Save 800 Bucks plus push content to Facebook

0 replies is a quick tip on pushing your membership content to facebook...It took me just over 30 seconds to install and can be used for your membership sites for your members to push your content to their friends on facebook...ready?


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click the link..cut and past the code into your site.

When I first encountered this on an application development site the guys were like "ya...we can do this...hmmm $800" I laughed, I love these guys...what he should have said was we will implement it on every single site you own at no cost cause really it is no big deal to do...

Now there are more advanced features to all of this which you can employ...i.e. on a member site where you are capturing can integrate this info using the facebook API and further enhance your ability to share your content through your members.

In any event..I think it's worth checking out..I am going back to my beer...on holidays in the desert.

#800 #bucks #content #facebook #facebook share #ironguardfitness #push #save

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