US Memorial Day - Non-US Warriors

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Big Mike is running a Memorial Day sale for Incansoft and it got me thinking about a few things in this increasingly interconnected world ...

What, if any, awareness does Memorial Day in the US have in other countries? While this is a US holiday, we're talking hundreds of thousands of deaths in foreign lands in wars with global impact.

But of course, survey 100 Americans about Greek holidays and you'll get 99 blank faces.

Are US buyers so predominant that it is worth running a list-wide sale capitalizing on a US holiday?

How is Big Mike the only one smart enough to send me a Memorial Day offer?

Has anyone tried to segment promotions by customer country? I think that would be almost impossible for most Warriors. Maybe a better question is, anyone translating their work into different languages and then doing segmented marketing based on presumed countries using that language?

Why haven't I done that? Laziness. Cost of translation. Not being comfortable using something where I don't know if a language faux pas is being made.
#day #memorial #nonus #warriors

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