Help - need advice about unpaid affiliate comissions

1 replies
Guys, I've got a bit of a problem... One of my partners owes me about $1000 of affiliate commissions, and hasn't paid me in months. He gave out commissions no problem back in 2009, but in 2010, he just hasn't paid me. I asked him about it and he wanted a W-9; no problem. I sent that to him 5 weeks ago, still no payments and he's no longer responding to my emails. What would you do in a situation like this? All I can think of is to warn my other JVs about this guy, but I don't want to burn any bridges if he suddenly decides to do the right thing. Any advice is appreciated; thanks!

Dave Baker
#advice #affiliate #comissions #unpaid
  • Profile picture of the author activetrader
    Small claims court is your friend


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