The Essential Keys to perfect Prioritization

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The secret of great accomplishment is absolute focus on the task at hand. In order to do this, you have to be very sure of the ultimate objective. The best way to arrive at this objective is to use a simple trick that I learned years ago. Supposedly it was originated with Benjamin Franklin. It also involves prioritization.

You take a yellow legal pad and draw a line right down in the middle. On the left side you title that column: "Obstacles to Completion". On the other side of the vertical line you title the column: "Solutions to the Obstacles". At the bottom of the page, in very large letters, you put your goal. Next you write down and number every single obstacle you could think of on a separate piece of paper. You number each obstacle and then review all the obstacles. Next you reprioritize the order of the obstacles on a third piece of paper, on which you again divide this page in half, keeping the obstacles on the left half in the new prioritized order. Again, number the obstacles. On the right half of the page, opposite each obstacle, you write down solutions for that obstacle. Some solutions will not be immediately apparent. Don't worry about it. Go after some of the simple obstacles first so that you can feel progress. You will see very quickly that as you begin to remove obstacles, your focus will increase more and more, and your energies will be even more directed towards attainment of your goal.

One extra piece of advise. Pursuit of major goal requires intense mental concentration and top physical condition. You cannot over eat or have a bunch of beers, and then still expect to be at top mental concentration levels. You will have plenty of time to enjoy your victory after you achieve your goal. But in pursuing your goal to maintain maximum focus, you must get adequate sleep, eat lightly primarily fruits, vegetables, protein and very light on carbohydrates. You should also exercise at least 3 times a week for at least 45 minutes a session.

If you follow the above, I can guarantee you will reach your goals faster than at any time in the past.

Dr Howard Marshall.
#essential #keys #perfect #prioritization

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