Anyone tested the new Aweber "smart video" pages?

6 replies
Hey Guys,

Just wondering if anyone's done much testing on the rate of confirmations using the new aweber "smart video" pages?

They seem like a great idea and you'd think they'd increase confirmation rates but I'm interested to hear people's experience with it so far

Oh and while were on it, has anyone played around with inserting the "smart video" into a custom page with your own graphics etc?

#aweber #pages #smart video #tested
  • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
    Ok, I give in.

    Where the heck do you find the smart video function Andrew?
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  • Profile picture of the author Nic Lynn
    I just started using it yesterday on my new WSO (see WSO #1 in sig). It looks fantastic and confirmations have been 90%+. It's really nice how they put a custom graphic of your name in the actual video (you'll see what I mean if you test it). This is definitely the way to go, though I haven't tried to insert the video into a custom page.

    Simon, it's under >Webforms >Settings >Thank You Page
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    • Profile picture of the author Jarrett
      Hey. I did my own custom vid for it.. added some urgency into it.. and spiced things up abit.. and it's been killing it as far as double opt in goes.

      Got damn near 100% double opt in rate

      Important: Please Activate Your Subscription

      but that may also be because people were pretty motivated to watch the webinar I was offering and didn't want to miss it.

      but regardless, this works

      hopefully that'll give you some ideas
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      • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells

        Your custom vid rocks. I'll have to do that now! I have used the default one provided by Aweber and it's done ok as far as confirming rates go.
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        • Profile picture of the author AndrewHansen
          Hey Jarrett,

          That's really cool mate, thanks for sharing.

          Can I ask how you were able to slot the aweber template for that page into a custom page on your domain?

          I tried pasting the code in and everything showed up besides the "smart video" thing..

          Any ideas?


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          • Profile picture of the author Jarrett
            No problem Andrew.

            I used a bit of downright thievery.. and a little bit of thievery always goes along way. lol

            #1. download aweber's smart video page - I saved a copy of Aweber's smart video page onto my computer.. so that way I had better control of it. (go to firefox, File, Save File as.. that should do the trick. Or get a tool to download webpages like HTtrack)

            #2. Make your own video - ( I used camtasia) - Uploaded it onto my website, then used JW player to play the video..

            ( Setup Wizard | LongTail Video | Home of the JW Player )

            #3. You'll get a code for your video player, using notepad / dreamweaver / just replace aweber's video with your own. then upload it.

            #4. When setting up your opt in form, Aweber lets you choose which version you want to send them to.. The Audio, Smart video, text, or CUSTOM.. tell them to send it to your own page.. and you're all set
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