You will Become A Millionaire Internet Marketer If You .......

45 replies
Before filling in the blanks, ask yourself this question:

Do You Believe that You Can Become A Millionaire Internet Marketer?

According to Millionaire Internet Marketer Matt Morris,

The easiest thing on earth is to become a millionaire, and
the most difficult thing on earth is to Believe you can become a millionaire!!

So what's your answer to the above?
#internet #marketer #millionaire
  • The correct answer is always half full. So then what?

    You need to temper your enthusiasm with a real plan.

    If you believe you can dunk over Kobe Bryant in the NBA finals... you are still going to have to do the leg work and have the talent to get yourself in a position where it is possible.

    Who knows what you can really do. But the only way for Guru Joe to sell you on whatever they are pitching is to get you all revved up.
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    • Profile picture of the author 1960Texan
      Originally Posted by InternetMarketingIQ View Post

      The correct answer is always half full. So then what?
      If you're referring to the "glass half full or half empty" question, I always answer that with a question of my own: "Are we drinking or pouring?"

      As for the topic at hand, I believe anyone can become a millionaire Internet marketer if they are willing to do the required work, whether it's building numerous micro-niche sites or one massive authority site in the right niche. I'll bet it's been said on this forum a thousand times already: "Take action."

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      • Profile picture of the author Bryan Zimmerman
        Originally Posted by 1960Texan View Post

        If you're referring to the "glass half full or half empty" question, I always answer that with a question of my own: "Are we drinking or pouring?"
        Half empty or half full, either way I'm going need a refill
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  • Profile picture of the author thomashoi
    Because when you believe you can be a millionaire, you will stop giving excuses to
    yourself, and will do just anything to reach your goal.

    The mental part is what prevents many people from succeeding, but once you get through this.... you can't avoid success...

    One good way of getting through the mental part is to read tons of books on
    success people like Michael Dell, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Cameron Johnson,
    Matt Morris....

    .. and just model their success!
    FREE Ebook - Discover The Secrets Of Generating $260,957 Sales In 5 Days!
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Byrde
    You will Become A Millionaire Internet Marketer If You ...... help enough other people to get what they want.

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    • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
      I disagree with the believe it you'll achieve it kind of stuff that is silly.
      i can believe i am not going to get hit by a car walking in the middle of the highway but if i do nothing to move out of the way bam . this is kind of like a christian scientist philosophy they believe that stuff.

      success will happen being a millionaire is not something that requires some sort of special witch craft ,potion, formula,or mind over matter type stuff and for the most part believe it you'll achieve it is just crap.see your future be your future as if you or i have some sort of magic ability when if we did we would never go bald or poor to begin with because we would have the ability to create wealth anytime we wanted nor would we have white hair if we didn't want it or fat bodies or whatever.. i can believe i won't run out of gas but if i don't go to the gas station what do ya know i will be the one you drive by walking down the road. you have got to prioritize, systemize and execute your plan test strategies and more importantly get off your but and WORK and if you really want to succeed help other people as well no wonder internet marketers have a 90 something percent failure rate. you have got to see it as a business the same as a brick and mortar business no one is going to hand you a million dollar idea no one is going to make you rich you have got to do the work am i rich no and if i was i would not brag about it so no one would ever know except my wife but i will be how do i know because i have what it takes and will never quit. i am determined to do what it takes to be successful this kind of thing just pisses me off believe it you will achieve it indeed. i spend a lot of time working my but off designing sites creating products and coming in here taking time out of my day(break time) to help others and offer what i can. only to see some of the most outrageous thoughts and claims i ever read.

      Don't be foolish Business=work it requires perseverance hard work and dedication. you can never ever give up and you have got to be willing to be around for a long time not in and out people need to know they can trust you

      "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

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  • Profile picture of the author Sven Schoene
    If you belong to the types of people which have the attribute "high character" and you really understand what it means to provide true value to people, then you will achieve your goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author aceshigh
    I'm not sure I should say this but, lets just say I've done well in both "internet marketing" and in "real estate investing". My answer is do real estate investing, you can get richer, faster, and easier, with less work, less challenges, a fraction of the learning curve, and with 1000% more certainty that you EVER WILL in internet marketing, that's for DAMN SURE!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
    If you win the lottery

    if strike oil

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    • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
      work smarter and harder than everybody else trying to be a millionaire internet marketer.
      .that is all
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      • Profile picture of the author Adriaan
        I'm so glad to see that most of the posts are right on target - find a need, fill it at a profit and build lists of happy customers. Outsource and repeat.

