Do Auto Messages On Twitter LOSE You Followers?

by SeanyG
25 replies
Hey guys,

For the first time I have been using some awesome Twitter software (Tweet Adder) that can send out a direct message whenever someone ads you.

The message I am sending out is very short, friendly and provides value. Its not spammy at all. I am honestly looking to connect with people.

When I send these messages out though I lose followers from my total number.

Do people just assume that if you send them a message you are trying to spam them?

Has anyone else found this?

Looking forward to your replies!

#auto #follower #followers #lose #messages #twitter
  • Profile picture of the author Ross Dalangin
    Well, it's depend on the messages you sent.
    If it is too valuable then who with a bright mind
    will remove you?

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    • Profile picture of the author grayambition
      Ross, I don't think it matters how "valuable" the message is. Auto responses have become such a huge problem that they have rendered DM function virtually unusable. I don't even check mine anymore, and am probably missing a few "real" messages, but it's impossible to wade through all the crap.

      Sean, I don't bother to unfollow people who send me auto-responses. As I said, I simply don't read my DM's. But yes, I know quite a few people who automatically unfollow anyone who does this. It's reached the level where an automatic message is considered spam by many people, regardless of the content of the message.

      If you insist on sending auto responses, at least make sure you don't include a link (even if it's not a promotional link). An auto response with a link pretty much ensures that you'll be tagged as a spammer.

      Jan Weingarten
      Substitute "damn" every time you're inclined to write "very"; your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. ~Mark Twain

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      • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
        Jan's right. DMs have become useless. Way too much junk.

        I would certainly not be surprised if people unfollowed if you send them an auto-DM. Typically, the ones that use auto-DMs are spammers and marketers, so it's not unreasonable to guess that people may unfollow anyone who uses auto-DMs.

        Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog:, following him on Twitter: or reading his fiction: but NOT by Clicking Here!

        Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
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        • Profile picture of the author ActionToCash

          Today I plan to reach the 20,000 follower point (NewsletterGuy). I too use TweetAdder.

          I guess I don't know if people will hold Direct Messages against you or not since I have been sending them from the start as well. I was advised in the course that I was implementing to use them in a tasteful way as it sounds like you are doing.

          In fact, while talking about Auto Messages, all of my messages are setup on autopilot using TwitterFeed_com with the exception of the personal messages I send out personally, and last time I checked (a few months ago) my auto messages from TwitterFeed were being read to the tune of well over 1,000 per month.

          While I haven't tracked results with and without the DM I can tell you that it is possible to grow a nice sized following regardless, but the key is to stay consistent doing your unfollows, follow backs, and follows every day if possible, and in a couple of months your following starts to grow to a nice level. I personally setup my TweetAdder to wait for 3 days before unfollowing someone who doesn't follow you back for my smaller accounts, and I wait 4 days before unfollowing someone after my account grows a little larger.

          Anyway, I appologize if I got a little off track - I hope this helps.

          Kind Regards,


          Happy Marketing!!!

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  • Profile picture of the author niffybranco
    Do the messages look spammy or do they have a personal feel to them, sometimes some messages even if they provide value might look like they are going to be followed by a sales message.
    The best way to use twitter is to make your tweets apply normal there are too many marketers on twitter and people are starting to get fed up.

    You can send the occasional "valuable" tweet but also make sure you tweet about fickle things like telling people what you are doing at the moment after all that is the whole idea behind twitter also tweet about stuff in the news , sports, music movies, celebrity gossip.
    When you tweet about these things then you can put the ocassional marketing tweet in i usually use the ratio 10 normal tweets to 1 marketing / valuable tweet.

    Remember not everyone is interested in getting traffic , seo or making money online but most people are interested in fickle stuff like fashion , gossip and stuff like who lady Ga Ga is dating and if you do not tweet about such stuff as well you will just look like any other boring marketer out there and GET UN FOLLOWED.
    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author specopkirbs
    i think people are becoming blind to some of the advertising messages on twitter to be honest, you have to word your messages very carefully these days
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  • Profile picture of the author Charleskidd
    It all depends on the messages you send and peopl;e fall in and out of my folllowing list so you have to just be okay with it.

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  • I don't think your will lose any followers regardless of what you do in your DMs. People are reading DMs lesser and lesser over time. Thanks to all wannabe marketers.
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  • Profile picture of the author grayambition
    Originally Posted by precious007 View Post

    It depends on what you've got to offer... you know?

