What Image Stock Websites are you Using?

by honor
7 replies
Just wondering what are some good sites to use for images. I have been doing some research but would like some further help/reviews from you guys. I was told Google images were allowed but I don't think that is possible right? I have an online magazine and would like some thoughts. Sorry I am unfortunately a newbie to this site so excuse me if I have posted in wrong category!
#image #stock #websites
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  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    Hi and welcome to the forum.

    Do a search and advanced search from the drop down. I've seen
    people post links in response to similar questions. Should be able
    to find some good discussion and references.

    There are lots of places for free stock images. But many times I
    had difficulty finding exactly what I wanted from free places. Not
    always, but frequently.

    There's also the possible issue involving copyright, etc.

    So, I don't like guessing or dealing with poor selection. I tend to
    use istock which is a paid-for image repository. I've rarely been
    disappointed with them.

    Good luck.


    Suzanne we posted at the same time.
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  • Profile picture of the author smithsam100
    I am also a newbie and like you I am forever searching for good advice.I have been pointed in the direction of-istockphoto.com, they are cheap and I can`t imagine looking any further in the near future.
    Hope this helps.

    Wishing you all I wish myself.
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    • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
      Well I might just change your minds....

      I too love Dreamstime and Istockphoto but recently found Photoxpress.

      Photoxpress has a beautiful free images section. You can download 1 per day but if you link to your facebook or give other info. you can get more.

      You have to give credit to the photographer and to Photoxpress.

      These images are very high quality and FREE.

      Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

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  • Profile picture of the author Sonomacats
    Do a search for "royalty free stock photography". There are several, including iStockPhoto, that will pop up on the first 2 pages that will give you a decent range.

    Writing as Kieran McKendrick
    You can find the first prequel to my Purgatory series (How Blended are Dust and Fire) on Amazon and Smashwords.

    Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right. -- Henry Ford

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