        Please, stay away from get rich quick schemes.

        And remember: If it sounds to good to be true, it is.

        Get good stuff at The others do.

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  • Profile picture of the author imguru
    You can live the life of a millionaire without being one, read the 4 hour work week
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  • Profile picture of the author TelegramSam
    You will Become A Millionaire Internet Marketer If You... BUY MY COURSE!!!

    Isn't that what the g u r u 's say?
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  • Profile picture of the author ebizman87
    Originally Posted by Marc Rodill View Post

    Get over 21,000 people to give you $47...

    You change this formula and come out with this:

    Sell 1750 copies of your/affiliate product worth $47 for 12 months..

    You'll be a millionaire in 1 year..but that's just a THEORY and if you can do it,then it's GOOD
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  • If you want to be rich you need to be better than 99% of other people at something there's demand for.

    In terms of internet marketing, you need to be good at selling stuff or driving traffic and you'll become a millionaire. The believe it and it will come true stuff... I'm not sure I'd pay so much attention to that, rather than learning those two skills (or one of them).

    But that's just my opinion, although for what it's worth, I'm lucky enough to have become a millionaire from internet marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author SouthamptonAngel
    I certainly believe that I can become an internet millionaire but I absolutely know that "get rich quick" schemes aren't the way to achieve it. So many online scams!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mutuo
    If you can dream it and believe it, you can achieve it. You can become a millionaire of course - other people have done it so why not you? Its not magic though; you need a sound plan thats backed by effort and faith that its gonna happen. You need to go all out and learn the tools of the trade, identify a product, corner a niche and show them some value. The world is co consumerist today that all people do is buy, buy, buy. Become a seller - the dollars are out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    I just told my wife:

    "Oh God, i can't believe that 'that guy' [refering to George] made a Million with that product. I could've made that same book with the same information [...]"

    She said: "Oh, you shouldn't believe what people say on the forum".

    Now, my wife does not know anything about IM, but i do of course not have the slightest doubt that George made million(s) with G Sniper, because i only need to see the Clickbank stats and i am in IM long enough to know it's possible.

    But this now resulted in very interesting conclusions, also in regards to why some people make millions and some don't.

    George is of course spot on that a MAJOR FACTOR is the marketing (uhm, duh!), "the selling" and driving interest and traffic.

    The "best" product wont make you a dime if you cant sell and market well, there are so many factors BEYOND the actual product which are crucial in addition.

    Exposure is one of those factors, getting big name marketers to JV etc..etc..

    Look at clickbank and look how many "weight loss" products there are. I know that fatloss4idiots made million(s)...but look how many (MANY!) products there are which no one knows...products which are already "doomed" since they didn't have the driving "power" and public relations behind them to make people talk about them, get affiliates etc..etc.. this is so crucial. It will decide whether your product will be a million dollar product or sit there with 0.5 gravity for the years to come.
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    • Originally Posted by GeorgR. View Post

      I just told my wife:

      "Oh God, i can't believe that 'that guy' [refering to George] made a Million with that product. I could've made that same book with the same information [...]"

      She said: "Oh, you shouldn't believe what people say on the forum".

      Now, my wife does not know anything about IM, but i do of course not have the slightest doubt that George made million(s) with G Sniper, because i only need to see the Clickbank stats and i am in IM long enough to know it's possible.

      But this now resulted in very interesting conclusions, also in regards to why some people make millions and some don't.

      George is of course spot on that a MAJOR FACTOR is the marketing (uhm, duh!), "the selling" and driving interest and traffic.

      The "best" product wont make you a dime if you cant sell and market well, there are so many factors BEYOND the actual product which are crucial in addition.

      Exposure is one of those factors, getting big name marketers to JV etc..etc..

      Look at clickbank and look how many "weight loss" products there are. I know that fatloss4idiots made million(s)...but look how many (MANY!) products there are which no one knows...products which are already "doomed" since they didn't have the driving "power" and public relations behind them to make people talk about them, get affiliates etc..etc.. this is so crucial. It will decide whether your product will be a million dollar product or sit there with 0.5 gravity for the years to come.
      Hehe! I do a lot more stuff than sniper man, Google Sniper alone (the launch) has certainly not made me a million profit. There's lots of other things I don't talk about much.