    If you've got a valuable blog/website that your followers might be interested to stay updated to, then your messages might not be useless after all. Otherwise there's way too much spam on Twitter lately, and you might be just bumping into another "marketer".
    I beg to differ, precious. First, "valuable" is subjective. We all think that our blog/product offer is valuable and that, as Ross put it, "who with a bright mind will remove you?"

    But with DMs that just doesn't matter. PEOPLE DON'T READ THEM. They're considered spam by most people REGARDLESS OF THE CONTENT.

    Just for kicks, I went in a took a look at my DMs. Haven't been in there for months. I received these just in the last 10 minutes:

    Hi and thankyou for following us I would like to introduce a quick and reliable system that will increase your followers and make you money.

    Thank you for following me. I am a jewelry artist who teaches. Share my site with any crafty people. [LINK]

    Targeted social marketing solutions for everyone! [LINK]

    I just took "Who American Idol winner are u?" and my result was Kelly Clarkson. What is yours? Try: [LINK]

    please check out my Youtube channel [LINK] starting to post exclusive content

    Do you ride fixed-gear and know how to take a photograph? Then read this at [LINK]

    Hi and thankyou for following us I would like to introduce a quick and reliable system that will increase your followers and make you money.
    I'm sure each one of these, um, people, along with the 1,300 others in my DM box, thinks they're giving me extremely valuable info. But what they're actually doing is making it impossible for me to receive a REAL DM from a REAL CONTACT, possibly project-related, that could MAKE ME SOME MONEY.


    Jan Weingarten
    Substitute "damn" every time you're inclined to write "very"; your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. ~Mark Twain

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    • Profile picture of the author ActionToCash
      I'm sure each one of these, um, people, along with the 1,300 others in my DM box, thinks they're giving me extremely valuable info. But what they're actually doing is making it impossible for me to receive a REAL DM from a REAL CONTACT, possibly project-related, that could MAKE ME SOME MONEY.


      Hahah - Great point I didn't think about that angle, but regardless I would also have to agree that I don't even check my DM's and would agree that they seem like spam... But lets face it - to some extent Twitter in many ways seems like a Spam network in general - at least in my opinion... Don't get me wrong there is some great and interesting things that I find myself reading at times, but many people are just strait up spamming...

      So on that note, one final suggestion. I also try not to be one of the spam providers by only submitting about 10% of my messages as selling messages. The other messages which are submitted through TwitterFeed_com are normally pretty insightful and offer good quality to my followers (and even myself when I occasionally browse through them).

      Have you setup your free account to automate things through TweetAdder & Google Alerts? If not I suggest you do - not only is using Google Alerts to find new topics freshly posted on the net about the keywords you choose, but you can even look through your automated posts to find new topics to write your newsletters about.

      Ha - I just had to pause for a second while writing this message since my TweetAdder follow back just ended to get it starting my daily 495 follows (while were on the topic TweetAdder is also busy working

      I had bought this course called 'Twitter Cash Machine' which showed me how to automate my account. I think there may be other similar products out there though. I have even considered creating one, but I'm not sure if it is breaking copyright laws to reproduce a product so similar to the one I used even though it has been retired.

      If you are serious about getting your Twitter account automated I might be able to squeeze in a couple hours to show you how, but only if you are serious. Unfortunately I am still a rookie on this forum so please email me at Randall AT if you want to talk about it some more. I don't know everything but would be happy to share what I have learned.

      Anyway, TGIF!

      Happy Marketing!!!

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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    I send a Auto Direct message to each person that follows me. I just thank them for the follow and include a link to my blog or hub page. I have over 50,000 Twitter Followers and I really don't think doing it effects my totals. Actually, I don't really care, I am not spamming and providing people with quality Internet Marketing Tips/Tricks

    Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
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    • Profile picture of the author ActionToCash
      Originally Posted by sdentrepreneur View Post

      I send a Auto Direct message to each person that follows me. I just thank them for the follow and include a link to my blog or hub page. I have over 50,000 Twitter Followers and I really don't think doing it effects my totals. Actually, I don't really care, I am not spamming and providing people with quality Internet Marketing Tips/Tricks
      Wow! I'm scared of you! 50,000! Your a Rock Star!


