Looking for a Wordpress Twitter Plugin

3 replies
I'm using a WP Twitter plugin to auto tweet my posts. The one I'm using works great, but doesn't grab any of the post content and add it to the tweet.

Does anyone know of a plugin that will do this. I'm wanting to get as much in there so I'll appear in Twitter search results more.
#plugin #twitter #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author jamesburchill
    You don't need a WP plugin to do this. Use FriendFeed. Create a free account, point it at your blog and it will monitor your site 24/7. When you add new content it will post a link in your FF account *AND* post a tweet for you too. You get extra lift for having FF, WP and Tw ... pretty cool huh?

    PS. This is precisely what I do to manage many of my SM profiles. You can monitor more than one thing with FF *hint hint*
    James Burchill ~ Bestselling Author & Coursepreneur
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    • Profile picture of the author nebraska
      Originally Posted by jamesburchill View Post

      You don't need a WP plugin to do this. Use FriendFeed. Create a free account, point it at your blog and it will monitor your site 24/7. When you add new content it will post a link in your FF account *AND* post a tweet for you too. You get extra lift for having FF, WP and Tw ... pretty cool huh?

      PS. This is precisely what I do to manage many of my SM profiles. You can monitor more than one thing with FF *hint hint*
      This sounds good. How long have you been using them? The only issue I have with third party sites as opposed to managing it all myself is reliability.

      Also I'm not seeing how to point it at my blog...

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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewStark
    I use tweet my blog, it goes in the sidebar so that your tweets show up on the blog, and they when you add new content to your blog it automatically tweets with a tinyurl back to the blog content.

    All in all very neat.
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