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      • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
        Originally Posted by George Montagu Brown View Post

        Hehe! I do a lot more stuff than sniper man, Google Sniper alone (the launch) has certainly not made me a million profit. There's lots of other things I don't talk about much.

        He...i am pretty sure you will make a million with GS in time
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Murphy
    I believe hard work, combined with ambition, creativity and God's will is the key to success in any business.
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  • Profile picture of the author theemperor
    Originally Posted by Marc Rodill View Post

    But all the money you're ever going to have, is currently in the hands of another person, so I would start there, when formulating a plan...

    Yes good point. And remember money is the medium not the goal - what people really want isn't money, it is what it buys - cars, houses, lifestyle. So you will end up spending the $1M you earn, and as such become the customer of a lot of other people looking to make their $1M.

    Here is a simple way to make $1M if anyone is brave enough - borrow $1M from the bank, buy a few $100k sites that yield 100% ROI, pay back the loan within 1-2 years. Keep the $1M business. Job done!
    Learn to code faster, and remove the roadblocks. Get stuff done and shipped! PM me and I can help you with programming tutoring, specialising in Web and the following languages: Javascript ~ HTML ~ CSS ~ React ~ JQuery ~ Typescript ~ NodeJS ~ C#.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      The original poster does have a point, although it's easy to get distracted by wrapping it in platitudes.

      I happen to buy into the psycho-cybernetics thing - that our subconscious is a programmable machine that works in the background to give us what it believes we want.

      So if you truly believe that there's no way you can make a million dollars through Internet marketing, you won't. You may come close, but at some point, your subconscious will figure out a way to throw a wrench in the works and keep your results consistent with your belief.

      On the other hand, simply believing you can do it isn't enough. Like others have said, you have to actually do something.

      It's like the old joke...

      Irving desperately wanted to win the lottery. Every day, he prayed to God to please let him win the lottery. Week after week, Irving failed to win. Finally, in a crisis of faith, Irving called out the Lord and asked why he couldn't be granted this simple prayer.

      There was a rumble of thunder, followed by a deep voice, "Irving, you have to work with me here. Go buy a ticket..."
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      • Profile picture of the author Lance K
        You folks that are refuting the "belief" theory are interpreting it wrong.

        Changing your mindset isn't about concentrating real hard about being a fairy and you'll sprout wings and discover a wand and pouch full of pixie dust.

        It's about clarity and focus. Knowing what outcome you desire and what it takes to get there. So you can focus on WHAT YOU DO WANT. Nobody has ever implied that you won't still have to work for it. Just because you believe you can be something doesn't mean you get to skip the act of becoming it.

        But if you never believe that you can be something in the first place, you'll never work on becoming it.

        "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
        ~ Zig Ziglar
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        • Profile picture of the author ronr
          Stop taking advice from people who have never done it and start taking advice from people who have.
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          • Profile picture of the author theemperor
            Originally Posted by ronr View Post

            Stop taking advice from people who have never done it and start taking advice from people who have.
            Lol! Touche!!!!!
            Learn to code faster, and remove the roadblocks. Get stuff done and shipped! PM me and I can help you with programming tutoring, specialising in Web and the following languages: Javascript ~ HTML ~ CSS ~ React ~ JQuery ~ Typescript ~ NodeJS ~ C#.
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      • Profile picture of the author lakshaybehl
        Hahaha, funniest thing in the last 45 minutes...

        Awesome... Truly awesome.


        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        There was a rumble of thunder, followed by a deep voice, "Irving, you have to work with me here. Go buy a ticket..."
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  • Profile picture of the author strong5000
    i m not agree with u to became a millionare is not so easy.u should have good mind,confidence and business tactics to became millionare and u shuold also have money before starting your business.
    i am agree with ur point that it is difficult to believe you can became a millionare
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Hitson
    I have no desire to become a IM millionaire. For me, when I do attain that level of financial success, it will more than likely happen offline than on.

    That being said.......

    The more important question is, once you attain that goal, than what?

    I hope you plan on doing something to better society than just chase a dollar. For the record, I am a big advocate of wealth building BUT I also know that making large sums of money just for the sake of it is not end all be all.

    Wealth is a tool that I plan to use to enhance the lives of others using philanthropy.

    Originally Posted by thomashoi View Post

    Before filling in the blanks, ask yourself this question:

    Do You Believe that You Can Become A Millionaire Internet Marketer?

    According to Millionaire Internet Marketer Matt Morris,

    The easiest thing on earth is to become a millionaire, and
    the most difficult thing on earth is to Believe you can become a millionaire!!

