Good cause for Autism Research

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Hello Warriors,

Although I'm promoting a link the money is going to a good cause so I hope this post doesn't offend anyone.

Dan Reinhold of WAHumor is currently running his Second Annual WAHumor Giveaway For Autism Research.

He's had a lot of great internet marketing related products donated by folks like Lynn Terry, Kelly McCausey, Harvey Segal, Alice Seba, Tiffany Dow, and others. You get a lot of great stuff for only $25 and the best part...

Your $25 donation goes to help Dan raise at least $2,500.00 before the Greater Boston, Massachusetts Walk for Autism Research. So not only do you get all these great products (over 20) for only $25 but your money is going for a great cause!

I'd love to see Warriors put Dan over the top of his $2,500 goal!

Please click below...
Announcing The Second Annual Wonderful WAHumor Giveaway for Autism Research!!
#autism #giveaway #good #research

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