Warrior Owes Me $2,500

58 replies
Any suggestions on how to get paid when a Warrior owes you money?

It is my partly my fault that I am in this position in that I did not do the research I should have before trusting the person and paying $5,000. Things did not work out as planned. The person honored their guarantee and started to pay back the amount owed in monthly installments. Payments were made until the amount owed went down to $2,500. Then the payments stopped.

The Warrior however has not disappeared. They simple do not return my emails or acknowledge my PMs. The thing is that this person is on this forum regularly. I can check their profile and see them online. To top things off they have been sell sites on this forum.

I know the rules say I can not call them out in public and that this needs to be worked out privately but what can I do to bring attention to this person and warn others (and hopefully get my $2,500 back)?

Can I make my sig read: "I do not trust (name)."? I would simply be stating that I do not trust that person. Is that against the rules?

Thanks for any suggestions.
#500 #owes #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
    Originally Posted by George Stavrakakis View Post

    Any suggestions on how to get paid when a Warrior owes you money?

    It is my partly my fault that I am in this position in that I did not do the research I should have before trusting the person and paying $5,000. Things did not work out as planned. The person honored their guarantee and started to pay back the amount owed in monthly installments. Payments were made until the amount owed went down to $2,500. Then the payments stopped.

    The Warrior however has not disappeared. They simple do not return my emails or acknowledge my PMs. The thing is that this person is on this forum regularly. I can check their profile and see them online. To top things off they have been sell sites on this forum.

    I know the rules say I can not call them out in public and that this needs to be worked out privately but what can I do to bring attention to this person and warn others (and hopefully get my $2,500 back)?

    Can I make my sig read: "I do not trust (name)."? I would simply be stating that I do not trust that person. Is that against the rules?

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    George, if it was the result of a WSO, I guess that would fall under the
    jurisdiction of the help desk and WSO mod. However, if this was private
    between the two of you (meaning outside of this forum) then the only
    thing I can suggest is contact the help desk, tell them who the member
    is and then ask what you should do.

    If the money was transfered through PayPal, and it's within the 60 days,
    you can put in a dispute.

    Other than that, I don't know what else to tell you. This is one of those
    gray areas where I am unsure of what the correct procedure is as far as
    THIS forum is concerned.

    Maybe a mod or somebody who is more knowledgeable about this can
    chime in.

    I would contact the help desk and the payment processor.
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  • Profile picture of the author A Bary
    How did you paid him?

    Most probably, you paid him/her through PayPal..

    Why you didn't contact PayPal in the first place and opened a dispute?

    If you paid them through any other processor, you can make a dispute/fill a charge back with your credit company...

    No one here can help you to get your money back, you have to go through this "officially".
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571172].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Originally Posted by goldmind123 View Post

      How did you paid him?

      Most probably, you paid him/her through PayPal..

      Why you didn't contact PayPal in the first place and opened a dispute?

      If you paid them through any other processor, you can make a dispute/fill a charge back with your credit company...

      No one here can help you to get your money back, you have to go through this "officially".
      That may be true, but if this Warrior is ripping off members, the forum itself
      needs to know so that they can take whatever action they decide to take
      if any.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571177].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author A Bary
        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        That may be true, but if this Warrior is ripping off members, the forum itself
        needs to know so that they can take whatever action they decide to take
        if any.
        Totally agree, Steve...

        When I said "officially", I meant the way he has to go to get his money back, but for the forum part, I think this is a serious issue that shall be investigated by a moderator, and if some member here confirmed to be guilty of such a fraud, I think there must be a public announcement and warning, or at least get them banned forever from the forum (though they can turn around this too).
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  • Thank you both for your replies.

    Yes it was a WSO and payment made through Paypal. This was to be a long term project and things were moving along for the first 5 months or so. It is way late to go to Paypal.

    I guess for the most part I have to consider the $2,500 a loss. The real question is what can I do to warn others? If this person posts another WSO can I post there sating that they owe me the $2,500?

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    • Profile picture of the author TVChatten
      Originally Posted by George Stavrakakis View Post

      Thank you both for your replies.

      Yes it was a WSO and payment made through Paypal. This was to be a long term project and things were moving along for the first 5 months or so. It is way late to go to Paypal.

      I guess for the most part I have to consider the $2,500 a loss. The real question is what can I do to warn others? If this person posts another WSO can I post there sating that they owe me the $2,500?
      Well I got scammed $12 by this guy who was on here...I mean revelantly smaller than your amount and I called him out and everything. It's probably b/c I was new which is why I'm still here lol, but go to the Help Desk...they helped me.

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      • Profile picture of the author Alex Mensah
        i would agree with that. let the support desk know and if it is within 60 days file a dispute with paypal and perhaps, even give them a call. They have pretty good cx service reps.
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        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          I have never seen a WSO for $5000 - wonder how I missed that one????

