Whose business is it anyway? And how you COULD earn MORE money.

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Having just left a thread in which another marketer is airing their dirty laundry in public, and remembering a thread last night about "not trashing others" - I thought I might say some things on the matter and perhaps spark a discussion...

Whose business is it anyway?
... and, equally important -why are you IN business?

Firstly, the most common answer to the first question should be:


Unless you are a partnership, or have shareholders - you are solely responsible for, and the ambassador for YOUR BUSINESS. How you conduct yourself in public WILL have an effect on those around you. I'd even go so far as to say that YOU are part of YOUR BRAND.

If you decide to trash your customers... whether they refund or not, or trash other marketers, if you disagree with their methods - expect people to associate YOU with the negativity surrounding the comments. Richard Wiseman (psychologist) even goes so far as to say that sometimes, people associate YOU with the traits you are describing.

To do it publicly (in my opinion) is unprofessional, and counterproductive.
But, while you're doing it - are you spending that time, and brain activity wisely?

Is it making you money?

The second question: why are you in business - is equally important.

Hopefully, one of the answers to that question is:

To make money.

Although, if that is your sole aim - it could be construed as being very shallow... it is far more motivating to have a purpose for the money you plan to earn. Money is rarely the motivator... the feeling the money brings you, when you use it for the purpose IS a big motivator.

When you have a motive for earning the money, it becomes much easier to stay motivated.

It is very, very easy to get sidetracked, distracted and lose focus when 'making money online' - after all, the internet is a big place and there are lots and lots of 'new and shiny things' to look at. I've been guilty of it myself.

When you're focusing on negatives (i.e. refunds), when you're playing games on facebook when you have an article to write, etc. ask yourself a question...


Ultimately it's YOUR BUSINESS, and you will choose to run it as you see fit... but, if you do take anything from this thread:

Try not to RUN it into the ground - for your own sake.

Do the things that make you money, do MORE of them if you have the time. If you don't have the time, keep a list of EVERYTHING YOU DO during a week. Look at it at the end of the week, and identify some of the things that you do, which don't make you money... i.e. Facebooking, watching videos on YouTube, scratching your butt.

The equation for making money can be as simple as this:
Find ONE thing which will make you money + do it = make money

The equation for making MORE money can be equally simple:
Find ONE thing which is making you money + do it more = make more money

If you're easily distracted, don't have enough money, want to earn more etc. copy the words below into WORD or OPENOFFICE, blow them up to a font which fills the page, print them and stick them up near your monitor.



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