Backlinking Your Backlinks...Does This Really Work?

13 replies
Hi Everyone,

I have a question for the experienced back linkers and that is; does linking to your links really pass that much page rank to your money site and worth spending the time on?

I know there are various theories and even products on this forum that focus on building links to your links, to protect your site, like a shield of sorts from too many links, and also to act like a turbo charged site that is then linking to your money site.

However I have tested this for about 2 months now and blasted links from mass link software tools to squidoo lens and the like that are themselves linking to my money sites, and I haven't seen much results if any.

Other experienced SEO marketers I have talked to said that this strategy is a waste of time, and that that site will just rank higher than you, and your site will see some but minimal benefit

I am undecided on this, but would like to hear from you all, because the last thing I want to do is waste time building links to site that are not making me money.

Please comment!!
#backlinking #backlinksdoes #work
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  • Profile picture of the author Juan L Costa
    I think that a small RSS back linking to your "good" backlinks, is really useful, because every day, google tries to get more deeper into the link juices that are created to boost rankings, and It would look suspicious a website with 100 backlinks, but none of those 100 with a link back to them...

    It doesn't take much time, and can prevent for getting slapped in the long term
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Think of it as a blanket -- if all the fibers run parallel then the blanket won't hold together very well. You need fibers running adjacently to hold it together - that's what back linking back links does, creates a blanket.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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    • Profile picture of the author Profit-smart
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      Think of it as a blanket -- if all the fibers run parallel then the blanket won't hold together very well. You need fibers running adjacently to hold it together - that's what back linking back links does, creates a blanket.
      Exactly Sal.

      I used to do a bit of consulting for SEO about 2 years ago, and at least a dozen different clients would give me this line

      "I dont understand, I built a site-it has content!. I setup hubpage/squidoo/(Insert cheap linking method) and nothings changed!)

      Look guys-Most of these "Easy-links" places are crammed with competing pages trying to pump authority to a site thats after the same keyword.

      Its VERY important that you bring some link love to your links. This gets them to stand out, as 90% of people never bother to do this. Its a big mistake.

      The other advantage of course, is that you can build lots of links to some of these sites very quickly. This is good, because building backlinks to your main site to quickly can really cause problems.

      Instead you can build a minimal number (Say, 40 or 50) and focus on building the authority of those pages while you wait to bring in the next flood of links to your primary site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Wilson
    It makes sense to 'promote your promotions' for several reasons. One reason being that one can use this a way to get your second level pages indexed when they might otherwise not be indexed and any traffic these pages get is traffic that can come to your main pages.

    Possibly more important these days is that SE's are not run by stupid people. It is easy to understand that a whole network of low value pages linking to another low value page is not natural and this activity is not difficult to detect (it used to be harder).

    When you start promoting your second level pages from a variety of sites then you are creating a much larger network and that probably looks much more natural (as long as one uses a mixture of linking types and techniques). The less structured your linking network looks the more likely it is to avoid detection. See this link for some more info on linking strategies that Google might well target (with pictures ) Iffy Linking Strategies

    Here is a commentary to a linked Google patent from 2004 that was only granted in early 2009. Method for detecting link spam in hyperlinked databases Google Patent Analysis.
    This patent covers this very issue of spam link structures and their detection. I have read parts of the patent itself (linked from the commentary) and where the math did not get to me I could see what was going on. Link to your promotions and link out from all your pages to other pages both in and outside of your network.
    Bear in mind that if this patent was applied for in 2004 that the IP in the patent has probably been in use since about that time and increasng in use as computing power falls in price.

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  • Profile picture of the author bluenetworx
    Thanks for the feedback so far. So from what I can gather from the comments is that linking to your links is mainly to avoid a Google Slap of sorts by looking more 'natural', however what about passing page rank? I assume direct links to your money sites is still the main pusher of page rank and still needs to be the main focus?

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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Fletcher
    Originally Posted by bluenetworx View Post

    Hi Everyone,

    I have a question for the experienced back linkers and that is; does linking to your links really pass that much page rank to your money site and worth spending the time on?