          I agree with posting in the WSO if it's not locked - but also in posting if the person runs another WSO.

          We know only one side of the story and only that "it didn't work out" - we don't know if work wasn't done, if coaching wasn't giving results promised or what the problem was. We don't know how much work was done or what the initial agreement was.

          The fact that half of the money has been repaid tells me the member was trying to correct the problem rather than just walking away from it. That doesn't sound like a scam but perhaps like someone who promised more than he could deliver or promised to refund money he doesn't have. Neither is acceptable but it's not the same as someone who deliberately takes the money and runs.

          I hate to see anyone lose such a sum of money - but before condemning anyone I'd need to know both sides of the story.

          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
          what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Originally Posted by George Stavrakakis View Post

      Thank you both for your replies.

      Yes it was a WSO and payment made through Paypal. This was to be a long term project and things were moving along for the first 5 months or so. It is way late to go to Paypal.

      I guess for the most part I have to consider the $2,500 a loss. The real question is what can I do to warn others? If this person posts another WSO can I post there sating that they owe me the $2,500?

      George, listen to me...carefully.

      If this was a WSO, you as a buyer have EVERY RIGHT to go to that WSO
      thread and post your experience with the WSO seller.

      So if the WSO is still there, make your post.

      THEN inform the help desk. Submit them proof of the transaction and
      that you weren't given what you were promised and then they will take
      whatever action they deem appropriate. I cannot speak for this forum as
      to what they will do, but the advice I just gave you is EXACTLY what I
      would do...especially if this person is still here and still interacting with
      the community.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571216].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author spendwealth
      Originally Posted by George Stavrakakis View Post

      Thank you both for your replies.

      Yes it was a WSO and payment made through Paypal. This was to be a long term project and things were moving along for the first 5 months or so. It is way late to go to Paypal.

      I guess for the most part I have to consider the $2,500 a loss. The real question is what can I do to warn others? If this person posts another WSO can I post there sating that they owe me the $2,500?

      Print anything from him saying he will pay you back in monthly installments. Take it to small claims court. If you have his agreement to pay you the whole amount in writing it should be no problem.
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  • If it was a WSO, post in the WSO what he did to you. Then put a link to his WSO in your sig with a warning.
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    • Profile picture of the author InternetM39482
      Originally Posted by Charles Montgomery View Post

      If it was a WSO, post in the WSO what he did to you. Then put a link to his WSO in your sig with a warning.
      Yes, if it was a WSO, you can do what Charles mentioned.

      Or, if you paid via CC and not Paypal balance, you can initiate a chargeback too.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571198].message }}
  • Looking back at your previous posts, was the WSO post you made for "offline mentoring" around 9/07/09 the WSO in question?

    Also, I see right before that you were assisting another warrior who lost money and was trying to get it back.

    ... It's crazy what our previous behavior shows, huh?

    Good Luck
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571210].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Charles Montgomery View Post

      Looking back at your previous posts, was the WSO post you made for "offline mentoring" around 9/07/09 the WSO in question?

      Also, I see right before that you were assisting another warrior who lost money and was trying to get it back.

      ... It's crazy what our previous behavior shows, huh?

      Good Luck

      Not that specific WSO but it leads you in the right direction.

      I will contact the Help Desk and see what they say.

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
    Hi George,

    Sorry to hear about your ordeal.

    You can't name names here although another Warrior has set up a site where you can post a warning to
    help other people avoid being scammed.

    Name N Shame Wall| New Name N Shame Wall Bolg here to help people name individuals or companies who shammed and scammed them out of money, property, or intellectual property.

    Good Luck,

    Have a Great Day!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571214].message }}
  • As I said above I will contact the Help Desk and provide them with the info.

    The WSO I purchased is no longer active. I will keep an eye out for any new WSOs/Classifieds the person posts.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571234].message }}
    • Originally Posted by George Stavrakakis View Post

      As I said above I will contact the Help Desk and provide them with the info.

      The WSO I purchased is no longer active. I will keep an eye out for any new WSOs/Classifieds the person posts.
      No longer active? You mean it was closed? Or, was it locked?

      If it is just closed, you still should post in the WSO. When people buy WSO's from people, they often look at the sellers past WSO's. Even if they are closed, your post will be a very valuable record against the seller.

      It is almost a duty.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571251].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author craigc1980
    Originally Posted by George Stavrakakis View Post

    Any suggestions on how to get paid when a Warrior owes you money?

    It is my partly my fault that I am in this position in that I did not do the research I should have before trusting the person and paying $5,000. Things did not work out as planned. The person honored their guarantee and started to pay back the amount owed in monthly installments. Payments were made until the amount owed went down to $2,500. Then the payments stopped.

