Help, I need some sales help!

4 replies
I have a handful of niche sites that are finally attracting some traffic. I can't seem to get any visitors to purchase anything. I am using Amazon, ClickBank and other affiliates. I just can't seem to get them to convert. Anyone know of a good free marketing course to help me with wordpress design and selling best practices? :confused:
  • Profile picture of the author ArtofBlog
    My site has plenty of free information and guides, and I'm working on an e-book that would be perfect for you. Sadly, it is still not quite ready. Regardless, feel free to visit the link in my signature and you will find everything you ever wanted to know about WordPress and a lot about writing and making sales. If you have specific questions, please let me know. Perhaps I could take that and turn it into a post.
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  • Profile picture of the author marica theuma
    Hi, it was what was happening to me. You seem to be doing everything right yet the sales are hard and slow, if any at all ;-(
    It takes time to realise you need to learn about marketing, cause sales don't just happen overnight, and there are many things to consider like giving value to your clients and building a relationship where they realise they can trust you.
    I have finally got myself a mentor, and I can see all the more now how things work, how you need a system in place to work for you, what you need to focus on, and so on. I have also found a great community and we are helping each other out in our ordeal.
    Try to avoid the hardship of hopping from one product to another, keep your focus, and keep coming here too, cause this is another great community I am becoming to treasure!
    To Your Success
    marica theuma
    'If you don't know where you're going, how the heck are you going to arrive there!' (my mentor)

    Visit my blog: and leave me a comment!
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    • Profile picture of the author SeanyG
      Hungry Fish,

      I have been in this situation before as well!

      You do everything that they IM gurus and people on this forum tell you but you're just not making any sales no matter what offers you try!

      What I found is that it comes down to the markets you've chosen. This is something that isn't discussed much on the warrior forum, but the market or niche plays a HUGE role in how many sales you make and ultimately your income.

      I'll give you an example, my first online business was a small niche of 15 - 25 year old males. I set up the business and did everything that I could to set up the business properly. I had awesome content, an autoresponder with professional copy, great offers i was promoting, my own products whith professional copy and so on.

      I put together huge product launches with lots of affiliates. Got myself ranked in Google.

      But the sales wouldn't come the way that I wanted them to or expected them to.

      I did some poking around and realized that it was the market that was the problem. They didn't have an urgent enough need. They had a need but they weren't willing to pay to get that need solved. Furthermore, they didn't have any money because they were college kids that download everything for free.

      Most people think that they are doing something wrong in the marketing or offer selection but it sounds like you know what you're doing (Marcia is right though, you need to have a system and stick to it)!

      I wrote a few articles about how important choosing the right niches is on my online business blog that you will find in my Signature below. You will also find some articles on how to get more sales.

      I hope this helps. Check out my free blog if you want more help / advice.

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      >>>How To DJ
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    • Profile picture of the author HungryFish

      Thank you for the words of encouragement. I am committed to making IM work so I will keep on pushing forward.
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