Going in a new direction...

4 replies
Often times I have done website coding myself and not used any of the pre made software that is available, however, in a new endeavor I do not have the time to completely code all the necessary things to make a site like I am building work right. This means that I am going into uncharted waters and I need some advice.

My site is going to contain a blog, forum, store, helpdesk and newsletter sign-up/distribution.

Based on this, would I be better off using a CMS like joomla or a blog software like WordPress?

I have seen comments on here for both and I am wondering which would be better for my needs in this instance? Any and all comments are greatly appreciated.
  • Profile picture of the author Louise Green
    Wordpress is easier to use and to theme, there's also an ecommerce plugin or two.

    I'm not that big into Joomla but lots of people rave about it. I think many folks here will advise you to go with Wordpress, it's so quick and easy.
    IMPORTANT MESSAGE: I'm currently on vacation & will answer all messages when I return - Happy Holidays!!
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    • Profile picture of the author vft8w
      Wordpress is definitely the simple option to choose as it is easy to use. With your background in coding though you might appreciate a CMS like Ucoz.com. It allows you to do custom pages if you like. I used it for a group website I did and was happy with the options it provided me with.

      I don't know if it has the ecommerce section built in or not though, since that wasn't the purpose I used it for but it does allow you add html pages to your site or you can just customize a page so I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to integrate it.
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  • Profile picture of the author DogScout
    Magento - Home - eCommerce Software for Growth is coming on strong and is compatible with just about any merchant you choose and any CMS. If you choose an open source CMS I would suggest you secure it either by re-coding parts of it yourself or out sourcing it.

    Many people like Vbulletin, I prefer IPB myself. for a forum. IPB is already secure and should require no further coding. The current release (3.0.5) should not have to be updated for 5 years or so. (I used 1.3 for 5 years, just never upgraded until 3.0.5 came out because in my mind it was the 1st secure and stable release since 1.3)
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  • Profile picture of the author CmdrStidd
    I really want to thank you all for your input in this. I will have to look them over and see if what I want to do can be done with WP or if I need to go with a CMS. Also, to dogscout, thanks for the tip on the forum software. I have been using phpbb for so long now and I know there are security holes all through it but I figured that was the cost of having some things open source but I will definitely check out this IPB that you suggest.
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