    The Warrior however has not disappeared. They simple do not return my emails or acknowledge my PMs. The thing is that this person is on this forum regularly. I can check their profile and see them online. To top things off they have been sell sites on this forum.

    I know the rules say I can not call them out in public and that this needs to be worked out privately but what can I do to bring attention to this person and warn others (and hopefully get my $2,500 back)?

    Can I make my sig read: "I do not trust (name)."? I would simply be stating that I do not trust that person. Is that against the rules?

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    Its a shame what happened to you and sorry this had to happen.

    Unfortunately this cant be brought in the open but as the others on this forum said.

    Take it to the help desk.

    This type of WSO makes it bad for us honest people that are really out there trying to help others and build a business.

    Thanks for sharing
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571239].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DogScout
    That sucks,
    I've lent a few members small amounts. Some paid back, some didn't. I just write those off and forget them, but never that much.

    good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author l23bc
    hello there george

    If you placed the wso order a few months ago you may have no chance by paypal to get the cash the only way if someone aint mentioned is if you have paid by paypal via credit card, i know americian express are good for this, but theres onlt two ways to go and that either stating you did not authorise the funds or you know about the tranaction but did not receive the goods you purchased,

    as for paypal i was conned by a fellow warrior for $60.00 and had no services however they are banned now and i know the feeling

    anyhow hope that helps

    No Link here or Nothing to Promote Just a Old Happy Warrior User reading Topics

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  • If they live in the USA (fingers crossed), there is always a way to get your money back. As a licensed PI, I do a lot of online fraud investigations for people at no charge - usually stemming from Ebay transactions. But, I have recovered TONS of money for people.

    In the USA, your last hope is a court hearing, and a subsequent judgment. Once you get a judgment, things get AWESOME! For me, the thrill is nailing the fraudster. One time, I found that the judgment was against a person who owned a business. After some paperwork and stuff. I was allowed to have a Sherrif stand at the Till (cash register) and confiscate all cash the business brought in during that business day.

    Needless to say, he paid the judgment in full the next day. So, dont lose hope!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571347].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
      Originally Posted by Charles Montgomery View Post

      After some paperwork and stuff. I was allowed to have a Sherrif stand at the Till (cash register) and confiscate all cash the business brought in during that business day.

      Needless to say, he paid the judgment in full the next day. So, dont lose hope!
      AWESOME! Nice work!

      Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Thanks for the replies.

    I have contacted the Help Desk so we will see where it goes from here. Once i hear back from the Help Desk I will go back and comment on any posts I'm allowed to.

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    • Profile picture of the author ericwt
      I am really sorry you got taken for $2,500. I understand how that feels.

      Trusting someone and having them stab you in the back really makes you wonder.

      However I suggest you write it off as a learning experience.

      Believe me you cold have lost more.

      There are people here who are successful that will help you for free. We are not personal coaches.

      Learn from this and go on. I know you can do it.

      Edited... so as not to offend anyone who might make a living coaching people. They are nice people but you do not need to pay anyone to learn.
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      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        Originally Posted by ericwt View Post

        This is my problem with the "gurus".

        A large percentage of them are either scamers or bs artists who might have had good intentions of helping someone but really did not have a clue how to do it....then it caught up with them.
        And you base this on what?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571633].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ericwt
          Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

          And you base this on what?
          Lets call it a personal opinion.

          But for the time and effort of individually coaching someone for a few grand, the guru if he had any measure of success would actually be loosing money. Product is where the money is.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571673].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
            Originally Posted by ericwt View Post

            Lets call it a personal opinion.

            But for the time and effort of individually coaching someone for a few grand, the guru if he had any measure of success would actually be loosing money. Product is where the money is.
            My New Year's resolution was to stop fighting with people, so I'll let the
            other members of this forum tear you to shreds for this...I don't even know
            what to call it.

            Wow...just wow.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571685].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kazooli
          Georgios, make sure that you file a report to the help desk or contact John and ask for the best possible approach to your scenario.

          Having spent the last months observing the forums I am proud to say that not only I feel secure knowing of the help that I can receive but also proud for having people "behind the scenes" working their brains off for our favour when we need it most.

          If this person finds value in the forums by visiting as often as you say then he may have no other way but paying back the money or else has his reputation shuttered and his access to the forums banned. Simple as...

          Wishing you all the best Greek Man
          and keep your head up!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571692].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Alex Mensah
          Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

          And you base this on what?
          I know some people mess it up for others but there are a majority of good people out there who are making an honest living and are actually looking to help people. So we shouldn't generalize what this person did to every guru out there. I think every person ends up getting exactly what they sowed in the first place. So if this guy thinks he got away with $2,500 he's gonna get a rude awakening.
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
        Eric, You should fix your Signature.
        Only 5 Lines are allowed.

        Your post is B.S.
        Where are the facts to back your generalized statements?