      Happy Marketing!!!

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    • Profile picture of the author ActionToCash
      Originally Posted by sdentrepreneur View Post

      I send a Auto Direct message to each person that follows me. I just thank them for the follow and include a link to my blog or hub page. I have over 50,000 Twitter Followers and I really don't think doing it effects my totals. Actually, I don't really care, I am not spamming and providing people with quality Internet Marketing Tips/Tricks
      I really like your backdrop for your Twitter account James - looks first class all the way!

      Happy Marketing!!!

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    • Profile picture of the author SeanyG
      Originally Posted by sdentrepreneur View Post

      I send a Auto Direct message to each person that follows me. I just thank them for the follow and include a link to my blog or hub page. I have over 50,000 Twitter Followers and I really don't think doing it effects my totals. Actually, I don't really care, I am not spamming and providing people with quality Internet Marketing Tips/Tricks
      Does this actually bring your any traffic SD?
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I have DM Whacker to get rid of all those auto Direct Messages. The majority are pure spam, but I don't read any of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
    This is what turns me off, if someone follows me, and then right after that I get a DM, already I am thinking, dude or dudette, is advertising,

    But here is a thought what if you waited, for like at least one or perhaps two days, would your message be more effective, I mean I have these messages that say so and so is following me, then right after, that like the next email,

    is a DM, in reality, I am deaf dumb and blind to that second email, because I know what it means, usually I just ignore it,

    Might be interesting to do a study and see if waiting will do any good.
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  • Profile picture of the author MrDay
    I send an automated message to but I'm just saying hi and thanks for the follow. Don't put spammy links in your automated message or that will lead to unfollows.

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    • Profile picture of the author Marty S
      Its really not difficult to get 50,000 followers. There are hundreds of thousands of SPATTERERS on Twitter just burning to follow you so they can send you clickbank links.
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      • Profile picture of the author ActionToCash
        Originally Posted by Marty S View Post

        Its really not difficult to get 50,000 followers. There are hundreds of thousands of SPATTERERS on Twitter just burning to follow you so they can send you clickbank links.
        While it has taken me time to gain even 20,000 I must confess that I agree with Marty in the fact that many (not all) of the people you initiate a 'follow' to you (instead of you first following them) are in fact just spammers. With that said, there is no easy way to separate the genuine members from the spammers in bulk - afterall, some of them likely are interested in your Tweets.

        My guess is that many of the people who follow you (I still follow all of them back anyway personally) are the spammers since I am guessing they are also using software such as Tweet Adder to follow me. Regardless if you treat the process like a marathon instead of a sprint, doing your daily following and unfollowing & taking the good apples with the bad you will still gain extra exposure.

        Best regards,


        Happy Marketing!!!

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  • Profile picture of the author DotComBum
    I don't think so, everyone is using auto DM now, so people don't really look into the DM box cause there are simply too many auto DM these days.
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  • Profile picture of the author examineseo
    I hate the dm's. I think a lot of people on twitter do as well. After reading all of the negative comments about auto dm's on twitter, so far I've chosen not to use it. Of course I wanted to send everyone a little note about my website in a dm, but I found it better just to mention my website in my tweets. If you give good content, people will happily let you share your products and your website!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dani723
    I agree that a lot of people consider them spam, but disagree that this would cause many of them to unfollow you. I also use Tweet Adder which at least removes someone from the messaging list after sending one out to them to avoid duplicates.

    I've written an article on direct messaging strategies found on my blog below, please have a read and let's discuss it there in the comments section as well.

    To summarize my approach to this, if you have an auto-messaging service like that offered by Tweet Adder, you might as well use it, people do click on my links, and I've measured in with

    If you put a link in, make sure it's to your blog, and of course don't mention anything to do with sales, or numbers or anything similarly explicit, and mention your blog early in the post, because of the people that still read DMs, they're scanning quickly through them, let them no immediately that you're just offering information, or else they'll skim straight past you.
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  • Profile picture of the author deloriagod
    I personally don't even check my direct messages. I'm more concerned with getting my link out with normal tweets (usually once an hour to 2 hours. Looking spammy loses followers). I occasionally tweet news links or something so that people don't think I'm only out to promote my own sites. I've found Twitter to be a fairly good source of traffic though, even with only ~500 followers.
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