    I know there are various theories and even products on this forum that focus on building links to your links, to protect your site, like a shield of sorts from too many links, and also to act like a turbo charged site that is then linking to your money site.

    However I have tested this for about 2 months now and blasted links from mass link software tools to squidoo lens and the like that are themselves linking to my money sites, and I haven't seen much results if any.

    Other experienced SEO marketers I have talked to said that this strategy is a waste of time, and that that site will just rank higher than you, and your site will see some but minimal benefit

    I am undecided on this, but would like to hear from you all, because the last thing I want to do is waste time building links to site that are not making me money.

    Please comment!!
    I can definitely vouch for backlinking backlinks. Page rank flows from one page to another. The more link juice that flows in, the more that can flow out.

    Squidoo is no longer an effective "firewall" site since they have nofollow'd all of their links lowering (or entirely removing) the link juice benefit of linking out from it.

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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Squidoo is no longer an effective "firewall" site since they have nofollow'd all of their links lowering (or entirely removing) the link juice benefit of linking out from it.
    If you think that no-follow links are not important, too - you are sadly mistaken. If every one of your links is a follow you think maybe google can tell that your links are nothing but promo? If you are going to create organic SEO.....perhaps you should go about it organically?

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    Bookmarking your bookmarks and building backlinks to your backlinks is very natural and normal ... What amazes me is just how many do not get the "coming full circle method" (yes that is my phrase)..

    If you submit your Rss Feed to RSSMountain - RSS Feed Directory - RSS Feed Search Engine then why should you not also ping it, bookmark it, make a blog post about it, and etc... It makes perfect sense to do so. You are not only submitting your rss feed but also linking to it as it links back to you. This gets into interlinking exchange (also a phrase I made up)...

    Sal gave a real good example but you could also look at it like a spider web as it goes way beyond just vertical and horizontal. A spider web is done in cirlces and then interlinked many times over by lines of web that cross each other. If just one line of web is out of place then the spider web become weakened..

    Here is an example of interlinking exchange and keep in mind this is a limited example...I actually have an ebook written on this..

    Interlinking Exchange (yes, that is my made up name), can be very powerful and help increase your rankings. Now there are many ways to do Interlinking Exchange but one way that does work very well is posted below.

    You Currently Have:

    Article On Your Site/Blog - You have Article On Article Directory

    Now what you want to do is since most article directories allow 2 links

    * Link #1 - Leads To Blog
    * Link #2 - Leads To Site

    Now you want to install another blog (on the same domain and name the folder with keywords) and on this blog you are only going to use the article summaries and any widgets that article directories allow you to use. So on your posted summary you are going to link it like this.

    By using one of the words in the summary (keyword should be used) you will link to the article. If you have an article posted on more than one directory then use different summaries on this 2ndary blog and link to them the same way.

    By using another word in the summary you want to link to the main blog, the same exact place your article links to from the article directory.

    Now you also want to add on this 2ndary blog the article widget so it will link to your articles.

    The reason why you are installing a 2ndary blog and using it is this

    * It links back to main blog which gives main blog more power
    * It links to the article which gives the article more power
    * Since you are using this blog to push the power your visitors never see the widgets and links back to the articles. This way you are keeping your main blog clutter free so nothing distracts your visitor.

    You End Up With:

    Article On Your Site/Blog - You have Article On Article Directory - 2ndary Blog For Summaries

    During this same process you should be aware that you should submit all Rss Feeds to Rss Directories...

    You see all of this plays a important role and all of it works together. You must be out there marketing your site and have proper seo on your site. Use articles, article directories, social media networks, press releases, document sharing sites and etc..

    Doing this + bookmarking will increase your rankings very easily...

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    • Profile picture of the author Kitty Kiki
      Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

      Bookmarking your bookmarks and building backlinks to your backlinks is very natural and normal ... What amazes me is just how many do not get the "coming full circle method" (yes that is my phrase)..