        Originally Posted by ericwt View Post

        I am really sorry you got taken for $2,500. I understand how that feels.

        Trusting someone and having them stab you in the back really makes you wonder.

        However I suggest you write it off as a learning experience.

        Believe me you cold have lost more.

        This is my problem with the "gurus".

        A large percentage of them are either scamers or bs artists who might have had good intentions of helping someone but really did not have a clue how to do it....then it caught up with them.

        There are people here who are successful that will help you for free. We are not personal coaches.

        Almost any guru who coaches and charges money for it does not understand the game of IM.

        If they did they would not be coaching others, becase far more money can be made selling products, than coaching individuals. That is a fact.

        There might be exceptions but well I am going to shut my mouth before I piss all kinds of people off.

        Learn from this and go on. I know you can do it.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571671].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ericwt
          Originally Posted by Michael Mayo View Post

          Eric, You should fix your Signature.
          Only 5 Lines are allowed.

          Your post is B.S.
          Where are the facts to back your generalized statements?

          Fixed the sig.

          Are you kidding me? Is this a joke? The OP lost $2,500 from a scammer. That is a fact.

          If you do not like my opinion. Don't read it. It is word on a web site my friend. But that does not bring back the $2,500 does it?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571703].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author AP
        Originally Posted by ericwt View Post

        I am really sorry you got taken for $2,500. I understand how that feels.

        Trusting someone and having them stab you in the back really makes you wonder.

        However I suggest you write it off as a learning experience.

        Believe me you cold have lost more.

        This is my problem with the "gurus".

        A large percentage of them are either scamers or bs artists who might have had good intentions of helping someone but really did not have a clue how to do it....then it caught up with them.

        There are people here who are successful that will help you for free. We are not personal coaches.

        Almost any guru who coaches and charges money for it does not understand the game of IM.

        If they did they would not be coaching others, becase far more money can be made selling products, than coaching individuals. That is a fact.

        There might be exceptions but well I am going to shut my mouth before I piss all kinds of people off.

        Learn from this and go on. I know you can do it.
        I consider myself a Guru, yet I don't sell anything here. I can assure you I can hold my own with anyone.

        I've paid Perry Marshall, Rich Schefren, Mike Filsaime, Ken McCarthy, David Bullok, Dan Kennedy, and many others tens of thousands over the last 3 years.

        Are you stating they are scamming me and can't make it in the real world?

        I've been to weekend seminars where the so-called guru has made over 1M teaching their knowledge. They made money, we learned and applied the principles to our own products.

        I can assure you, the info you gain there will never be learned here or on any other forum.

        You can sign up at Ken McCarthy seminar in Chicago this spring. One of the best there is: The System Seminar - register

        3 days of intense learning from people that are Killing it.

        I'll be there as I always. Why not join us in Chicago and after the weekend see if you think the way you do now.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571701].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ericwt
          Originally Posted by AP View Post

          I consider myself a Guru, yet I don't sell anything here. I can assure you I can hold my own with anyone.

          I've paid Perry Marshall, Rich Schefren, Mike Filsaime, Ken McCarthy, David Bullok, Dan Kennedy, and many others tens of thousands over the last 3 years.

          Are you stating they are scamming me and can't make it in the real world?

          I've been to weekend seminars where the so-called guru has made over 1M teaching their knowledge. They made money, we learned and applied the principles to our own products.

          I can assure you, the info you gain there will never be learned here or on any other forum.

          You can sign up at Ken McCarthy seminar in Chicago this spring. One of the best there is: The System Seminar - register

          3 days of intense learning from people that are Killing it.

          I'll be there as I always. Why not join us in Chicago and after the weekend see if you think the way you do now.
          When I say guru I am not talking about people who know their stuff. You said by your own words you do not sell anything here.

          So I was not talking about you. Perhaps my words were wrong.

          And that also means you do not charge for personal coaching right?

          I am not the one you should be mad at.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571718].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author AP
            Originally Posted by ericwt View Post

            When I say guru I am not talking about people who know their stuff. You said by your own words you do not sell anything here.

            So I was not talking about you. Perhaps my words were wrong.

            And that also means you do not charge for personal coaching right?

            I am not the one you should be mad at.
            You can see under my name I have almost as many Thanks as I have post.

            I do try and help others here. I didn't start at guru status, lol.

            I don't charge anyone here because my WSO would run at minimum $5,000 so I've never bothered.

            I'm not mad at you. I can tell you that my income has gone thru the roof since I started paying gurus like Perry Marshall $3,000 to be a guest at one of his weekend seminars in Schaumburg, IL to learn not just Adwords, but Marketing.

            People who know Perry personally know that he is one of the best marketers there is. In fact, we rarely talk about Adwords at his seminars. Most would be shocked to hear that. People actually joke about this at his seminars. What, no PPC talk? Perry is more into Conversion, Marketing and follow-up more than any Adwords campaign. Log into his site and get on his email list, one of the best. Ken McCarthy is excellent also.

