to stress it.

      More so is this, regardless of what you have or have not read , or got help from here I will promise you this after years of helping people in similar positions.

      It Will not matter what is written here, It will not matter what help is or is not offered here, it will not matter if every person here come and held your hand or not, or any other factor in relation to this post or offers to this point.

      The simple truth is this your situation will not change, it remain in the same state as it is now regardless of any help offered, yes there might be a small ray of sunshine but soon after the spotlight has gone the grey clouds will form again.

      However there is some very good news for you based on my travels and it is this, you entire circumstances can change and they can change quickly.

      The only requirement to making this happen is however the most difficult thing that you will ever do and as such it is very rare that it happens, you may be lucky.

      The simple answer is this, the only person who can help you is you, not any person on this forum nor anywhere, yes others can offer support and timely advice but unless you and you alone make a decision that from today you will turn your own life around and then you commit to that decision in regards no matter what it takes you will not look back, then and only then will you start to walk forward.

      as a person thinks so are they, and you have the power to choose what you think and in essence your decision now will form your thinking and such your future outcome.
      Nice One Big Guy..


      Check this funny thread and help out, its corny as h#ll
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1351107].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AmyBrown
    As usual lots of advice given and little to no indication that any of it will be implemented. Perhaps someday someone will post back that they actually tried one of the suggestions, followed through to completion and either were or were not successful.
    "Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast."
    Tom Peters

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1351114].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author da1fitz
    There seems to have been a number of comments within this thread that came from people who have been on the zero income line before and have perhaps fallen on their feet later and forgotten how bad this can look.

    Also there have been a number of comments from others who genuinely have been there and found themselves back in the good eg home and lifestyle etc.

    Top advice from the warrior who says in Douglas Adams most famous quote "Don't Panic" because at the Panic point your either going to lose everything, or do what needs to be done and be back on top again within the next year or so....

    Good luck mate - take option 2 and you'll be back where you want to be in no time
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1351151].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman
    Just to let you folks know that Essence has mentioned several times he is taking action on several of the suggestions made. Now I'm not answering for him. I'm answering for myself.

    I talked with him yesterday and we have taken on a special project together. He is putting to work one of his outstanding strengths, which he is going to be able to help me out and provide himself with some long term income. and if everything works right he will start seeing that income within just a few short days.

    Lighten up folks. This thread has taken on a life of it's own and frankly I honestly believe the mods, should lock it down, so it will die a natural death. IMNSHO!

    Ken Leatherman
    The Old Geezer
    Ghost Writing Services Coming Soon

    So Check Out My WSO
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1351195].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
      Originally Posted by Ken Leatherman View Post

      Just to let you folks know that Essence has mentioned several times he is taking action on several of the suggestions made. Now I'm not answering for him. I'm answering for myself.

      I talked with him yesterday and we have taken on a special project together. He is putting to work one of his outstanding strengths, which he is going to be able to help me out and provide himself with some long term income. and if everything works right he will start seeing that income within just a few short days.

      Lighten up folks. This thread has taken on a life of it's own and frankly I honestly believe the mods, should lock it down, so it will die a natural death. IMNSHO!

      Ken Leatherman
      The Old Geezer

      I already asked Ken to close or delete it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1351223].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Essence
    As usual lots of advice given and little to no indication that any of it will be implemented.

    Originally Posted by Essence

    The idea of getting an old beater is a good one; I'm totally going to do that.
    Originally Posted by Essence

    I think that may be a workable plan. Are there any decent (free) tools/scripts you're familiar with for setting up a membership site? I'm afraid I don't have the programming skills to put anything together like that on my own...
    Originally Posted by Essence

    Hotftuna, I've been asleep. I just PMed you.
    Originally Posted by Essence

    I'm absolutley grovelingly grateful for the people who have offered to hire me, and I will absolutley work like a champion for them, because those extra customers will give me the money I need to start working on a project like the membership site described in the beginning of this thread.
    Originally Posted by Essence

    With the help and ideas of the people here, I've had a revelation about how to get money 'up front' for a long-term commitment (the PLR subscription site concept), and with it, I'm going to work on getting enough cash to pay for a clunker until I can save up enough to get our minivan working again.
    Originally Posted by Essence

    I am going to take complete advantage of both the knowledge and the generous offers of work that this thread has given me. We'll have an old clunker soon, and a repaired van a few weeks after that.
    Originally Posted by Essence

    I'm being considered for a position at (thanks to Ken Leatherman again.)
    Originally Posted by Essence

    THAT is a brilliant way to get a car. I'm totally doing to do this.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1351407].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AmyBrown
    Essence - Yes, your problem is apparently solved, for now at least. You posted a tale of woe and have been rewarded for it by having your WSO or classified highlighted and Ken graciously offered you an opportunity.

