Beginners Guide: Exposure How Does One Achieve It?

by jba277
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This is something I wrote a while ago and could help a lot of the newbies out there with Internet Marketing

You have an online business, but and you want people to sign up!!

You want exposure!!

However, there two types of exposure

- Unwanted

- Not Expected/ Curious

So how do you utilize these two types of exposures in order to further your business??

- Unwanted: These types of exposure we all know too well, Spam, Your Annoying Coworker, the bothersome salesman at your door, etc.

There are facts people should know about this type of exposure

1. A lot of the times it causes your prospect to avoid you, causing you to push harder to get this individual to join

2. If they do join, they will not be very willing to work with you, and will be of almost little quality to you in the long run

Solution: Don't bother someone more than you want to be bother about another opportunity!!

Not Expected/ Curious: This type of exposure can be initiated in many different ways

Brief Exposure- this is a quick and brisk way to advertise your website in order to gain usually a very cheap but massive quantity of users,

Examples- Traffic Exchanges, PTC's and Safelinks are good examples of these

Traffic Exchanges and Safelists: while most of them are free, my personal experience is that if you want to advertise a site on these types of exposures, you should have the following

1. Short but Brief and Catchy Statement: "Did Facebook Pay You Today"

2. It should have what I call the, hmmm factor... which is (This sounds Interesting) "Click"

3. Beware that all of these brief exposures, because of the limited time the viewer has to use it!!

I actually make $300.00 a month from PTC's but to tell you the truth, I only look at the Ad's maybe 5% of the time, because I only view those ad's so I can get the income from the 3,955 referrals I rent, I personally believe that PTC's are more costly than they are worth,

Lesson: If You want Brief Exposures Stick with Safelists and Traffic Exchanges, At least they are free!!

Extended/ Incentive Exposure- This is personally my favorite type of marketing!! There is a catch however: The following should be taken in to account

1. What is the quality of the people signing up? (The incentive for joining a lot of the times can determine the quality of your referral as well as the mentality of the people using the site)
- Ask yourself, are they just signing up to get that extra dollar, not even taking the time to view the features of the site?
- Ask yourself if you were on this site, and you were viewing this offer, would you join?
2. Is the cost higher than the results?
3. What kind of exposure are they getting, are they actually surfing the site, or just signing up?
4. (Most Important) - Does the site give the OMG Factor, (This looks awesome, how signed up, How do I get started!!)

My personally favor extended/ incentive exposure, if used correctly

Usually I will go on a Get Paid To Sign Up, or a Site that pays for people to do particular tasks usually making a Comment on your site as well as signing up!

You also have to realize, I am somewhat wise, so I usually get involved with sites that have the OMG Factor, but in many cases you have to have individuals develop the OMG Factor,
I personally do this by having the person sign up, and give me a comment

This way I not only snag the user, but they get direct exposure and they have the option to get involved!!

My personal business creed: I will only help those who want to help themselves!!
#achieve #beginners #exposing home business #exposure #guide

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