            I can tell you that the advice you can get from the likes of Perry Marshall, Dan Kennedy, my old mentor Gary Halbert (now deceased) Rich Joyner, Rich Schefren, Eben Pagan, etc... is GOLD.

            I've literally seen people leave the 1st day of the seminar, fly back to Canada to implement what they had learned that day. 2 months later they had made over $600,000 with that one idea.

            The WF is good, a solid stepping stone. But it doesn't replace what can be learned from the best of the best, up close, eating lunch, dinner, and drinking with them afterwards.

            In fact, the most valuable learning actually happens later in the lounge or during breakfast. The contacts you make are immeasurable.

            Go to one and see for yourself.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571754].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author ericwt
              Originally Posted by AP View Post

              You can see under my name I have almost as many Thanks as I have post.

              I do try and help others here. I didn't start at guru status, lol.

              I don't charge anyone here because my WSO would run at minimum $5,000 so I've never bothered.

              I'm not mad at you. I can tell you that my income has gone thru the roof since I started paying gurus like Perry Marshall $3,000 to be a guest at one of his weekend seminars in Schaumburg, IL to learn not just Adwords, but Marketing.

              People who know Perry personally know that he is one of the best marketers there is. In fact, we rarely talk about Adwords at his seminars. Most would be shocked to hear that. People actually joke about this at his seminars. What, no PPC talk? Perry is more into Conversion, Marketing and follow-up more than any Adwords campaign. Log into his site and get on his email list, one of the best. Ken McCarthy is excellent also.

              I can tell you that the advice you can get from the likes of Perry Marshall, Dan Kennedy, my old mentor Gary Halbert (now deceased) Rich Joyner, Rich Schefren, Eben Pagan, etc... is GOLD.

              I've literally seen people leave the 1st day of the seminar, fly back to Canada to implement what they had learned that day. 2 months later they had made over $600,000 with that one idea.

              The WF is good, a solid stepping stone. But it doesn't replace what can be learned from the best of the best, up close, eating lunch, dinner, and drinking with them afterwards.

              In fact, the most valuable learning actually happens later in the lounge or during breakfast. The contacts you make are immeasurable.

              Go to one and see for yourself.

              I made a mistake in using the word guru. I suppose I associate the word a little differently.

              It is just that it bugs me that people that are trying to get ahead and someone takes advantage of them.

              The big names you talk about are fine people. I have bought their products before. I have learned from all kinds of people. In fact I learn every day here.

              My wording was wrong. But not as wrong as someone who claims to be an expert and then takes advantage of someone that want to learn.

              That was all I was saying and it came out wrong.
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          • Profile picture of the author Charley Brown
            Is this warrior in the same country as you? or in a nearby country?

            Here is what I would do...

            if you paid him/her that much, I assume you know their full name, and maybe other information like a phone number or address...

            Gather all the information of people that live next to him/her, on his/her block, and the block next to his/hers.

            Send this warrior one last email saying that this will be the last email you send, and that if you don't hear back from them and receive your money in full immediately, that you will send the following people a letter saying that their neighbor is a scam artist who stole this much money from you and will likely do the same to you.

            You might also want to include their parents or children and relatives with the addresses.

            95% chance you'll get your money back. In fact, I've never seen this method fail.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571773].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Joseph Then
            Originally Posted by ericwt View Post

            This is my problem with the "gurus".

            A large percentage of them are either scamers or bs artists who might have had good intentions of helping someone but really did not have a clue how to do it....then it caught up with them.

            There are people here who are successful that will help you for free. We are not personal coaches.

            Almost any guru who coaches and charges money for it does not understand the game of IM.

            If they did they would not be coaching others, becase far more money can be made selling products, than coaching individuals. That is a fact.

            There might be exceptions but well I am going to shut my mouth before I piss all kinds of people off.
            Originally Posted by ericwt View Post

            When I say guru I am not talking about people who know their stuff. You said by your own words you do not sell anything here.

            So I was not talking about you. Perhaps my words were wrong.

            And that also means you do not charge for personal coaching right?

            I am not the one you should be mad at.
            Yes, your words ARE WRONG.

            First you make a post saying that it is a fact. Then you say it's your opinion.

            If you want to stay in the forum, that's good. But please substantiate your so call "facts".

            What you are doing is causing damage to people who ARE offering honest coaching programs.

            So... Think before you post. And if you have proof, post it.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571813].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author ericwt
              Originally Posted by Joseph Then View Post

              Yes, your words ARE WRONG.

              First you make a post saying that it is a fact. Then you say it's your opinion.

              If you want to stay in the forum, that's good. But please substantiate your so call "facts".

              What you are doing is causing damage to people who ARE offering honest coaching programs.