    Unfortunately all anyone else in a similar situation can learn from it is to post their story and hope for the same. I had higher hopes for the thread but then I always do.
    "Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast."
    Tom Peters

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1351700].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
    In advance, sorry Ken

    Originally Posted by Essence View Post

    If you were me -- no money, all time, and with a specific, definite one-time goal of $4000 -- needed literally in the next week -- what would you do?

    I am willing and able to put in 12-16 hour days for the next week if that's what it takes. I just need the right direction. Is there someone who has an idea -- any functional idea -- of how I can get us back to function?

    (Feel free to PM, Email, or Skype me (Arananthi) if you have input you're not comfortable sharing with everyone.)
    I don't get how so many people just blew over this part of your original post. You were not asking for charity. And you mention that you don't make a lot - but that was not the issue. You happened upon an unplanned for unexpected expense.

    Have I done that myself? Hell yes! You found yourself in a pickle, and it just happens sometimes.

    I applaud those who gave advice that would reduce the need for the $4,000 by seeking alternative ways to deal with the transportation issue.

    And in a later post, you revealed your current way to make money via working as a freelancer. Is freelancing really work? YES. You are making an online income - irregardless of what anyone else says. Could you make more doing that? Is there a way to improve? That is another thing, and perhaps you will want to look into that in the future.

    This is just the same as if you had a job already, and were looking for another job or way to earn some extra money for an unexpected expense.

    This is not the regular tale of woe that we see. This is someone who has been putting in an effort and has not given up.

    Ken actually went to look and find his prior work. And you know what? It was there!

    I will agree with most here that I don't want to see a constant flood of "I am desperate and need money" threads - but I personally did not see this particular one like the majority that find themselves in a hole and are looking for a plate of cash in order to escape "working" all together.

    He just wanted to get his wife to her new job, and keep moving along.

    "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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    • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall

      I don't think many people "missed" that part of it...

      I think that many people took offense because the same guy that has WSO with payment buttons intact for how to make money products was saying....well, he didn't know how to make money...

      I don't have any problem with Essence and I think it is admirable that he is doing what he needs to do to make the cash he needs, but what about the folks that have laid their money down for his make money systems that apparently don't work?

      On that note, I'll be making my exit from this thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author Essence
    Amy, no offense intended, but you have absolutely no idea what's going on behind-the-scenes in PMs and Email. I've been generously offered a few opportunities from people like Andrew_Writes, cma_01, Ken Leatherman, and people who wanted to take advantage of my article writing skills.

    ALL of these opportunities require real, honest work on my part.

    ONE person offered me a direct donation, and I turned it down because I'm not a hypocrite and I said up front that I wasn't looking for one.

    NONE of these people "solved my problem". Cma_01 is helping me implement the solution that I said I was going to pursue on the first page of the thread, but even that offer is going to require a lot of work on my part. Andrew_Writes offered me a solid alternative plan, which I am also going to take advantage of, but it is also not without some serious effort on my part. Ken Leatherman didn't so much offer me something to help with this problem, but rather saw potential in me -- enough that he believes he can profit by adding me to his team. That's just plain capitalism.

    What exactly were your "high hopes" for this thread? That I would be told collectively be everyone to sod off, and then I'd buckle down and either disappear or solve my own problem without any outside assistance?

    Because the fact that you're actively upset that I got help when I asked for it seems to provide for few other "hopes".

    Yes, I benefited because I posted this thread. I'm not ashamed of that, and no amount of collective eye-rolling on the part of several of the posters here is going to change that. I did not post with the intention of recieving the blessings that I recieved. I posted with a simple question, which was answered to my satisfaction on the first page, and I said so.

