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I've been working on a site since January, learning and applying principals and methods as I have time. My site is built under a keyword ".net" domain name.

Yesterday I noticed a competitor who picked the same keyword but used a ".org" instead and was at position 2 yesterday. Today they were at position #1 on page 1.

My site has been hanging in around position #4 for quite some time (haven't had much time to focus on IM) but today was bumped to #6.

The competitor only has 3 backlinks that I can find, and 1 of them came from EZine with a PR 3. I checked for backlinks on the EZine article and could only find 1, which was nothing more than a social bookmarking site and had since disappeared off the page it was originally discovered on by the engines.

I've been around long enough to realize not all backlinks will show up, so I'm taking that into consideration.

The only thing I can see that drove this site to the top is by the PR3 EZine article that I was able to discover.

The competitor article was published at the end of March, I've had an ezine article published since January that today is only PR n/a.

I've read strategies in the past that talk about backlinking your articles to drive juice to your main site, so perhaps this is what was done but I could only find 1 backlink to the competitor EZine article.

I read another article today when researching ranking EZine articles that talked about how pages that rank like this are usually just timing by the search engines before they publish PR and articles with high PR usually are discovered on front pages of EZine and carry the weight of the main page. The next update, those high PR pages are usually reset to PR n/a on the next update.

So can anyone shed some light on this?

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