              So... Think before you post. And if you have proof, post it.
              I have explained how I feel.

              My incorrect wording was admitted clearly.

              Is that good enough for you?

              Or do you want to keep arguing about something that has noting to do with the OP getting burned.

              I laughed at your statement that I might have hurt coaches.

              That is hilarious.

              Whatever 'damage I have done is nothing compared to the guy that riped the OP off.

              He is the one you should be mad at. Not me.

              Who needs to think before they post?
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571871].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Joseph Then
                Originally Posted by ericwt View Post

                I have explained how I feel.

                My incorrect wording was admitted clearly.

                Is that good enough for you?

                Or do you want to keep arguing about something that has noting to do with the OP getting burned.

                I laughed at your statement that I might have hurt coaches.

                That is hilarious.

                Whatever 'damage I have done is nothing compared to the guy that riped the OP off.

                He is the one you should be mad at. Not me.

                Who needs to think before they post?
                Yeah, there's not need for me to be mad. It's obvious that you are making a fool of yourself.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1572209].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author jimbo63
                  Originally Posted by Joseph Then View Post

                  Yeah, there's not need for me to be mad. It's obvious that you are making a fool of yourself.
                  Your post are really not making you look much brighter.

                  For a warrior with over 3k of post under your belt. One would think, you may be big enough to just end the dumb stuff.

                  Damn, the guy said, he used the wrong words. Give it a break.

                  Why keep stoking the fire? The OP is looking for help and none of this ranting is useful.

                  Great New Years resolution too Steve...may of wanted to include "Rebel Rousing" too. Great way to satisfy that itch on the sly.

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1572247].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author TimGross
            Originally Posted by ericwt View Post

            When I say guru I am not talking about people who know their stuff.
            I know what you mean. When I say "Real Estate Agents", I don't mean people who sell houses.

            When I say "moms" I don't mean women who give birth to and raise children.

            When I say "people who make idiotic statements" I'm not referring to you.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571853].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author ericwt
              Originally Posted by TimGross View Post

              I know what you mean. When I say "Real Estate Agents", I don't mean people who sell houses.

              When I say "moms" I don't mean women who give birth to and raise children.

              When I say "people who make idiotic statements" I'm not referring to you.
              You have your opinion and that is fine.

              So are you telling me that you have never made a statement that perhaps you have worded wrong?

              Yes I make mistakes. I am not afraid to admit it.

              But us playing clever word games does not change the fact that the OP was burned. I am not the bad guy here.

              I see I might have stepped on some toes, here. Live and learn.

              Can we leave it be?

              I have edited my original post to not offend anyone who is trying to get money from other people to teach them something they can learn for free.
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      • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
        What on earth is this Eric??????

        You are way off out in left field here.This is not your opinion your stating it as fact. Perhaps your in the wrong business Eric being as this is an internet marketing forum and a lot of "gurus" as you say were made right here.

        Very few of them who have had long term success I can't think of any off hand but very few of them have this track record and NONE would be considered a guru if they were dishonest in their pratice to begin with that is what is known as a sheister scam artist con man of which would be exposed you have a pretty poor idea of offering help to someone by tossing out ridiculous comments like this.


        Originally Posted by ericwt View Post

        I am really sorry you got taken for $2,500. I understand how that feels.

        Trusting someone and having them stab you in the back really makes you wonder.

        However I suggest you write it off as a learning experience.

        Believe me you cold have lost more.

        This is my problem with the "gurus".

        A large percentage of them are either scamers or bs artists who might have had good intentions of helping someone but really did not have a clue how to do it....then it caught up with them.

        There are people here who are successful that will help you for free. We are not personal coaches.

        Almost any guru who coaches and charges money for it does not understand the game of IM.

        If they did they would not be coaching others, becase far more money can be made selling products, than coaching individuals. That is a fact.

        There might be exceptions but well I am going to shut my mouth before I piss all kinds of people off.

        Learn from this and go on. I know you can do it.

        "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571709].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ericwt
          Originally Posted by WD Mino View Post

          What on earth is this Eric??????

          You are way off out in left field here.This is not your opinion your stating it as fact. Perhaps your in the wrong business Eric being as this is an internet marketing forum and a lot of "gurus" as you say were made right here.

          Very few of them who have had long term success I can't think of any off hand but very few of them have this track record and NONE would be considered a guru if they were dishonest in their pratice to begin with that is what is known as a sheister scam artist con man of which would be exposed you have a pretty poor idea of offering help to someone by tossing out ridiculous comments like this.

          So you are saying it was okay that this guy god jacked for $2,500. I feel for the guy.

          My comments are just as valid as anyone's here. People who rip people off are scum.

          It really does not matter who I am. I like my privacy. You can take what I say with as many grains of salt as you wish.