    Originally Posted by Essence

    I think that may be a workable plan.

    Everything that's happened since then has been beyond the scope of the original post, unintended by me, and those parts that have been beneficial, I have and will continue to unabashedly take advantage of. On the other hand, I've been bashed, my integrity called into question, called names, and even threatened. My reputation on this board is seriously damaged as a result of some of the posts that people have made. I'm going to deal with that; I earned it by making the OP in the first place.

    But it's completely bulls*** of you to act like I'm getting something for nothing, or that I should turn down the offers of the people who are giving me a chance to work.


    Originally Posted by Jeremy

    I think that many people took offense because the same guy that has WSO with payment buttons intact for how to make money products was saying....well, he didn't know how to make money...

    I don't have any problem with Essence and I think it is admirable that he is doing what he needs to do to make the cash he needs, but what about the folks that have laid their money down for his make money systems that apparently don't work?
    Once more, with feeling:

    I had a site that was making money. I had performed a few tricks to get the money to create that site, because I was literally dead broke when I started. I posted some WSOs about those tricks. BOTH of them specifically talk about startup money, which I know how to acquire. BOTH tricks are more-or-less one-time tricks. BOTH WSOS point to the "Conduit Method" as a path to take once you have your startup money, because it worked for me.

    My website failed for UNKNOWN REASONS that have nothing to do with a failure to get traffic. My coversions literally plummeted from 3% to 0% overnight, with no cause that I have ever been able to determine.

    The WSOs work as advertised. They are absolutely not scams or junk. They are cheap, and quick-and-dirty, because people who need startup money can't afford anything better -- but they ABSOLUTELY DO THEIR JOBS.

    The fact that my website had a completely causeless failure has nothing whatsoever to do with the stratgies the WSOs employ, which are still totally valid and I stand by them.

    They are not ripoffs; I am not a scammer, nor lazy, shiftless, irresponsible, incompetent, or stupid.

    And that's the [edit]second-to[/edit] last time I'm posting here in response to the eye-rollers. I'm wasting too much time doing it, and I know it. I'm just seeing too much red here to keep working effectively without spending a few minutes to vent.
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  • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
    Yea - that's pretty low.

    Just wondering if the unemployed have gone out to the local mall, fast food restaurants, grocery stores, toy stores, retail shops.

    I was out on the road today and I saw a LOT of seasonal help wantred signs up at the mall and at our local Hungrie Howie's Pizza. I literally saw about 10 - 12 help wanted signs.

    Funny how you notice these things when you never would have given it a second thought otherwise.

    While they were obviously hiring for Christmas rush, it's a job. A job is a job.

    And before anyone says they can't get those jobs for whatever reason (excuse) - have you tried yet? Have you gone and filled out their applications? Or have you been posting on a forum and sleeping?

    When I was at PetSmart today getting some clipper blades for my mini-schnauzers, I saw a man that must have been 50 or 55 years old stocking cat food on the shelves. Why can't that be you? He obviously tried and it worked for him.

    And here in Florida, the unemployment rate is still going UP!!!!!

    I still don't get it guys. Maybe I'm just blinded by something.

    Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
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  • Profile picture of the author AmyBrown
    I'm not upset in the least. My hope was that ideas could be generated and results reported so that others in the same situation could benefit from the collective knowledge.

    Your decision to include the background info in lieu of simply asking how to increase your earnings from freelancing is what lead to any controversy, but it seems to have worked in your favor. It's unfortunate that for whatever reason you didn't think you could get the help you needed here by simply asking for help with your business.
    "Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast."
    Tom Peters

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  • Profile picture of the author Essence
    Amy, the help that I needed wasn't "improve my profits". Making my business better simply wouldn't have accomplished the goal. I had a speciifc, seemingly-unattainable goal, and in fact, I did get several ideas on how to accomplish it. I posted the background because I knew that it would help people understand why I had this blistering goal set for myself -- without which, I would look like another slacker who wanted instant money with no work.

    The fact that a lot of people saw me in that light regardless speaks to something, but I'm not sure I can put it into words.

    Regardless, I'm pursuing a few of the proferred solutions at once. My big concern now is not how I will achieve my goal, but rather if I can actually stay organized and focused enough to keep up with Andrew_Writes, Cma_01, and Ken Leatherman at the same time while also writing the article requests that I've recieved since this thread came into being.