      If you submit your Rss Feed to RSSMountain - RSS Feed Directory - RSS Feed Search Engine then why should you not also ping it, bookmark it, make a blog post about it, and etc... It makes perfect sense to do so. You are not only submitting your rss feed but also linking to it as it links back to you. This gets into interlinking exchange (also a phrase I made up)...

      Sal gave a real good example but you could also look at it like a spider web as it goes way beyond just vertical and horizontal. A spider web is done in cirlces and then interlinked many times over by lines of web that cross each other. If just one line of web is out of place then the spider web become weakened..

      Here is an example of interlinking exchange and keep in mind this is a limited example...I actually have an ebook written on this..

      Interlinking Exchange (yes, that is my made up name), can be very powerful and help increase your rankings. Now there are many ways to do Interlinking Exchange but one way that does work very well is posted below.

      You Currently Have:

      Article On Your Site/Blog - You have Article On Article Directory

      Now what you want to do is since most article directories allow 2 links

      * Link #1 - Leads To Blog
      * Link #2 - Leads To Site

      Now you want to install another blog (on the same domain and name the folder with keywords) and on this blog you are only going to use the article summaries and any widgets that article directories allow you to use. So on your posted summary you are going to link it like this.

      By using one of the words in the summary (keyword should be used) you will link to the article. If you have an article posted on more than one directory then use different summaries on this 2ndary blog and link to them the same way.

      By using another word in the summary you want to link to the main blog, the same exact place your article links to from the article directory.

      Now you also want to add on this 2ndary blog the article widget so it will link to your articles.

      The reason why you are installing a 2ndary blog and using it is this

      * It links back to main blog which gives main blog more power
      * It links to the article which gives the article more power
      * Since you are using this blog to push the power your visitors never see the widgets and links back to the articles. This way you are keeping your main blog clutter free so nothing distracts your visitor.

      You End Up With:

      Article On Your Site/Blog - You have Article On Article Directory - 2ndary Blog For Summaries

      During this same process you should be aware that you should submit all Rss Feeds to Rss Directories...

      You see all of this plays a important role and all of it works together. You must be out there marketing your site and have proper seo on your site. Use articles, article directories, social media networks, press releases, document sharing sites and etc..

      Doing this + bookmarking will increase your rankings very easily...


      I hope that you can include an image together with the explanation I don't really get it. I have been reading it for 3 times in a row but still....

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      • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
        Originally Posted by Kitty Kiki View Post

        I hope that you can include an image together with the explanation I don't really get it. I have been reading it for 3 times in a row but still....

        It's really simple ..

        You have your blog now .. You post articles to your blog and you post them to article directories.

        You install a 2nd blog or whatever. You add your summaries on the 2nd blog and link them to your main blog. At the same time you go to like grab up your author widget and toss that on the left side on the 2nd blog.

        Your articles are obviously pointing to your main blog on the article directories. You blog summary post on the 2nd blog are pointing to your main blog also and at the same time the wdiget you installed is pointing to your articles on the article directory.

        You bookmark it all, submit rss feeds and etc ...

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        • Profile picture of the author Kitty Kiki
          Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

          It's really simple ..

          You have your blog now .. You post articles to your blog and you post them to article directories.

          You install a 2nd blog or whatever. You add your summaries on the 2nd blog and link them to your main blog. At the same time you go to like grab up your author widget and toss that on the left side on the 2nd blog.

          Your articles are obviously pointing to your main blog on the article directories. You blog summary post on the 2nd blog are pointing to your main blog also and at the same time the wdiget you installed is pointing to your articles on the article directory.

          You bookmark it all, submit rss feeds and etc ...

          Thanks..I have been reading few of your posts before this and you never stop in providing value..just like this one too...

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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    Think of this as a pyramid. I have lots of sites. Lets say on top I have a PR5 selling site and most of my links are coming from PR2 support pages. OK, by getting my friends to link their pr1 pages to my PR2 "sup" pages I then move the main page from PR5 to PR6. This looks more "organic". If a big search engines sees thousands of links to your main page, but none to other pages it seems spammy.
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