          I am not going anywhere. I will stay right here on this forum. You are not getting rid of me.

          There is good information here. As far as I know most of the people you guys have talked about are fine people. But then it was not them who ripped the OP off, was it?

          Edit: ericwt is not my name, not even close.
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  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    This friends is why we need to have a new policy for WSo's and sellers of them.

    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571508].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author juzanobo
    $2,500 is a lot of money. I hope that you could get back your money.
    Do you need an article writer that can deliver quality contents directly to your mailbox without having a sky-high bill? Book Your Own Full Time Article/Content Writer from the PHILIPPINES NOW!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571901].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    Thanks kay that is a great voice of wisdom right there.

    Ericcwt all I care about is you trying to be a dork in a thread that now has become more about you then the original problem which is horse crap. No one wanted to get rid of you but your sure not being very wise in how your speaking nor are you being helpful use

    I was trying to stay out of this but for crying out loud offer something useful and helpful which you cannot do nor can most of us because we simply don't know the whole story at all nor will we all we can do is make honest suggestions and try to help remarking about something you quite clearly know nothing about and then backtracking your own comments is just silly so be helpful to the community or be quiet already

    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

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  • Profile picture of the author KristiDaniels
    A Warrior owes me $360,000.

    The "can't talk about rip off artists on the Warrior forum" means that the Warrior forum is full of rip off artists. The policy of the board is to protect the scammer.

    I recently did a test (concluded about 3 weeks ago now) doing simple swap JVs with Warriors. No money even changed hands. The rate of the other party not keeping their end of the agreement was over 70%!?! I did two other forums that don't have that policy and the rate of the other party not keeping their end of the agreement was less than 10% in both cases. The policy encourages fraud and so you will get a LOT more fraud here.

    I won't do business with a Warrior that I don't have other means to call them on the carpet. Those hiding out with only Warrior forum contact ability never get my business.

    I would strongly recommend that nobody ever do business with an anonymous Warrior because of that policy.

    I think Paul Myers recently had a thread where he said the same thing. Don't do business with a Warrior who is using a pen name and only PM for contact information. You can't count on the fact that they are a Warrior for any kind of protection.

    In fact the opposite is true. The Warrior forum policy is to shield and protect scam artists. This is their haven!

    That's the Warrior forum policy and it is very public. You were warned in advance. Let the buyer beware.

    Although if I owned a forum, I would probably have the same policy for liability reasons, I often wonder how much more business would be transacted in the WSO section and the other commercial areas of this forum if that policy was different.

    It's sad that the administration has to be put between choosing to be the target of frivolous libel law suits or protecting scammers. But that is the legal situation in the states.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1571986].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chris Grable
      Originally Posted by KristiDaniels View Post

      A Warrior owes me $360,000.

      The "can't talk about rip off artists on the Warrior forum" means that the Warrior forum is full of rip off artists. The policy of the board is to protect the scammer.

      I recently did a test (concluded about 3 weeks ago now) doing simple swap JVs with Warriors. No money even changed hands. The rate of the other party not keeping their end of the agreement was over 70%!?! I did two other forums that don't have that policy and the rate of the other party not keeping their end of the agreement was less than 10% in both cases. The policy encourages fraud and so you will get a LOT more fraud here.

      I won't do business with a Warrior that I don't have other means to call them on the carpet. Those hiding out with only Warrior forum contact ability never get my business.

      I would strongly recommend that nobody ever do business with an anonymous Warrior because of that policy.

      I think Paul Myers recently had a thread where he said the same thing. Don't do business with a Warrior who is using a pen name and only PM for contact information. You can't count on the fact that they are a Warrior for any kind of protection.

      In fact the opposite is true. The Warrior forum policy is to shield and protect scam artists. This is their haven!

      That's the Warrior forum policy and it is very public. You were warned in advance. Let the buyer beware.

      Although if I owned a forum, I would probably have the same policy for liability reasons, I often wonder how much more business would be transacted in the WSO section and the other commercial areas of this forum if that policy was different.

      It's sad that the administration has to be put between choosing to be the target of frivolous libel law suits or protecting scammers. But that is the legal situation in the states.

      I always thought the purpose of that rule was to avoid having this forum continually drawn into he said/she said situations with no REAL way to assess who is wrong and right... Probably both wrong in most cases.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1572083].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ken Strong
      Originally Posted by KristiDaniels View Post

      I recently did a test (concluded about 3 weeks ago now) doing simple swap JVs with Warriors. No money even changed hands. The rate of the other party not keeping their end of the agreement was over 70%!?! I did two other forums that don't have that policy and the rate of the other party not keeping their end of the agreement was less than 10% in both cases. The policy encourages fraud and so you will get a LOT more fraud here.
      That's certainly not been my experience here -- how many different people did you do swaps with? I've done ad swaps with at least 20 Warriors and only got burned once, and that was my fault -- guy was new here, his only posts were in the JV Forum, and didn't get any references from other Warriors.