    As each one comes to fruition, I'll be happy to post the results. If something works well, I absolutely hope that other people who find themselves in a similar situation can benefit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cash37
    Sell everything you dont need on Craigslist
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  • Profile picture of the author erinwrites
    This thread is like reading a bus wreck (I wanted to say train or car, but I used those up in PMs). Every time I think I've reached the end, more posts keep popping up.

    Essence, I'm glad that people are so happy to help you. For me that is sort of what a good forum is: a community that a person can come to when they are panicking and say "help!" and get it, even if it comes with some criticism and judgment. I know that I've gotten a bunch of ideas for the next time my own business hits a lull or I have an unexplained emergency pop up (and especially about the outrageous prices of transmission replacements, egad!).

    As far as people finding work goes, I think it is a little bit hypocritical of people who have enough time to read through this whollllllllllle thread (and continue contributing to it) to bust the chops of people whose luck isn't so great and say things like "why are you reading this instead of going out there to find work?" Why are you continuing to read this instead of continuing to kick ass at the job you already have?

    Can't we all just agree that what works for some people does not work for others and that it is pretty awesome that so many warriors stepped up to help out when one of our fellow board members asked for it (regardless of the circumstances)?

    Alternatively, can we please move the bickering to a new thread? Because while I do sometimes enjoy some drama once in a great while, I prefer to get it in the form of prime time television
    I put words on the Internet.
    Silly Haikus starting at $5! PM me for details! (Because it's fun)

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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
      Hi Essence,

      Hope all is going better and you reach your goal.

      I've been in dire straights before so I can understand where your Op came from.

      A while back I was in a situation where I needed money for a matter
      that I didn't want to disclose here on the forum. I PMed a few Senior Warriors
      and they were kind enough to give me their advise.

      At the time I was so confused that I couldn't see the forest for the trees.

      Paul Myers was one of the Senior Warriors I had contacted and his Helpful
      knowledge pointed me in the direction that I needed to go.

      The next thing I did was to Take Action and the result was beyond my
      wildest beliefs. With in 1st day I reached my goal.

      The next day was even better. I more than doubled my goal and it kept
      coming. When every thing was said and done I had earned 7 times what I
      needed and even hired 4-5 Warriors to help me get the jobs done.

      The point of my post is for you to maintain your positive out look and to
      keep you head up. Sh!t happens and some times it catches us when we
      least expect it.

      Ken and other Warriors have offered to take you in, offer you advise
      and you have offered your services in exchange. Win, Win!

      Remember to block the negative and focus only on the positive. Time is
      limited and you have a goal to reach.

      Have a Great Day!

      PS. In reference to my post above.
      Here is the thread I started after receiving Paul's advise here on the WF.

      PPS. Here is another thread where I was terrified and needed advise from Warriors.
      This one worked it's self out too!
      Warriors showed their ture nature in this thread and I thank them for that!
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  • Profile picture of the author DonDavis
    I can't help but wonder why some of these charity posts get reactions like the ones here, and others are full of people posting that they have donated to the person in need.

    I remember one a while back that needed money to get home after traveling abroad? That didn't seem like a charitable cause to me, but yet people were donating hand over fist.

    I really don't think these charity type threads belong here, but that's just my opinion of course.

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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
      Hi Don,
      To answer your question,
      Some people on the Warrior Forum have become friends and friends tend
      to help friends.

      Also the fact that some people contribute with out gaining any thing in
      return makes them easy to trust. So, when they have a problem it comes
      back to them in their time of need. Some call it Karma and some call it
      divine intervention. What it is doesn't matter. What matters is networking
      in a way that compliments every one and builds friendships/relationships.

      Hope that makes sense.
      Have to get back to my Birthday Party now.

      Have a Great Day!

      Originally Posted by DonDavis View Post

      I can't help but wonder why some of these charity posts get reactions like the ones here, and others are full of people posting that they have donated to the person in need.

      I remember one a while back that needed money to get home after traveling abroad? That didn't seem like a charitable cause to me, but yet people were donating hand over fist.

      I really don't think these charity type threads belong here, but that's just my opinion of course.
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