    So what's your answer to the above?
    "Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody"
    -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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  • Profile picture of the author PVReymond
    You just create a vision of who you want to be in this case a Millionaire and then you live into that picture every single day as if it were already true...

    Of course you have to put work and effort into it.

    ^PV Reymond
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  • Profile picture of the author BIG Mike
    Originally Posted by thomashoi View Post

    Before filling in the blanks, ask yourself this question:

    Do You Believe that You Can Become A Millionaire Internet Marketer?

    According to Millionaire Internet Marketer Matt Morris,

    The easiest thing on earth is to become a millionaire, and
    the most difficult thing on earth is to Believe you can become a millionaire!!

    So what's your answer to the above?
    Been there...done what I'm really interested in is your answer to that question.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vagabond 007
    I find it very interesting that a lot of people look down and laugh at any type of mindset advice/thread.

    Instead, a bunch of people are looking for the next magic bullet that will be the shortcut to putting millions in their pocket.

    The funny thing is, having the proper mindset IS the shortcut.

    **Waiting for someone to quote me and say how the right mindset is useless without action. As if I don't already know that.**
    The Ultimate Sales & Marketing Mind Map (Just updated - now twice as big!) - scott_krech - "Quite possibly one of the BEST WSO's ever."

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  • Profile picture of the author supercarl
    Originally Posted by thomashoi View Post

    Before filling in the blanks, ask yourself this question:

    Do You Believe that You Can Become A Millionaire Internet Marketer?

    According to Millionaire Internet Marketer Matt Morris,

    The easiest thing on earth is to become a millionaire, and
    the most difficult thing on earth is to Believe you can become a millionaire!!

    So what's your answer to the above?
    Completely agree that it is all about intention, and removing any subconscious limiting beliefs.

    Signature coming soon!

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  • Profile picture of the author rainspeak
    Most people will have trouble with the belief part even if they say they do. True belief has to be their among other things for it to manifest and the money to stay in your hands. It's not a quick answer. But the statement is true in its face value form.
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  • Profile picture of the author Louise Green
    I believe anyone who wants it bad enough can become a millionaire.. but I also think it takes time, a few years to achieve it.

    Some of the gurus can pull in 20+ million in 48 hours, but the amount of time spent working and building their business up so those kind of sums are possible have taken a few of them close to a decade to see those kind of results.
    IMPORTANT MESSAGE: I'm currently on vacation & will answer all messages when I return - Happy Holidays!!
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    • Profile picture of the author butters
      Originally Posted by Louise Evans View Post

      I believe anyone who wants it bad enough can become a millionaire.. but I also think it takes time, a few years to achieve it.

      Some of the gurus can pull in 20+ million in 48 hours, but the amount of time spent working and building their business up so those kind of sums are possible have taken a few of them close to a decade to see those kind of results.
      Lol, ask them how much of that 20 million they actually see...
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  • Profile picture of the author butters
    if you start out with 2 million :p. Hard work and luck will get you it, some people say that luck has nothing to do with it but it does in most cases. (There is a difference between luck and hard earnt luck.)
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  • Profile picture of the author ShaneRQR
    ... if you provide value worth millions upon millions.

    Also: We need to get George drunk so he spills the beans about that "other stuff".
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  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    You will become a millionaire internet marketer if you learn the power of leveraging past success, and focusing on one thing at a time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
    Success begins with the mind.

    As Henry Ford once said, "If you think you can or think you can't, you're right." You have to have the will and drive in order to succeed.


    It's not enough to just want something. Kinda like that other old saying - everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody's willing to do what it takes to get there.

    Do you have the discipline, the knowledge, the organizational skills? Are you treating it like a business, or are you treating it like a hobby? If you work at random hours, while dabbling in Farmville in another tab, you're going to get hobby results. Set a schedule and treat it as a business, you are far more likely to be successful.

    In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

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  • Profile picture of the author Nick O
    Simply believing is not enough. You have to put in work.

    Even though energy is all around us and our thoughts can shape the very fabric of the universe we have to act physically in order to set our beliefs in motion.

    For example if you are working at a job you hate and you have no enthusiasm for what you do whatsoever. There is not much chance for you to get any farther in that area instead there is a higher chance of you getting fired or you giving up. However if you believe in something passionately and give it your all, while you still can fail, there is now an actual chance of success available to you. With enough of these wholehearted attempts you will strike oil eventually.


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