      Why would you do any business at all here if you think it's such a horrible place and crawling with scam artists? Go hang out at DP for a while and then check back in with us.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1572302].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KristiDaniels
    I can't pretend to know the purpose of the rule. You would have to ask the powers that be their purpose for that rule.

    I just know that if I owned a forum, my legal counsel would force me to have the same rule. The purpose would be to avoid frivolous defamation lawsuits.

    The two other forums I mentioned for my test are very small and I doubt they even have a legal staff so they don't have anyone to warn them about the dangers of not having a rule prohibiting public accusations. So they don't have that kind of rule.

    When I and others posted about fraud on those two forums, the posts were promptly taken down (so maybe they at least have the instinct that there might be a danger), but the members committing the fraud also promptly disappeared.

    The opposite is the case here. I know the rules, so I would never post an accusation along with a name here, but anyone who would... they disappear and the scam artist remains.

    The net effect isn't pretty and eliminates a lot of potential business that could otherwise be done here.

    But it also eliminates frivolous law suits against the administration who really isn't a party to these transactions at all and shouldn't have to deal with legal ramifications since they don't directly benefit from these transactions.

    I don't know if that plays into the intentions of the administration or not. Maybe the rule is intended to avoid the "he said/she said" arguments and their legal counsel has never warned them about the legal ramifications of not having that kind of rule.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1572166].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
      Originally Posted by KristiDaniels View Post

      I can't pretend to know the purpose of the rule. You would have to ask the powers that be their purpose for that rule.

      I just know that if I owned a forum, my legal counsel would force me to have the same rule. The purpose would be to avoid frivolous defamation lawsuits.

      The two other forums I mentioned for my test are very small and I doubt they even have a legal staff so they don't have anyone to warn them about the dangers of not having a rule prohibiting public accusations. So they don't have that kind of rule.

      When I and others posted about fraud on those two forums, the posts were promptly taken down (so maybe they at least have the instinct that there might be a danger), but the members committing the fraud also promptly disappeared.

      The opposite is the case here. I know the rules, so I would never post an accusation along with a name here, but anyone who would... they disappear and the scam artist remains.

      The net effect isn't pretty and eliminates a lot of potential business that could otherwise be done here.

      But it also eliminates frivolous law suits against the administration who really isn't a party to these transactions at all and shouldn't have to deal with legal ramifications since they don't directly benefit from these transactions.

      I don't know if that plays into the intentions of the administration or not. Maybe the rule is intended to avoid the "he said/she said" arguments and their legal counsel has never warned them about the legal ramifications of not having that kind of rule.
      In the US, an internet service provider CANNOT be held liable for the statements made by a third party.
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  • Profile picture of the author R.Rapp
    This thread made me curious about something - and I am new here so this is probably a silly question, but what exactly happens if you click the little "Add Infraction for NAME" button?

    If people cannot post scammers names, is this a good way to ensure that they are somehow reported?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1572314].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ken Strong
      Originally Posted by R.Rapp View Post

      This thread made me curious about something - and I am new here so this is probably a silly question, but what exactly happens if you click the little "Add Infraction for NAME" button?

      If people cannot post scammers names, is this a good way to ensure that they are somehow reported?
      You know, I still don't quite understand the point of the Infraction button, even though I've read a number of explanations. I think if enough people click on it around the same time, it takes that post offline and into a moderator's queue (I think). But infractions expire after an hour or two.

      If someone is obviously spamming or doing something else against the rules in a thread, you can click on the "Report Post" button. That alerts the moderators and they can take action if they feel it's necessary.

      However, neither of those buttons will help you if a Warrior scams you in a private transaction (unless it's a WSO).
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1572326].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author R.Rapp
        Originally Posted by KenStrong View Post

        You know, I still don't quite understand the point of the Infraction button, even though I've read a number of explanations. I think if enough people click on it around the same time, it takes that post offline and into a moderator's queue (I think). But infractions expire after an hour or two.

        If someone is obviously spamming or doing something else against the rules in a thread, you can click on the "Report Post" button. That alerts the moderators and they can take action if they feel it's necessary.

        However, neither of those buttons will help you if a Warrior scams you in a private transaction (unless it's a WSO).

        Thank you for the explanation!

        And to the OP, I am sorry for that loss - it is quite substantial and I hope that karma comes back to bite scammers in the butt.
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      • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
        Originally Posted by KenStrong View Post

        You know, I still don't quite understand the point of the Infraction button, even though I've read a number of explanations.
        I've had a few infractions. Basically, it sends you a PM.

        I don't really see the point, but every time I've gotten an infraction, it's been some butt-head who thinks "your question makes no sense" is "insulting other members" and therefore against the rules.
        "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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